Wednesday 11 January 2012


(Title in reference to brilliant film: The Pursuit of Happyness. Just so Zilla doesn't throttle me)

Kit-Kat asked me to talk about what made me happy... so... here ya go XD

Knowing that though I might slip and fall, I have people around me who will catch me and never let go. 
That thought continually makes me happy when I am down. Like... all the time XD Mr Fairy is being especially amazing lately <3

This bunch of brilliant ruffians, without whom I would not survive <3

The Lion, The Ladybird, The Unicorn, Gloves, Le Ninja, The Zilla.

^^ This picture. Brilliant memory, and it always motivates me to keep holding on. And it just makes me smile :)

... See :)

Mother dear <3

Reading, writing, drawing.


Spending time with my family.

Looking back at this post I feel kind of proud of myself. Once upon a time, my answer would have included my phone, laptop, etc... But I guess that on my pursuit of 'happyness' so far, I have found that the things of most value are not passing technologies, but that which will always remain. Friends, family, imagination and music.
My friends are so damn epic. I wish I could film every moment, so that I never forget the complete AWESOMENESS that they... emit. Like weird awesome-emitting loons. Don't know why I made that a simile... they ARE weird awesome-emitting loons. And I wouldn't have them any other way XD That's right Kit-Kat, if you stop being yourself, I will eat your soul. I'm serious.


That was fairly happy for me right?

Tell me what makes you happy nit-wits ;)

Love y'all

Hatter xx 

P.s. Because Kit-Kat knows how to phrase stuff, and I don't, I am nicking one of her happiness things:
"knowing it's because of me that someone I care about has a smile on their face."


  1. n'aww :) don't worry, there'll be no soul-nibbling for a long while
    what makes me happy... knowing it's because of me that someone i care about has a smile on their face. leo. spending time with my friends. being with my family. the rain. feeling loved. having someone in my arms who i know i'd do anything for. yadda yadda ^^

  2. Same for all of those XD Especially the putting a smile on someone's face one XD
