Saturday 18 February 2012

Blurry days and the perfect man.

Tuesday and Wednesday were mostly spent communicating with Brilliant, and watching movies while helping mum clear out the loft.

Now, Thursday, has been an excellent day. One of my favourite days actually.
Woke up slightly later than I meant to, and then spent aaaages getting ready. Went to town to search for dear Charlotte's birthday present as her party was due to begin several hours later. Wandered town for aaaages, chatted to 'father' and bumped into Harold, which was lovely :D Forgot to check if he was wearing his dirty white shoes though. Finally purchased a bath bomb, chocolate heart and sketchpad for Charlotte, and then mum picked me up really late from town. Rushed to get ready for the party, and Gloves did my hair.
Got lost on the way, but eventually we found the place, met up with Sophie, Nerd and Zilla, and entered the party. Greeted Charlotte and stood around talking to the very few guests that I actually knew. Our little gang claimed a corner in the big room after a while, and chatted there. At one point Gloves and I went back into the food room for a reason I have quite forgotten, and  as we left suddenly witnessed two guys making out. I believe they were playing 'gay chicken' and the one our group had named 'future Jasper' won. Turns out that Fred, the guy who had proposed the gay chicken challenge, didn't know that 'future Jasper' was gay. T'was rather epic to see. So, when it ended, Gloves and I returned to our group slightly stunned by what we had just witnessed.
After a little while, a game of Fruit Salad was set up, and most people participated. Zilla and Nerd sat out though, and I joined them. Must say, watching witty people play Fruit Salad is excellent XD The wittiest of them all was naturally 'Future Jasper', whom we began to contemplating stealing or replicating, so that we could have one of our own.
The game ended, the chairs were moved, and people just hung around being awesome. Had fun times with the gang :D <3
Later on, I returned to the gang to find we had just been joined by 'future Jasper', and I spent the next few hours being bewildered by his awesome. Seriously. His only flaw was the moment he failed to catch a sweet in his mouth. Other than that, he is a perfect man. He is charming, witty, sweet, caring, strong, well dressed and incredibly amiable. Only the occasion when he failed the sweet-mouth-catch, the sweet hit Gloves's arm, and she said "I have your saliva on my wrist." He responded by turning to me and saying something like: "I confess I normally have a more charming way of getting my saliva on people's wrists." At my questioning look, he took my hand and gently kissed my wrist. Proper gentleman style. I confess I died inside slightly. No one should be that perfect and awesome. It cannot bode well for the rest of us. As the night went on, 'Future Jasper' continued to be ridiculously awesome and charming. I fear that I may start subconsciously comparing guys to him, which is awfully unfair given I don't know how anyone could beat that awesome. And I'm honestly not exaggerating about him. Just ask Gloves. We literally couldn't find a single flaw. He can even pick me up with one arm for goodness sake! DAMN YOU PERFECT MAN. Why do you have to be so damn awesome and lovely and lovable??
So spent the majority of the evening with the gang and 'future Jasper'. It was incredibly fun, and I'm really glad I went to Charlotte's party :) She is awesome :) <3
Got home fairly late, but oh well.

Attempted to work.
Chatted to mum and one of her best friends.
Chatted to Brother (A) and his gf, who had arrived last night.
Dressed up nicely and went for a lovely meal with the family.
Came home and watched 'The Prestige', which is a bluddy good film.

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