Thursday 5 January 2012

1st day back...

It was okay I guess.
Missed assembly which I will probably get killed for. First lesson - RE - was boring really. And I barely got any work done cause the teacher wouldn't shut up about irrelevant shit. Break time was okay. Good to see everyone again. Not so good to freeze outside. Had to find my English teacher and give her my excuse for not giving in my essay. She was cool with it. I'm still doing it now...
English was meh. Free was good I suppose.
Started my English homework - create a dictionary of Americanisms - in my favourite way: via Youtube/Charlieissocoollike. I now have the majority of my homework done thanks to this video:

So yeah. That was alright. Lunch was good.
Went to music, watched some TOBUSCUS with the year 10s, then we all nicked L's guitar and messed around for a bit. Ladybird arrived - so damn good to see him! Felt a bit better when he arrived. Found some fluffy halos so fluffy halo attacked everyone XD  Chatted and whatnot for a while. Got kicked out of music. Went to the library. Had more fun times. Ladybird typically messed with my glasses - he put them on me, upside down. Reminds me of one of our first photos together, when we had an OMG UPSIDE DOWN GLASSES MOMENT. Timmy stared at my boobs because I told him he didn't have big enough boobs to fill my waistcoat shape. Got told Timmy has bigger boobs than me.... *Doubts* He may be tubby, but he is probably an A/B, and I am .... well ... skinnier but bigger. So that was odd.Felt warm and kinda content thanks to my happiness bubble XD Really going to need that lot now... Life = tough. So yeah. Lunch ended. Got bored. Went to help out in Year 10 RE lesson as usual. Bit of a waste of time really. I didn't get to help out and ended up having to watch a horrific video titled 'If Slaughterhouses had Glass Walls.' It was horrific. I felt sickened to my core. Not sure if I'm going to be able to eat meat from now on. I couldn't help thinking about what if things were different, and we weren't the superior race on the planet but were tortured and slaughtered for meat. It didn't help that I could see Ladybird a few seats away. I was on the verge of throwing up when I had to fight off the visions of Ladybird and other friends and family being treated as these pigs, cows, chickens, etc were. And that was before the pigs started screaming. It was so... human. My hands started shaking then. I'm now afraid to sleep because I know that my dreams will be haunted by clips from the video and visions of my loved ones in place of the pigs. And those screams. I can't face that. I don't think I will be sleeping tonight. Eventually the video ended, and I forced myself to calm and not throw up. Left the lesson at the end and got lectured by Ladybird about steaks. Cause I never eat them. And apparently that is a travesty. Surprisingly, he cheered me up.

Erm... This is the video. It's very graphic, very horrifying, and I would advise you not to watch it. I thought I was pretty hardened against this kind of stuff, and that I had a strong stomach. I was wrong. But, if you think you can take it, watch it. It gives an important message.

Hope you are alright if you watched it. Told you it was bad.

Last lesson.
Got some mini training about using special microphones to help Zilla hear me and Nerd in lessons and such. That was rather interesting.

Went home. Went miserable. Went to Twin's. Had epic times XD t'was good. It just means I'm behind on work again... *Sigh*

Back to the now.
I'm stuck on the essay that I was supposed to email to my teacher several hours ago. Listening to this song: 

Good times. Blaming the Ladybird and Mad/Little Harry for getting me into The Who...

Hatter xx


  1. I USED THAT VIDEO TOO XD (and Michael Armanda's version as well :P did it the minute I got home yesterday!)

  2. AWESOMESAUCE. Makes it so much easier XD
