Monday 2 January 2012


Still working on that catch-up post, but slightly bored of living in the past. Plus it's going to take forever.

Latest news...
Christmas was good. Got stuck at home cause the car died - no longer an unusual phenomenon; it was the key this time - but still, Christmas at home with mum was lovely. I stayed at the Twin's over night til the 24th. That was nice too.
I got some brilliant presents - 2 guitars (myself and father); homemade journals, a snood, a CD, Sherlock: Series One DVD, alarm clock, chocolates, make-up, and more from mother dear (who had promised not to buy me anything -.-); handbag, ladybird gloves, 'dainty mermaid' ring (inside joke - do ignore), and a ring with lots of little bells on which is jingling as I type from Gloves; a beautiful locket from my dear Zilla; speakers from The Ladybird (Whom you will encounter when and if I ever bother to post the massive update/catch-up I'm writing); photo-album and earrings from The Unicorn (Again, see catch-up eventually); and a butterfly ring and galaxy cookie crumble from The Lion (same again); and so much more from the lovely people I fill my life with. Much thanks and love to all.

Boxing day...
is a blur. As is pretty much everything until New Years eve eve.
Although I went to the gym on a free thing for a few days. That was good. Tiring and ache-inducing, but good. The instructor said I was really good at the rowing machine. I didn't get to go on it very much. I think that my best was the equivalent 1000m in 5 minutes and 20 seconds. Apparently rather good for a beginner. *Feels slightly proud*

On New Years Eve Eve I met up with a few of the gang. That was fun. Although the gender ratio was crap. Nerd may as well have been a girl anyway, given he is Zilla's and as unattractive as a girl to me. (No offence to girls. I am simply not attracted to our gender. No offence to Nerd either. Just very much not my type.). So yes. T'was me, Sophie, Kit-Kat, Zilla and Nerd present. It was good. Nice to catch up with everyone. Didn't really enjoy talking about the non-present people. Felt bitchy and I wasn't comfortable with it. Luckily, Sophie's hot Russian guy idea kept my mind busy when I wanted it to. Grateful for that. Went to the gym afterwards to burn off the pizza.

New Years Eve.
Packing most of the day. Fairly boring. Packed for the night, and then my visit to Dad's. Listened to music on my speakers and fiddled on my new electric as it was quieter than the electro-acoustic and therefore mother dear wasn't able to tell me off for getting off task. I revised for a while too. *Shudders*. Dreading the psychology exam on the 17th now. Almost wish The Ladybird hadn't hooked me out of depression. I'd be ...elsewhere by now if not for him. And rather incapable of attending exams. But lets not talk about that. You can find out more in the catch-up blog. Left for MK around 4pm. Car started making a funny noise when we got to Hunsbury. Mum got worried and found the Cavalry (Glen, the previous owner of the car and one of mum's old college friends. We were to see him later as we usually did with the rest of her gang at Auntie Becs' house.). The Cavalry arrived in the shape of Glen and Tom 10 minutes after I finished my Costa Hot Chocolate. The decided the car was safe to drive and we continued on our journey, escorted by the cavalry. Arrived safe and well though uneasy as the car continued to make an odd noise. Greeted the gang - my 'family' as I think of them. Not as many smoking this year so the air was more breathable. Good times chatting to everyone - I do love and trust them so much more than anyone else. I grew up with them, and I have always known I can trust them with everything. That makes it a lot easier to talk to people. Dinner was delicious - thank you Alistair + helpers. Hilarious party games ensued - scissors game, chocolate game and pass the parcel. Strangely brilliant despite everyone being over 30 years older than me. The New Year arrived and we saluted it's coming with champagne and a terrible rendition of Old Lang Syne. I say terrible because despite Alistair being Scottish, absolutely no-one knew the words XD
Everyone went to bed sometime after 1am. I slept on two armchairs and a foot stool - surprisingly comfy, although our dog slept on the end of my sleeping bag on that arm chair and so I had to yank the sleeping bag from underneath her and sleep with my feet up on the chair's arm.

New Years Day.
Awoke before my alarm. Stayed in bed until well after. Got up and dressed and headed to the kitchen for a feast of breakfast. 2 croissants and a sausage = Om nom nom. It was quite filling, but the journey to Dad's takes 4 hours, so I was stocking up. Chatted with the gang, played guitar and left. Waited around for Dad for ages. Gave up twice. He called and said 10 minutes, and arrived as 10 turned into 30. Said goodbye to mum :( and packed my stuff up in the car, taking a deep breath of fresh air to ready myself for what was sure to be a torturous long journey sat in a stuffy camper van sat next to my 7 1/2 year old sister and with nothing to do but dream of home and friends. Stopped for a pizza express meal - Yum. Got to Dad's 7 hours after leaving home. Helped Imogen with her puzzle. Participated in 'family mush' as I call it. I.e. sitting around pretending to enjoy the puzzle, mindless chatter, and general silently-forced participation activities. Eventually everyone but Dad went to bed and I was free to play guitar in relative peace. Went to bed at 00.30. Stayed up watching The Mighty Boosh: Future Sailors Tour on Youtube for ages and finally went to sleep before 2am.

Woke up today at 10.3oam. Sat revising and listening to music. Showered and went down for a cooked lunch of pasta. More family mush. Even more torturous today. Caught up with the first episode of BBC's Sherlock series two, and began this blog post. Cracked a cypher - here. Have a go:
Now sat at the table writing this blog while my Dad plays his guitar - irritatingly I might add. I was forced to endure incredibly boring country music earlier (and this is me, who doesn't mind country music), and Ladybird had to help rescue me with some song suggestions that I could blast out of the laptop as an attempt to drown it out; and now I'm forced to listen to whatever the heck Dad is doing to that guitar.
Finally the torture seems to be over.

Missing home.
A lot.
Not sure what to do about it. Not enough distractions here. Only reminders of the fact that I am here, not there.

Trying to think of something enjoyable to do. 

Oh dear.
Dad has decided to do 20 minutes more of guitar and then go to bed. Balderdash.

I'm off. I may try and teach him some songs that I like on guitar...

Hope life is good and fun my lovelies.

I'm being deprived of news of the outside world, so do let me know what is going on out there if you can.

Much love




  1. :) hey well chin up Happy new year to ya'll :P we gotta go for that coffee some time SOON :P
    Fairy xox

  2. Sowwy about the bitching D:
