Sunday 12 February 2012

Massive catch up 2 - The school days and the better days.


We did eavesdropping in English language that day XD T'was muchos fun. Completely unethical, but so fun :D
I had Biology, which I would soon drop. It was fine for now though, because it was just me and two other people in the class - Justin and Bethany. We could have been really good friends, but Bethany moved schools and I lost Justin to the populars when he changed set.

Fun times in Blodge with Justin and Bethany.

Discovered the school printers only print black and white, and I therefore could not print a contact sheet for my Photography homework.

I'd let Miss S (My english language teacher) read my poetry book, and I got it back today. Apparently she liked it :)

Photography was in the Mac suite today. I HATE MACS D:

Fun experiment in Psychology - The Horizon experiment :P with Nerd and t'others

Filmed Nerd's RE presentation for him. This was a day or two before I dropped Blodge and joined them in RE.
Dance XD
Dinner at The House of Gloves. I believe it was pizza, which had become a special treat to me because the oven at my house was broken.

Nerd 2's birthday :D I need to get a better nickname for him really.

My brother flies in to London with a team of top chefs to do a special thing at Harrods. :D

Hilarious times with m'dear Rorillie. This is the day that Ladybird gained his name, so it is time to tell you the story. Basically, he was in German, and for some reason decided to rub his nipples at his teacher to piss her off. Upon discovering that one nipple was strangely hard, he checked beneath his shirt and found a ladybird on his nipple... So, upon telling us, his nipples came to be known as ladybirds, and eventually so did he XD
Ladybird and I also had some very strange conversations including one moment when he told me that his balls were standing to attention. Still trying to work out how the hell that would be possible.

Decided that Ladybird likes balls.

Mentoring session.
Psychology was fun :D there was an image of a milkman with a speech bubble at the bottom of a powerpoint slide, and being the awesomely insane teacher that Mrs M was, she wrote in the speech bubble: "Do you want to taste my milk?"
T'was hilarious.

H's birthday <3
Lion had a VERY strange conclusion for the day this lunchtime. And neither Ladybird or I had an idea where he had got such ideas from. Seriously. T'was kind of scary. I worry for his mind ;)
Le conclusion: "My conclusion for the day is that {Hatter} has soft nipples, and {Ladybird} can't please women"
See? Utterly horrifying.
Discussed strange things with Callum and Croxon at Tresham.
Nommish cake from Hannah for her bday.
Crap afternoon.

Northampton in the morning.
Peter Pan's bday BBQ {Emily = Peter Pan because that is her name on blogger}
T'was muchos fun XD
Doctor Who finale!

Excellent Youth Service at CTK. *Applauds Ladybird and the rest of the youth band for their awesome*
Also had fun with Rorillie (Lion, Ladybird and Unicorn btw) just after the service, when we concluded that Ladybird is a woman.
Actually did work this Sunday D:

Peter Pan's bday.
VERY weird conversations with my lovelies on the field.
Ladybird co-owns my ahem.
I met my 'Stalker', who is awesome XD
After school, Lion went to get his trombone out and got white stuff on his back. Nuff said.

Used the spray mount in T6 (Ladybird's form room) to stick down my photography work. Received an adorable hug from Ladybird which set ofF the billions of rumours about us that would circulate FOREVER. -.-
Watched the Rugby match at school with Unicorn, Lion, Smurf and a few others. T'was quite fun. Hilarious moment with Unicorn: "Suck it up and do it like a man"
We also concluded that I own Ladybird's subconscious AND ahem. <--- See. Being decent about it ;)

Interesting quote in Psych: "Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society."

Crappy moment at Tresham when I discovered Callum still likes me like that. He kissed the top of my head which sent me into 'WARGH. DAMN DAMN DAMN DAMN DAMN. BITCHING ... UGH!' mode.
Off to Dawlish today.

Other brother's (A) birthday XD Spent it with him and his gf in Dawlish <3

Back from Dawlish and went straight up to London to see chef brother (L. Not the L that I always talk about. He be the fairy. This L is my brotherrrr). Had a lovely, lovely time. Though I did get put off Harrods for life when he informed us of the appalling state of their kitchens.
Unfortunately missed Timmy's baptism :(
Azzy's bday today :D

Got 'raped' by Ladybird. We were hugging, and he pulled me down onto a table on top of him. I felt rather violated D: ;) He did it to Gloves too, though, so I wasn't alone.
'Married' Zilla today in English Literature, as were playing two AWESOME characters from The Importance Of Being Earnest.

Unicorn was exceptionally adorable today <3

Brother (L) flies home to New York :S Miss him so much :'(
Dinner with father at a local pub. Surprisingly okay. I was quite blunt with him at some points, admitting that I found it hard to love him, etc. Also told him about le depressed ness and Ladybird rescuing me, among other things.

Rorillie visited the bench at break <3 Fun times <3
Also fun times with them at lunch behind DT. T'was awesome. L and Unicorn were/are an adorable couple. 
Good song:

Good lyric from it:
"Like I said y'know I'm almost dead, y'know I'm almost gone...
And when the drummer drums he's gunna play my song to carry me along..."
Also, my favourite lyric:
"Let me live so when it's time to die even the reaper cries"

Played 'croquet' with Gloves at Ballet. T'was funny XD

Rorillie visited at break again <3
Lion was iffy =/ Talked to L (no idea what about now...). 
"Lion must hunt for his food"
1 month til I see RHCP live!!!
'Blueberry flavoured Cranberries' XD Good times with Peter Pan.

*Heart tears up*
Chatted to Megan about life. Non-verbal convo with Emma XD Cause we are awesome like that XD
(8) "So I'll spend the night looking into your eyes...
Cause I wanna remember them, if I ever fall blind."(8) some of you will know who this makes me think of when you hear the intro to this song.

Also, Lewis Watson = Hot. and awesome. And mine XD Fun times talking about him with L :P
Radiator moment with Ladybird. He is so  freaking warm! I have officially titled him as my new radiator :D
Unicorn and Lion were iffy today :/

London XD

Half term!
Dentist app -.-

Car not available -.-

Megan's birthday :D and party, which I couldn't get to :(
Swimming with H and Gloves XD
Sleepover at H's. Epic, epic times. <3

Went straight to Wicksteed from H's to see Rorillie, and had an utterly brilliant time <3 I love them so much <3 I had the most fun I have had in a long time :) Unfortunately Lion and Unicorn had a couple of meh moments (kind of about each other) =/ Think there was also a tiny amount of flirting between Ladybird and I. We were saying goodbye and I gave him a massive hug, saying something about crushing and he said "I've got a crush on you, can't you tell?" Thing is, we were messing around, so I never know what is actually going on in his mind. It's nothing, though. He likes someone in his year and I don't really know who I like right now.

1st November
Back to school
Unicorn and L broke up =/
"Mr writer, why don't you tell it like it really is?"

"How can I love when I'm afraid to fall, but watching you stand alone, all of my doubt goes away somehow, one step closer.
I have died waiting for you, darling don't be afraid, I have loved you for a thousand years. I'll love you for a thousand more"

"Step on my old size nines and I'll take you round"

Spoke to Smurf today. T'was okay. Kind of nice really. Decided to take it slow, see how it goes.

"I'll close my eyes, then I won't see
The love you don't feel when you're holding me
Morning will come and I'll do what's right
Just give me till then to give up this fight"

Apparently Smurf kissed Gloves... eh.
Rorillie <3
Fun lunchtime with the trio and mad Harry XD <3
Love the music gang <3 <3

Fireworks at Wicksteed.
Went with Rorillie, and had a fantastic time. Unicorn gained her nickname, and Ladybird had an inspiring moment, which led to the 'insignificant message to you' on the side of this blog.
Arrived, had fun chatting, hugging and generally being awesome. Gave Unicorn candy floss, and she went utterly insane. "*Spin!* Unicorn" XD So we had some awesome times. Fireworks started. Unicorn crashed quite badly =/ especially after seeing Ninja, whom she was not quite over. But she had Lion on one side and me on the other, so she was well looked after. When I had a downer, I had Unicorn one side and Ladybird the other, so I was pretty safe :) After he had comforted me slightly, I thanked Ladybird for caring, and that is when he said "If I don't care, who will" and then explained what he meant cause he realised it sounded kind of offensive at first XD He was amazing that night. They all were. I shall love them forever.
Think I got a bit pissed off at Ninja at the end, but we all left and remained awesome :D

Church - Youth Service - AWESOME-NESS <3 <3

School again.
Unicorn + Lion = meh =/
I felt a bit meh, but Ladybird helped, so it was fine :) He does have an extraordinary ability to wipe all signs of a frown from my face and keep me smiling for hours. They all do. <3
One quotey thing from today: "Overblowing"

Walked back to BS from Tresham with Croxon XD T'was hilarious.
Slight weirdness with an old friend...
Lion was =/
Chatted to Unicorn and Heather about prom, 'the guy', etc.
Started to organise a girly night for us three :D

Feeling crap about Smurf and Gloves.

