Tuesday 24 January 2012

It's the Hubba Bubba overlord

The title is a quote of Noel Fielding on Never Mind The Buzzcocks at some point.

I had an excessively happy day, and now I'm rather hyper. I'm blaming Mischa, cause he was so damn happy today! Plus I bought Haribos for the year 10s at lunch...

Went to town with L first lesson, and had muchos fun being the deranged people we are.
Chatted to my wife, sons and a random person called Holly at break.
Spent double RE sat next to James, and we created AWESOME castaway island rules. Plus I married Jasper for an hour with Haribo rings. That was lovely.
Lunch... :)
Went to music, many mad ruffian moments outside with Ben, Ladybird, Mischa and Nephew. Went in the music room, and had muchos fun with the gang nomming Haribos. I love them all <3
Double Psychology with a new teacher was ...eventful.
Home on the bus with Charlotte was fun.

Interesting post on the way. No time right now. May have a guest appearance from Zilla tomorrow.

Quote of the day is the title of this post, courtesy of Noel Fielding
Song of the day: All along the Watchtower (Jimi Hendrix)

Hatter xx

P.s. Massive thanks to you all for getting the page views to over 3000! I am very grateful and rather astonished to be honest! x

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