Thursday 12 January 2012


Today literally was.
Morning was fine, lunch was so damn awesome. T'was me, Ladybird, Nephew and Fairy in one of the music practise rooms XD I started playing Tears In Heaven by Eric Clapton and they all started watching me... freaking weird O.o I taught it to them, and then Ladybird and I played and sang it together... it was so so awesome. And amazing. And perfect to me. I couldn't stop smiling for the rest of the day <3 I do love those three. With all my heart.
In the afternoon, I had an easy lesson and got revision done in my free <= So proud of myself XD Saw people. Nicked nephew's hat during my free.
Today is one of those days that make life worthwhile :)

Sunset was beautiful today <3

In a really good mood now. *dances merrily*

Even Gloves and M being... well. All over each other... isn't bothering me today. I'm too happy to care XD

In case you have had a crap day:

If you have had a far from perfect day
Keep smiling, and the pain will go away
Think happy thoughts until you fly
Smile and wave your sorrows good bye

Just remember you are awesome, and keep smiling. 

Love you

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