Sunday 8 January 2012



Friday night.
... Hai.
I'm a tad hyper because a Derren Brown show was on earlier, and I adore him. It was absolutely brilliant XD This one was called 'something wicked this way comes'. AWEOME-NESS. I was on the edge of my seat once or twice. So yeah. Hyperrrrrr.
Watched a body shock programme. FUCKING EW.
Went to photography late. T'was very boring. Walked back with a very camp Croxon. Had a lovely lunchtime with the year 10s, Fairy and Charlotte. Plus Ninja appeared which was gooood. Meh English lesson. How would you spell it - swop or swap??? Cause they are both frickin right!!!! Damn English teachers. Saw Year 10s in their break from their history lesson. Spent my free with Ninja - went to the shop and ate sweeeeeeeetieeeees XD At the end of school spoke to M... *Shoots self*
Basically. He doesn't want to go on the date we were planning on going to see how we felt. He is over me. Yet he still hates Ladybird, possibly out of jealousy or something though it doesn't make sense. I acted like I wasn't bothered so he didn't feel guilty or anything, but I feel like crap. Although I have a slightly confusing issue with my love life, I was really looking forward to the date and spending more time with him again. And I'm not quite over him. So life is shit, jah?

I have done absolutely nothing today. Well. I Pottermore-d. But that's it. And now I'm watching Transformers 2 XD Fun nerd times.

Talking to the Fairy about love lives. Told him mine sucks. He told me to find someone that takes my breath away. I have. I just can't have him. And despite M not being the one that takes my breath away lately, I still miss him.

Sunday morning. 
Feeling a bit crap, but tis church tonight so I shall see people and be happy.
Time to revise because THERE ARE ONLY NINE DAYS LEFT UNTIL MY EXAM!!! D: And I'm seriously not ready for it. So I'm off to revise.

So, do tell me. Swop or Swap?

And how are your love lives?

Hatter xx


  1. Swap! never seen it spelt "swop" before...

    Love life; getting there slowly.

  2. That's what I said! But apparently they are both right O.o

    Hope it goes well :P

  3. it can be either, but yeah, "swap" is more common
    love life: nonexistent for the foreseeable future, but that's ok
    nine days until your exams? lucky cow, mine start on tuesday morning :(

  4. Ah. well... yours is non-existent and mine is impossible. I think that calls for a high five XD
    Poor you!!!!
