Monday 27 February 2012

Tell them now, dammit!

Okay so Nerd just sent me this video, which is a bit of a follow up to my post about suicide, and it has a message that needs hearing.

I know I'm a Christian, and it was made by an atheist, but I don't see why the heck that would ever matter. The guy has an important message, and everyone needs to listen. So many lives could be saved. To be honest the amount of swearing is ridiculous, but I hope the message isn't lost in it.

So yeah. Blame Nerd for the continuance of the topic.

Basically, if someone died - no matter how - and you would post messages on their facebook wall or whatever afterwards, take that message and give it to them now. Because now is when they are going to hear it, and now is when they need it.

That is the  challenge for you today. If you love someone, and you would tell them something if you lost them, don't wait. Tell them tonight, or tomorrow. But don't wait until it's too late.

He also makes another point.

Please please don't hurt yourself or commit suicide. You may think you are alone, but there are people who don't even know you that would mourn you with all their heart. It's not just your close friends you are leaving behind. It's the ones you have yet to meet or may never meet too.

Food for thought.

Hatter (and Nerd.)

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