Monday 16 January 2012


Not you, m'dear, them.
She is supposed to be my best friend, and like a sister, but she certainly isn't acting like it.
We just officially broke up - and it certainly wasn't my choice - and they are already all over each other in front of me. They may not be together or doing anything couple-y, but the way they are with each other  - In front of me, I may add. - flirting and such, well... it hurts like a bitch.
I know he is pissed cause he thinks I'm ridiculously close to the other guy, but at least I'm never with him in front of them. Ever. And he's just... pretending that me and my feelings don't exist.
I'm only at the bench for 10 minutes at lunch time, and then I'm gone. Can't they just be a tiny bit more considerate and not be like that so completely for those 10 minutes?? If I have the decency to keep what he assumes I'm like with t'other guy away from him, can't they have the decency to hold their flirting and shiz off a tiny bit for that tiny amount of time???
Just realised how little sense any of this makes to y'all, but hey. Please just let me rant. 
I'm exhausted from taking their crap and pretending not to care. I don't know how much more I can take.
He says I shouldn't go to the music rooms and leave the bench every day, but how can I stay?? They are driving me away because they don't realise how soon it really is... and how painful it is for me to see.
ARGH. For fuck's sake! They just shove it in my face and don't realise or care how much it fucking well hurts! I'm not even the only one they are pissing off! For crying out loud why can't they see what they do?! And if they do see it, why do they do it?! 
It's not just them.
It's the way she acts too.
She gets upset when I don't tell her anything, but she tells me nothing. She calls me her sister but her actions say otherwise. She calls people a slut but flirts with everyone all the time, even if she says she doesn't realise she is doing it.
She doesn't talk to me or anyone other than a couple of guys unless she absolutely has to, and she never talks to me unless she thinks I'm upset.
And she still doesn't realise it's because of her.
I have always stood up for her, defended her, cared for her and been concerned for her. I've done so much for her and she just casts it aside. I appreciate everything she has done for me, and I am so so grateful. But she doesn't seem to feel the same. When she was upset, I comforted her, no matter how I felt. I defended her against my closest friends when they said she was just attention seeking, even if I wasn't sure myelf. When she cut herself and asked me to help her hide it, I did. From my family, her family, and our friends. Because she asked me too. She doesn't eat, and I keep that from her family too. She got depressed and stopped talking to me, but still I tried to be there for her. She flirted with him, and still I cared. She walks all over me, and I let her. I used to know why.
Despite everything, I still worry about her. So much. She may be blind to everyone but herself, but we are not blind to her. She might have forgotten me, but I still care for her safety. And she is beginning to give me no choice but to do the one thing I said I wouldn't. I'm beginning to think that since there is nothing she will let me do for her any more, I need to pass on the truth to the people who can actually watch over her properly. I wish I didn't have to, but I'm worried about her and she is giving me no choice.

I shouldn't post this.
And I probably won't act on it.
Just ignore this and think of it as a ridiculous enraged splurge that concerns no one but myself.
I just had to get it out.


  1. :( hang in there. just remember that it'll all be alright in the end - so if it's not alright, it's not the end. lots of love <3
