Thursday 16 February 2012

War paint.

Awesome day :)

Kit and Brilliant are staying at a travel lodge nearby for a couple of days, so they popped into the village for some awesome times :) Lots of people were invited but it ended up just being Giant One, Carla, Kit, Brilliant and I for most of the day, and then Gloves too later.

I arrived at the park slightly late (-.-) and received a massive double hug from Kit and Brilliant. :D Couldn't stop hugging m'dear Kit! Missed her so much :( Carla and Giant One were already there, and we just hung around the new climbing frame for a while waiting for Nathan. Had fun being insane and whatnot with m'dears. So so nice to see Kit. And meet Brilliant. :) He is quite awesome. <3 We also nommed sweets and stuff, which produced entertaining results.
Got bored of the climbing frame so decided to go and stand on the springy elephants near it. That was fun. When we started drowning in the rain and had decided Nathan had probably missed the bus, we sought shelter in a crappy sheltery-place in the other park. Some odd looking tracksuit children approached with snowballs, but quickly veered away when they saw our totally hench group of misfits slightly clearer. The looks of defiance in our eyes sent them scurrying away to the village hall. Well. More likely they couldn't be bothered with a bunch of scrawny fools and were saving themselves for better targets. Either way, soon after we had watched the tracksuiters plod away, we ourselves left our useless shelter in the hopes that the bus stop thing on the main road would provide better shelter.
Arrived at the bus stop and ended up sitting with m'lovely Brilliant on my lap. He was nice and warm. And comfy. After a while I ended up being on his lap instead, and I can confirm that is also very comfortable :D He really was very interesting to meet. And he has an AWESOME hat. Which I stole. Frequently. At one point I trotted over to the other side of the road with it and danced randomly like the insane person I am. Brilliant produced his guitar, and sat around impressing us in the cold for a little while. Lots of lovely chatting, jamming and fun times :) 
We started to freeze, and so crossed to the pub - only to discover we had a good few hours before it opened. We therefore headed to the Co-op, which provided minimal heating, tacky commercialised Valentine's Day wubbish, and a lovely staff discount for the Giant One :D So we purchased a few extra nibbles, and went back out to the cold again. 
After considering our options, and then the irony of our final choice, we plodded off down my street to the Church, which we dearly hoped was open. A couple of police cars passed us, and at one point we witnessed one zoom down the street, perform a very smooth turn, and head back the way it came. Very confused about what was going on! But anywho. Le church. Kit, Giant One and I were immediately reminiscing about old times being adorable children together - mostly Kit and Giant One, as they were already friends when I stumbled onto the scene. Brilliant, Carla - who shall henceforth be known as "Darts" - and I continued into the church while Kit and Giant One contemplated an old cat flap. It was like a scene from a horror movie! We entered the cold, darkened church, glancing around cautiously and flicking on the only light switch we could find. Eventually Kit and Giant One came back and we found a heroic little heater which provided us with lovely light and warmth! So we sat huddled around this heater behind the altar, snuggling and playing guitar while snacking on lots of chocolate and whatnot. 
It was so so nice to be with Kit again. I really have missed her. And even when I'm old and grey and slightly delirious, I will always remember that little ginger nine year old with a face full of biscuits that became my first and best friend here. Plus, she really does look epic with her newly purple hair XD
Muchos snuggling with the gang and especially Brilliant, whom I had somehow managed to become very attached to very quickly. It is quite unusual that I become attached to someone that quickly. The last person it happened this much with was Ladybird. No... wait. It was one of my music boys. I think. Maybe. Either way, I don't normally get this attached to people so quickly. I'm still struggling to get closer to Darts and t'other newbies, and even some friends that I have known for years. So Brilliant can join that select group of rare people that capture my attention and attachment immediately. I suppose it helps that he is very comfy and snuggly - although I have now learned that I am an exception for him too! Jah, apparently it is normally quite difficult to have physical contact with people, especially those he barely knows, but he surprisingly had no problem with hugging me, and apparently felt quite attached to me too. So there we go.