Frustrating moment when HP 7.2 is out on DVD in America first -.-
Did a good deed on my way back from Tresham :) An old man had fallen over and hit his head in his doorway, so a guy from BS and I helped him up and made sure he was okay and everything. Felt proud of myself :)
Hilarious lunchtime in the music room with Rorillie and Mad Harry :D

Mad Harry: "My bell-end fell off again! D:"
So much fun.
Definitely one of the better days.

Bench gang went to Gloves's to bake brownies. That was fun, and crap simultaneously, because of Gloves and Smurf.
Watched a funny movie though - "Friends with benefits" At least I think it was that time.
Hugged Max's six pack. That was odd XD
Slept terribly.

Showered at Gloves's. Hung around as people left. At one point Smurf and I were left alone upstairs for ages, and... well. Stuff happened, shall we say. We went further than we had when we were going out, which is odd. But it was so nice to be with him again. We talked a little. But yeah. It was odd. And it made everything more confusing than it had been before.
Went home and walked my dog.

Wanted to go to church but couldn't.
Tried to bake something and burnt myself.
Walked my dog.

"You're insecure, don't know what for, you're turning heads when you walk through the door."
"Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you
You don't know you're beautiful"
Car in garage.

"Decisions, decisions..." <-- Quote from Twilight: Eclipse which fit my thought process exactly today.

"Step on my old size nines and I'll take you round" Again this song was in my head!!

Spoke to Rorillie and L about what had happened between me and Smurf over the weekend...
Town with Heather was muchos fun :D
I am going to make her a model rocketship as a tribute to AVPM for Christmas.
Had to clear out the back bedroom today -.-
Helped out in Year 10 English... O.o Didn't really enjoy it though =/
Dance XD Stuart has quit D': Shall miss my utterly insane red-haired friend muchly!!
Wrapped Zilla's christmas present :D
Today's quote:
"A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort"

Brother (A) and his gf here!!! <3 <3
Watched an excellent movie: Mr Magorium's Wonder Emporium and my planner is now filled with masses of quotes
"Are you dying?"
"Lightbulbs die, my dear, I will depart."

"Your life is an occasion. Rise to it."

Breaking Dawn part 1 out. Saw it with the family :) T'was quite good. Book was better.
Callum hug... =/
Jordan... <3?
Tresham does Children In Need brilliantly!
I saw two guys in banana suits, Azzy wore a tiger suit and Megan wore a cow suit XD
While walking back from Tresham, Croxon and I decided that he was my gay bezzie there :D

Watched a fantastic film called V for Vendetta. SO MUCH AWESOME RIGHT THERE.
"'Is everything a joke to you?'
'Only the things that matter'" 

One of the most amazing experiences of my life :D T'was utterly, utterly fantastic. They played several of my favourite songs :D
It was quite funny at one point: Some of the audience stood up at the first song, more at Dani California, and the rest of us jumped out of our seats at Can't Stop :D Couldn't help thinking of Ladybird, who plays that to me frequently.
It was an amazing experience to hear the background music to my childhood played right in front of me by that exceptional band. I absolutely loved it, and it is officially one of the best nights of my life.

Brother and his gf went off to Greece :(
"Crush on you" deja vu moment =/
NAAAATHAN's birthday XD

Unicorn and Giant One were ill :(

Lunch with le Lion et le Ladybird, though mostly the Ladybird.
AWESOME time helping out in year 10 RE - I was helping Mr B with Ladybird's set, which also included the insanely tall year 10. Quality banter :D
I was asked to sit with the two biggest troublemakers, and it was so much fun! I actually got them to work as well, which Mr B congratulated me for :D
The class got me to do the sheet they were doing as well, and the troublesome two doodled all over mine, with hilarious results. Still, I think they actually learnt something that time :)

Hid in a shelf in my free. That was entertaining.

