Monday 6 February 2012

Wouldn't it be nice

- By the Beach Boys

Couldn't get that song out of my head today! >.<

Woke up to slowly melting snow, failed my RE homework and got my lift into school for break time. Headed up to the library for a few minutes and watched a year 10 snowball fight - I was so hoping for someone to get a head shot! ;) Got a wave from Ladybird but unfortunately didn't witness and epic head shot moments :/ Double RE was boring except for a few funny moments. Lunch was... really nice. Greeted my peoples and headed down to music. Ladybird was exceptionally lovely today :D I walked in expecting the usual friendly teasing, but instead received several compliments and hugs XD Made me smile. Guitared with him and Nephew for a while, chatting about gigs and their parents never letting them go anywhere. Somehow that led to Nephew suddenly saying that Ladybird and I would be an awesome couple or something... that was odd. But kind of sweet. He then promptly packed away his stuff, fiddled with himself and left. That was quite disturbing. Sat chatting and jamming with the Ladybird until the end of lunch. Nothing really interesting or whatever happened, but for some reason that lunch time made me happy. It also made facing the next 2 hours of Psychology a hell of a lot easier. Psych was pretty crap, but hey. Got a lift home with my morning lift person and arrived home within 15 minutes of school ending XD Been listening to 60s music and working on my Photography all evening really. Well. Brother's dad and aunt popped over for half an hour, which was nice. They all watched me play 'Sea of Love', which was rather daunting - though they all said it was lovely afterwards so that was nice and sweet of them. But yeah.... Work -.-
Didn't see the lion today :(

Trying really hard to think of something interesting to talk about now... Hrrrr.


My brother is home until tomorrow :) It's so nice to have him here! I'm just going to miss him so much when he is gone. That's a point...
Y U NO APPRECIATE UR SIBLINGS?! Seriously, if your brothers or sisters are at home, close to you, please learn to appreciate that. I would give almost anything to have my brothers around me all the time. 

Right. Next time I will do a properly interesting post. Suggest topics in the comments!!! I'm out of ideas lately.

Another thing to suggest: Happy songs for me to learn!!! Ladybird keeps complaining about me only playing depressing songs, so someone please suggest a happy song that I can learn on guitar! Please do bear in mind that I am a total beginner though!

Hatter xx

P.s. ...You know when someone's smile is perfect to you? You see it light up their eyes and it makes you feel so warm and content? I do. And it's making things so damn complicated.

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