Jah. Lots of snuggling, chatting, photo taking and nomming. After about 3 hours  of such activities around the heater, we shivered up to the pub and arrived a couple of minutes before it opened. Poor Brilliant was shaking he was so cold, so Kit and I gave him our scarves and penguin huddled for warmth. Eventually we were set loose in the pub, and immediately hogged the pool table area. From now on there was muchos hugging with Kit and Brilliant, dart throwing with EVERYONE, and Giant One taught Kit and I pool again. Unfortunately, despite her nickname, Darts was unable to get a bullseye when playing darts, whilst Giant One managed to get three. Git -.- <3 At one point, Kit provided the title for this post by attacking us with the pool chalk and smearing blue 'war paint' across our cheeks. Good times and photographs did follow XD
When we ran out of money and motivation for pool or darts, we all plonked ourselves down on a table and continued le chatting and massive amounts of catching up. We played truth or dare - though despite being in a pub we were all sober, and so only ever did truths - which led to some funny moments, but also some very serious and honest moments, especially from Brilliant. I quite enjoyed those little insights into his mind. And it was quite interesting to see how much Kit had changed since leaving us so long ago. She is, admittedly, very different, but she is still the Kit that I know and adore, just slightly more... 'adventurous'.
Giant One drifted back to darts after a while, as he isn't all too comfortable with truth or dare. We drifted back out of truths and into the world of general chit-chat and an abundance of photo-taking. All too soon, hours had passed and it was time for Brilliant and Kit to disappear to the House Of Gloves and leave us all heart broken all over again. It was so so hard to let them go :( I even clambered over the table to blow kisses to them out the window. Five minutes after they left we were missing them already. Yeah. T'was that bad. They really are that awesome. So, in our saddened state, Darts, Giant One and I talked quietly until Darts's taxi arrive and she sped off home.
Stopping at mine to pick up keys and DVDs, Giant One and I went back to his, where we curled up on the sofa and watched Mr Popper's Penguins. T'WAS HILARIOUS. I recommend it to all awesome people and Jim Carrey lovers. Got a massive pizza which we nommed our way through until a text arrived from Kit saying her parents were on their way to pick them up. So, naturally, we paused the movie and raced over to the House Of Gloves and arrived breathless and desperate for an extra few minutes with those peculiar legends that are Brilliant and Kit. 
Spent about 10 minutes or so lounging around with Gloves, Brilliant, Kit and Giant One. T'was quite fun. More snuggling and stuff. Also more truths. And chatting. But mostly giggling and photo taking. Kit's parents arrived and so us youths tumbled upstairs and crammed into Gloves's bedroom to get a few extra cramped minutes in private while the rentals chatted. Mostly snuggling and photo taking here, along with me stealing Brilliant's awesome hat. Again. XD
Time allowed us a few more hugs and cheek-kisses before the night stole my beloved Kit and new found friend Brilliant once more. Giant One and I stood waving them off on the road before returning, slightly more sorrowful, to the last 15 minutes of the movie and half an episode of Scrubs.
I think I got home sometime around midnight, and went fairly swiftly to bed.

It was a fantastic day, one which I hope I shan't forget. Thank you to Kit and Brilliant for visiting and making this day so special and amazing; thank you to Darts for joining us and providing many laughs; thank you to Giant One for being awesome and also letting me have an extra couple of hours with you; thank you to Gloves for letting Giant One and I join you for the last few moments with Kit and Brilliant. 

The best days of our lives will be the days we spend with those we love and will come to love, no matter how much it rains :)

Love to y'all.
More posts coming soon.
Hatter xx

Side note: Kit is getting rather good at the guitar :D She also has a lovely voice, and I wish she would sing louder so we could hear it better. Yeah, Kit, that was a big hint to SING UP CAUSE YOU SOUND LOVELY, DAMMIT!

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