Sunday 19 June 2011


I was going to tell you about the dream I had last night, but I forgot.
It was MAD.
It was like prom, but not prom. We were at school, and went in all dressed up and prommy and whatnot.
There was a big hall (which reminded me of an enlarged version of the shape of my bathroom O.o) where all the prom stuff was happening.
So I danced with people, and then went to check on my friend who seemed meh.
She wanted to get this guy (Harry, for those who know him. Yes, he was in my dream O.o) to dance with her, because she'd liked him before or something.
Because Harry and I get on well and talk a lot, I said I'd get him to dance with her. So, I went over and spoke to him and I don't remember much about that part... except that I was suddenly dancing with HARRY. Wtf?! As in like... slow dancing. *Runs away in fear*
So yeah. We stopped dancing when the song ended, and my friend was like "What the hell? you were supposed to get him to dance with me?" and I was just like "kbeorgboaebguoerbh ... I did try!"
Then we were in somewhere like the foyer (for those who know my school) and M was mad at me because I danced with Harry. Even though I'd been dancing with M FOREVER as well as a couple of my best guy friends (though not slow dancing) and M himself had been slow dancing with his best girl friends too... Hypocrite -.-
Suddenly my best friend since I was like this high (couple of months old) was suddenly there, and I was like YAY. Because he's awesome.
So then M went to the Octagon, and I started walking up towards the Sports Hall, where suddenly a mixture of mine and... Simba's friends were there. So we randomly started to dance (kind of seperate but meeting in the middle type dance - he kept flipping and things and I kept forgetting the steps because I hadn't danced it with him since we were young. Or something). There was a yellow thing that was a kind of bed-type-thing near the sports hall steps, and Simba and I both sort of collapsed on it. There was a MASSIVELY awkward moment when our faces were suddenly really close together and we ALMOST kissed (which reminds me of when Simba and i were young... we used to play families, and I remember one particular time I was 'putting him to bed' and he made me kiss him on the cheek or something. We were like, 5 or something. lol. yeah...). So then it was MASSIVELY awkward and stuff happened including stuff with everyone and prom but I can't remember it so...
Then I was walking round the corner and for those of you who know my school, it was where the stairs at the octagon end of the corridors were. There was an extra bit beside the stairs, with a white door. I opened it, and there were these weird hard-to-climb stair things that I just remember being really difficult to get up... and then the door at the top was awkward to open without falling down the stairs too. Everything was painted very white in this part by the way. So I finally managed to get through the door and was faced with a farm-type place. It was definitely indoors. And cramped. But there were horses in stables and sheep in... a thing.
I decided to feed the sheep, I found the food for the lambs and gave it to them, but when I tried to give the sheep theirs, one of them just looked at me and said "Not that. We don't eat that." For some reason it was normal for a sheep to tell me what to do, so I went back to looking for sheep food.
I kept finding copper things like copper earrings for some reason...
So yeah, by the time I woke up I was still trying to find sheep food in the weird white farm place thing.
I didn't even get to talk to the horses :(
Stupid demanding sheep -.-

So yeah. That was my messed up dream

Hatter xx

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