Sunday 19 February 2012


Okay, so I've had a little chat with Brilliant and feeling slightly calmer.

Been addicted to this song all day. Even gave myself a break from school work to learn it on guitar :D

Someone had called 25th August the day that Smurf and I broke up, so I messaged Smurf to remind him (just in case he was confused too) that I did not break up with him. On the 25th I phoned him and asked for a break (i.e. a pause) in the relationship, not an end. We technically broke up last month, when he said he wanted to end everything and that he was over me.
Now everyone is clear, we shall move on.

Hopefully finishing my photography tomorrow! I have enlisted the help of Gloves and Giant One model-wise, as H and Sexy Twin never replied as to when they were free ¬¬.
My coursework is due on Tuesday, so this is going to be a very rushed, last minute shoot.

I'm finding not judging some people quite hard lately. But I guess because they seem to have changed so much lately, it is naturally a bit harder.

Back to school tomorrow... Yay. I'd say I'm looking forward to seeing people, but I'm probably going to be spending my whole lunch time editing photos in art, so I'll only see people in my RE and Psychology sets :/

Hope y'all are having a fun half-term.

Do you judge people? Be honest. Do you try really hard not to, but sometimes you just can't help it? Or are you strong enough to resist and never judge people?
Let me know.

Hatter out x


  1. If you mean "judging" in a critical way (i.e. negative) then I guess trying to avoid those sorts of thoughts is for the better. However, when I "judge" I prefer to see it as a fair way of summing up someone's personality, and spotting someone's more detailed traits. It's not necessarily a bad thing? I've always been keen on grasping a new persons' personality, by looking at them in a critical eye, as soon as possible, and I have developed a knack for doing so. Remember to keep it balanced, and so all of those negative thoughts will go rushing out of your mind.

  2. Thanks for commenting Rory :) Really appreciate it!!!!
    Very interesting response, so thank you very much! :)