Had Progress Review evening at BS, which went really well. My English teachers said I was flawless!!!!!! <3

Didn't bother going to Tresham progress review.
Fun times at lunch with Ladybird and Lion. Kit-Kats and sausages were the theme I believe XD So hilarious :D
Watched Nowhere Boy, which is now one of my all time favourite films <3

Tresham was hilarious. We were joking about nicknames, and so madness naturally ensued, 'Jennifer', 'Shan', 'BOW'.
Lunch in music with Lion and Ladybird <3 So awesome. Guitar stuffles XD Think Ladybird hugged me or trapped me with his legs again.
Ladybird also found out about my self-harming long ago.
Meant to ask Smurf if he wanted to go on a date on the 28th, but didn't because we realised we don't know how to talk to each other any more. Don't really know what to do...

Sleepover with Unicorn and Heather XD Epic times <3 Muchos Sister-ness <3 And awesome mad dancing to Christina Perri <3

Church with Lion and Ladybird :D <3

Ladybird greeted me by saying that he has a furry scrotum. Which was... lovely to hear.
Kit-Kat chunky XD ;) Lion will know what I'm on about :P
Decided Nerd is in love with his mother (phallic personality type) after a hilarious Psych lesson.

Felt weak and shaky and my vision kept flickering =/
Sat at Ladybird's feet in music and hid from the world.

Teacher's strike, only 6th form and year 11s in. I didn't go cause I felt ill.

"Just because you can't see something, doesn't mean it doesn't exist"

1st December
Massive headache -.-
Managed to lose my dark blue pen again -.-

Brother (A) and his gf here again :D
Incidents gig tonight!!! XD <3 Mad Harry is le drummer XD Check them out: Incidents facebook page
T'was so much fun. I went with Rorillie and had an absolutely fantastic time! Muchos raving, lots of lovely hugs and stuff from Ladybird, though he kept picking me up -.-
Also saw Harry from my old form :D So good to see him and his dirty white shoes XD
Had a lovely time <3

Missed Harry's gig with his band (Blood-Visions) :(
B-V facebook

Oxford O.o
Smurf... =/

Fun lunchtime. Ladybird was sitting in the music practise room jamming with Alex, who was drumming in the main music room... SO DAMN LOUD. Can't believe we didn't get kicked out!
Nephew fell over... a lot XD T'was quite funny :P

Ear implosions from guitar-ness in music XD
Ladybird hugged me against a wall, which we then classed as 'rape'.

Year 10 RE <3 <3

Played a prank on Mrs M in Psych XD During a break in the lesson, the whole class hid in her office cupboard, so when she came back in we had all disappeared. She found us eventually, and thought it was brilliant cause she is awesome like that. Apparently someone also turned all her folders round so she had no idea which one was which XD
Timed RE essay -.-
Fun times with Nerd though
"Fair knight, how wath thy journey?
T'was long and hard!
Doth what she hath said!"
lol XD

Off ill :/

Brother and his gf went home to Cornwall :(

Missed Psych mock cause I was off ill 

Late getting into college again...

Year 10 English =/
Can't hear out of my ear properly D:

Can't hear properly again D:
Meal with Dad again :S Missed school concert for him -.- Ah well. Next time.
Baked presents for people, and bought previously promised pens for Ben, the stupidly tall year 10.

School out!

Sunday 18th
Carol Service led by the youth <3 T'was fantastic. I love le church people :D <3

Woke myself up with Foo Fighters :D <3
Received a lovely festive postcard from Kit XD <3

Unicorn was down so Ladybird and I stepped in to look after her
Decided that if I coughed any more I might have broken a rib. Father then made a terrible joke about having a spare one.

This video brightened my day so damn much:

John Barrowman: Well it's not the first time a man has sprinkled all over me.
John Barrowman: I'll show you the way of the force ;)
Jason Derulo: I do not want to see the force!
So Never Mind the Buzzcocks was... interesting... ;)

Awesome quote:

Between two worlds life hovers like a star, 'Twixt night and morn, upon the horizon's verge. How little do we know that which we are! How less what we may be!
~ Lord Byron, Don Juan

Physiotherapy appointment.
Visited Simba and his family <3 Spent 6 hours enduring his bad jokes and camp dancing <3

Watched Horton hears a Who XD
"A person is a person, no matter how small"
Also watched Hairspray XD

Well. Happy Holidays.
Spent Christmas at home with mother dear because we had no car. It was lovely <3
Status: "Lazing around with a glass of cider and my new guitar (Thanks Dad :D) while listening to The Red Hot Chilli Peppers on the speakers Will got me. Thank you for my lovely prezzies everyone."

This post finishes off the catch up :)

Damn that took ages.
But there we are. All fancy and up to date XD
Hatter xx

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