Tuesday 3 January 2012


Just googled BBC News as an attempt to find something interesting to talk about. Nada.

Wonder how that will go. I hope it does help. Though politicians seem pretty useless lately.

A letter signed by leading health bodies and charities urges politicians to transform England's 'failing' social care system.

Let's just hope they listen this time. It really does need a big transformation. I don't really have personal experience of the social care system, but I'm told it's pretty shite. There is so much more that needs doing for the people that need help. It's always horrible when you hear stories of children dying because the social services let them down... Makes you want to pick up whoever can do something about it and shove their face at the television. Do they see what happens? Or is it same old same old just trying to work, but not trying to better the world. Not reaching full potentials. I believe that if people just pushed to reach their full potential, there would be a lot more good in the world. But that's me. And I'm just a naive 16 year old living in a small village just off a small town. What do I know of the big bad world, hey? 

I know it's full of bullshit. And beauty. But all the good seems to be overwhelmed by bullshit.

There has been a "seismic collapse" in private sector pensions, with nine out of 10 defined benefit schemes closed to new entrants, a report warns. 

Fun times. We'll all die cold then shall we?

Severe weather warnings across the Uk... Huh. Well I did not notice that. Perhaps because I am snuggled in bed in the music studio at my Dad's with the curtains drawn. Possibly. Stay safe people!!! Looks like 2012 is arriving quite fiercely. Hope the whole year isn't like this... O.o

Another student was murdered. On boxing day. He was visiting some friends in Manchester and was shot in the head as he walked down a street. Someone who calls himself a psycho is being questioned in court.

I'm sure you would have to be a psycho to do something like that. I will never understand how people can even imagine doing horrific things to another human. 

Sending thoughts and prayers to the family.

On a happier note:
Congrats to Aretha Franklin, who is to marry XD Some hope for 2012 then. 

So there is good. See, somewhere behind all the bullshit we are doing to each other, someone has found love, and is committing to it. Maybe one day it will be the love, not hate, that will shine through and be the thought of the World. I hope so. 
People are better together. When we unite, and work for something better, we achieve so much more than we could alone.

In March 2011, I arranged a party that raised £200 for comic relief... But there's no way I could have done that alone. Together, my friends and I raised money that is being used to save people's lives, and to give people new hope. Together, we did something great. 

It's the same in most contexts really. We are better, together. There is always someone, somewhere, who will hold on to you tightly when you feel like you are breaking. There is someone who will care about what you have to say and how you feel.

When I felt empty, someone rescued me from my fall. They didn't have to. They didn't really know me. But they... well they saved my life. I don't think they know that, but it's true. Alone, I was crumbling, but with their help, I am slowly standing tall again. At the beginning of November, I thanked my rescuer and now friend, for caring. All he said was: "If I don't care, who will?" And now I live by that. If I don't care, how can I expect anyone else to? I make sure I care as much as I humanly can, because what if someone else needs rescuing one day, and I'm the only one there... I can't leave it to someone else. Because if I don't care, who will?

Try and be there for someone to hold on to this year. Because if you don't care, who will?




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