Tuesday 17 January 2012

One of those irritating note thingys that I would advise you not to read.

1. Last beverage ~ Chocolate milk

2. Last phone call~ Urgh... Unsuccessful, William. He didn't pick up -.- Successful, Mum, apparently.

3. Last kiss~ A long time ago. With Jordan. Who I'm still not over.

4. Last song you listened to~ Probably... Either Pumped up kicks by Foster the people (blame Seb) or Fleetwood Mac - Dreams. I can't remember which.

5. Last time you cried~ Last night. Responding to a long message - I cried cause I thought about something painful.


6. Dated someone twice ~ Yes.

7. Been cheated on? ~ Not that I'm aware of. 

8. Kissed someone & regretted it ? ~ Yeah...

9. Lost someone special? ~ Yes, I have.

10. Been depressed? ~ I have never been professional diagnosed. But I have been what I would call depressed, and I was once suicidal.

11. Been high? ~ No. 


12. Ocean Blue

13. Forest Green

14. Purple. I think. Unsure.


15. Have you made new friends this year ~ Erm. In the 2011-2012 academic, hell yes. I have befriended some truly awesome people, who I adore.

16. Fallen out of love ~ Not sure really.

17. Laughed until you cried ~ Frequently. Almost today I think. My music boys know how to keep me smiling and laughing until I am filled with joy.

18. Met someone who changed you ~ Yes.Thank you.

19. Found out who your true friends were ~ Very recently, yes.

20. Found out someone was talking about you ~ Yup.

21. Kissed anyone on your top friends list ~ Yes. 


23. How many kids do you want to have ~ More than one. My brothers mean so much to me. I fall apart without them. Truthfully, I'd love two boys and a girl. Because for me, growing up with two older brothers has been brilliant, and I would love any daughter of mine to experience that awesomeness.

24. Do you have any pets ~ My cat - Tigerlily, and my brother's dog Baileys.

25. Do you want to change your name ~ No.

26. What did you do for your last birthday ~ Hung out with friends and mum <3 Cause we are just too cool. Zilla = awesome.

27. What time did you wake up today ~ 6am. and then 7am.

28. What were you doing at midnight last night ~ Revising. Listening to music.

29. Name something you CANNOT wait for ~ Tomorrow. I'm excited to see what the new day will bring, and I don't have much else to look forward to.

30. Last time you saw your father ~ 3rd of January.

31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life ~ Nothing really. Well... a lot, but changing the bad stuff might affect the brilliant stuff, so I refuse to change anything XD I would like to have more of an opportunity and motivation to exercise more.

32. What are you listening to right now ~ QI XL. Ahhh Stephen Fry.

33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom ~ Duh.

34. What’s getting on your nerves right now? ~ Mum being loud in the kitchen. Being tired at 11.30pm on the one day I don't want to be.

36. Whats your real name ~ Jennifer. No, I am not putting my surname. I'd rather as few people as possible know who writes this.

37. Relationship Status ~ Single, and not feeling too great about it.

38. Zodiac sign ~ Leo

39. Male or female ~ Female

40. Elementary School ~ Northampton High school for girls. Barry road primary.

41. Middle School ~ Bishop Stopford, then Bishop and Tresham. Not too shabby.

43. Hair color ~ Blond.

44. Long or short ~ Kind of midlength.

45. Height ~ Short. As Will and the others frequently remind me.

46. Do you have a crush on someone ~ Yes. *Sigh of frustration*

47. What do you like about yourself ~ That I care about others as much as I do. I like that I find it quite easy to make friends with people, and very easy to talk to guys. After a lot of persistence from Will and Lachs, I accept myself now - physical: I like my eyes, and my hair, and my shape, despite being short.

48. Piercings ~ 1 on each lobe.

49. Tattoos ~ Not yet!

50. Righty or lefty ~ Righty. Although I do a lot of things left handed because mum is left handed and I watched her as a child.


51. First surgery ~ Not really had any.

52. First piercing ~ Lobes

53. First tattoo ~ Not yet!

54. First best friend ~ Simba.

55. First Sport ~ I'll say dance counts since I've always been shit at sports.

56. First pet ~ Bluebell the rabbit I think.

57. First vacation ~ Don't remember.

58. First concert ~ other than school concerts... Busted and Mcfly in Kent.

59. First crush ~ Guy I'd known since nursery. I danced with him in our year 6 play.

60. First alcohol drink ~ Other than wine and champers? T'would be cider I think <3 Beaut.


61. Eating ~ Nothing.

62. Drinking ~ Nought.

63. I’m about to ~ Go to bed

64. Listening to ~ QI

65. Waiting for ~ The questions to be over


69. Lips or eyes~ Eyes I like light eyes like blue-greens and such. Lips are lovely, but I always notice eyes first.

70. Hugs or kisses ~ Both!

71. Shorter or taller ~ Taller

72. Older or Younger ~ I don't mind

73. Romantic or spontaneous ~ ... both?

74. Nice stomach or nice arms ~ Don't mind. arms maybe. Abs are sexy, but not priority

75. Tattoos or piercings ~ Depends on the guy

76. Sensitive or loud ~ Why must I choose? Surely they can be both?

77. Hook-up or relationship ~ Relationship.

78. Trouble maker or hesitant ~ Don't mind. Though I think I prefer a bit of a trouble maker.


79. Kissed a stranger ~ Not as far as I can remember.

80. Drank hard liquor ~ Maybe

81. Lost glasses/contacts ~ Only briefly

82. Cried in front of someone ~ Yes. Lachlan, without whom I would not survive lately

83. Broken someone’s heart ~ Yeeahh...

84. Had your own heart broken ~ Yeah

85. Been arrested ~ Nope

86. Turned someone down ~ Yuh huh.

87. Cried when someone died ~ Yes.

88. Liked a friend that is a girl ~ No.


89. Yourself ~ I'm starting to, thanks to my mum, brothers, Lachlan, Rory and Will.

90. Miracles ~ Yes. Though it depends what one means.

91. Love at first sight ~ Not really.

92. Heaven ~ In a way.

93. Santa Clause ~ No.

94. Kissing on the first date ~ Yes

95. Angels ~ Depends what you mean again, but sort of.


96. Is there one person you want to be with right now ~ Several. My brothers in particular.

97. Had more than one boyfriend/girlfriend at one time ~ No way.

98. Do you believe its possible to remain faithful forever ~ As Chicken Fingers said: "It's possible, but you have to work at it, of course"

99. What’s the one thing you cannot live without ~ Music, I think.

100. Describe your perfect day ~ Laid back morning, not starting too early. Waking up in the arms of someone special and spending the day with him in some happy place, and then some fun times jamming with our friends. End the day with a picnic under the stars with him, and fall asleep the same way that I woke up. I guess.

There. If you bothered to read that you know slightly more about me.

Stolen from Kit.

Hatter xx



  2. BOOM. That I did ;) T'was pretty cool :D
