Friday 3 June 2011


No, this post has NOTHING to do with sheep :D
In fact, a better title would be 'One Ship Is Sailing' (thats a Tom Paxton song), but I have yet to have a blog title beginning with B, so there you go :D
It's officially June!!! Yay!!! 
1 month and 24 days till my birthday :D :D Not that I'm doing anything -.- We WERE planning on going to Italy, but we don't really have enough money and never booked it :/ So now I'm stuck on my lonesies (cause all my bezzies are off on holiday, the lovable gits :P) with nothing to do on my birthday O.o FAIL.

Anyway. Time to update y'all.
I went to Cornwall on Monday, and came back on Wednesday. It was EPIC. I finally got to see my awesome and random brother and his gf, and it was sooo nice to be with them again!! He's 12 years older than me, but we get on stupidly well and are really close, so it's quite hard when we don't see each other for ages :/ I also get on really well with his girlfriend. She's already like a sister to me <3
On Monday it took forever to get there, but it was worth it. We got settled into the lovely B&B we were staying at, and headed down to the beach to meet up with my brother and his gf (Let's call them A&G). I saw A and flung myself on him, and he picked me up in an awesome hug. As we had brought his dog Baileys with us, she went utterly mental when she saw him and literally charged at him. T'was hilarious. We went for a walk through a forest and then headed to the harbour to eat dinner. The meal was a bit :/ but it was enjoyable.
Tuesday was AWESOME. We had a very nommish breakfast, before heading over to Padstow, which is such a lovely place. When we arrived we looked around for ages for somewhere to have cream tea (some weird technically not tea thing that my mum is obsessed with whenever we go to Devon or Cornwall), until I finally found the perfect place. We nommed there for a while, before A&G took Baileys to the beach and mum and I went off to the shops. I got some rock for my friends and bought myself a lovely little model sail boat, which I adore. (And yes, I am officially obsessed with sailing. My desire to go sailing suddenly BOOMS whenever I go to the seaside). Bored of shopping, mum and I went to the beach and met up with A&G, and we ended up spending aaaaages there XD It was a gorgeous beach, and naturally A & I rolled up our jeans and raced into the sea, proving immediately that we had not rolled our jeans high enough. That was really fun :D After hilarious times at the beach, we headed to Rick Stein's fish and chips shop, and nommed awesome food XD As the day ended we headed back to Fowey and went to watch the sheep jumping over fences while we slept. (HA. I MANAGED TO PUT SHEEP IN A BAA-TITLED-NON-SHEEP-RELATED-POST.)
Our final day was a bit :S We met A&G at the harbour and talked for a while before saying some sad goodbyes :'( Mum and I headed to the shops and stuffles. She took the dog for a walk but I decided to go and sit at the beach for a while. T'was nice to just sit and listen to the sea. So then we headed off on the million year long journey home. As we got back quite late, I didn't really get anything done on wednesday.
Thursday was mostly cool. I had to get up early for a hair cut -.- which also resulted in a prom-hair practice, and mum sitting chatting to her friends for a million years. When we finally got back, I raced over to the park where Ninja was learning to unicycle with Gloves. T'was hilarious!! I do love those two. It's nice that Ninja and I are finally becoming closer friends :D He really is a secret Ninja O.o Anyway. Twas very hilarious with many awesome moments. One of which was listening to his heartbeat... It's all irregular cause he has a hole in his heart :-S :/ We had tons of fun being the strange people that we are, so my day ended well.
Today was fairly mundane. As it was funny I sat revising outside in my shorts and bikini, in the hopes of getting some form of tan. I revised a bit, watched Heroes a bit, watched BGT, and then began this blog. I know. Stupidly boring day -.-

So now you're up to date XD

30 day challenge answers:

5. 5 things that irritate you about the opposite sex/same sex.
People using stereotypes. Honestly, after at least 11 years of blonde jokes, I'm getting a little tired of it. 
Opposite sex: Men assuming women are useless and stuff (it's only because they are becoming useless and are slowly realising that we women are quietly taking over the world XD). I don't know really. 
Same sex: Bitching about people. And stuff. I'm really not good at this am I?

6. The person you like and why you like them.
M... Because he's a really good guy. He's funny, caring, and really lovely to me. Because he's him :D <3

7. Your opinion on cheating on people.
I think it's terrible. It might seem like a little thing, but it can cause the other person so much pain. You make them feel rejected and worthless and really unloved. If you do cheat on someone, I think it's better that you tell them. Because other wise if they find out you cheated AND then lied to them, it would be even worse.

8. Something you’re currently worrying about.
A lot.
My future mostly though. I have no idea what I want to do anymore. In truth, I want to move down to Cornwall, writing and sailing in my spare time. I know writing won't earn me much money until I get properly published and such, so I'd end up waitressing or something to earn money for food and such. However when I tell people that they say I should go to Uni and stuff like I thought I would before. To be honest, I don't know that I want to go to Uni and study Zoology any more. So yeah. I'm confuzzled about it all.

9. Your last kiss.
My last kiss was with M <3 duh. We were saying goodbye because we were both leaving for short holidays the next day, and aren't going to see each other until the maths exam on Monday.

So there you go.

Until my next scribble,

Hatter xx

 <----- WANT.

P.s. Comment your answers as usual :P


  1. 5). Same sex: some males think they own the world, big headedness usually comes from males.
    Opposite sex: often females are naive, their actions are automated and maybe don't always do the right thing for someone else (male or female, in any situation), which of course has lead to human rights exaggeration and political bias....but this is only a small percentage of women, most women are lovely.

    6). Well I'm not really good with this subject, but I do like someone, they're just nice I guess...but whenever I like someone they never like me back and it cones to nothing, so it's not worth getting excited about it.

    7). Cheating is such a low thing to do, summarising the vanity of some people. It's so common, which is a shame, because the world will be a better place without it.

    8). I don't worry much. However I'm worried about (i know this is a bit stupid, but it's still a problem for me) whether I'll ever find love in my life. I watch many thousands of relationship go on around me, even those closest to me can do it, and so I wonder if it's my fault that I'm a bit of a loner...(I can blame my disposition I suppose, but that can't be the whole reason?)

    9). A relative, my mum. But I've never kissed anyone non-relative....HAPPY THOUGHTS, happy thoughts...:)

  2. Thank you for commenting Rory!!! <3 And I'm sure you will find love :D
    Hatter xx
