Saturday 21 January 2012

Quality banter

Wednesday: Good day for excellent banter.
^^ Seriously quality banter at lunch time and helping out in Year 10 RE today <3
I had good fun chatting to the troublesome pair and getting them to work. And I chatted to the people on the back row today XD They are cool. 
I may have been asked out by a year 10 though... yeah. Joking around, but still. Quality times ;) I was with the troublesome two and they were under the assumption that I had a boyfriend. When I corrected them, one of them said "Do you want one?" ... That was ...odd. So I just chuckled and said "Not right now, sorry", the reply to which was "Ah well. I'll try again in fifteen minutes."
They worked pretty well that lesson. I was proud of them, cause Mr B had asked me to make sure they kept working, and I always manage to get them to work while they chat, so all is good.
I think Ben managed to get a detention... again. No idea how, since he finished the work straight away... maybe Mr B got jealous of his height.

I get way too big a buzz from helping out in that lesson.

Yeah. I really can't be bothered to blog, so I'll do it after How I Met Your Mother.
School lessons were as they always are. Boring. Although it was my last psychology lesson with Mrs Mitchell so we had good times and ate cakes. Lunch, L and Unicorn were in one music room together, Ladybird and Mad Harry were learning something for the music teachers in another room, so Charlotte and I just went in the usual practice room and I guitared while she drew the giutar and we had a nice girly chat. Got joined by L, Unicorn and Ladybird, chatted. L and Ladybird disappeared. L came back. People left, I went to chat to Ladybird. Lunch ended.
Chatted to Smurf in my free... that was... unusual. And good. And kind of bitter-sweet. Still love him, still can't have him.

Woke up at 6am with a migraine and almost fainted a couple of times, so mum made me go back to sleep - not complaining. So I got into school at lunch time, went up to music and sat with Ladybird while he guitared. Stuck a gold star on his cheek and he kept forgetting. When I hugged him goodbye it was still there XD 
Had one lesson - English, which was boring, as usual.
One free - didn't get anything done. Chatted to people. Texted Smurf.
Went home.
Ate at Jenni's. Played guitar.
Came home.
Watched stuff.

Found out that Twiggy has an album out... Did you know that?
I didn't. It's lovely.

Saw an ad for this movie with Ladybird earlier, and think it looks pretty good, so the trailer is the video of the post.

Hatter xx

My dog keeps farting.
It stinks D:

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