Monday 6 June 2011

Well I'll be damned.

Well I probably won't. There's no reason for me to be. Actually... yeah, I probably am damned :D
Because I love YOU - yeah YOU. (But not in that way. That would be weird... and... eurgh!) - I am updating my blog now. Stupidly late/early. YAY.
So this counts as the blog of Monday 6th June. Hi, welcome to Monday :D
I have a maths exam later (1pm), so I shall blog as to how I think it went and any important news. If I fail to do so, this counts as Monday's full blog, rather than Monday part 1. 
So, Monday blog part 1, what is happening in the world of The Hatter at approximately 12:23am? 
Well my strange whatsit (oo-er), I don't know because you haven't written it yet. What IS going on in the world of The Hatter?
That's it?
Well that was a waste of time.
And we've wasted the valuable time of our followers now haven't we?
Aye. Shame about that.
Exactly. But-
Shouldn't really have followed us in the first place really should they? I mean it's not exactly interesting over here. We don't talk about interesting things such as the Hatter's true mind any more. We just do blog challenges, day updates and random thoughts.
That's exactly what I was thinking.
Can you think? You're a blog.
Well I appear to be. What are you? In fact, WHO. ARE. YOU??? (*Cheers for Alice in Wonderland quote*)
(*Cheers*). Right. I'm not sure. We should probably take that up with the Hatter, as well as the GIVE US MORE INTERESTING STUFF TO WAFFLE ABOUT thing.
Yeah, we should.
*Stares at the Hatter*
I don't think its working.
Huh. She might actually be working.
At this late hour?
True. Poke her.

Okay. Sorry about that. I'm here! 'Tis me! How are you my dears? Yes, that is a question. No, it isn't rhetorical. Yes, that does mean you have to answer it.
ANYWAY. Ooo I do get excited when I suddenly arrive back from la-la land. Especially when my blog starts talking to itself. Or me. Or... whatever.
I was actually blogging to say:

Why is a raven like a writing desk?

No, I don't know either.
Shall we move on?

Do you want to read the conversation the twin and I had on the bus ride to school on the 26th of  January?
Of course you do!
Moi: "Say Billy... I think that's a Geordie accent. Say Billy!"
Gloves: "No!"
"Say Billy!"
"Why? Wtf is it? Is it Geordie?"
"Yeah cause his Dad says BILLY and you sounded like his dad. Shout Billy. Shout it!"
"Why? It could be an innuendo. Plus, Jack will turn around."
"No he won't. Just shout Billy. Shout fuckin' Billy!"
..."Well that was just a little unnecessary."

Do you want to hear about another of our bus moments?


oo look a plastic bag.
You'd think that if they were cleaning up, the would see the plastic bag?
OO. He's wearing orange trousers.
Let's wave.
=( They didn't wave.
Wave at him.
*waves manically*

Then it was the society of Bicycling Fish. Though that was in Philosophy. So yeah.

Now we have finished that random quote fest that you won't have understood a word of, but Gloves will be ROFL-ing at the memories, shall we move on to the challenge topic for today?
I agree.

12. Things you want to say to an ex.
Well that IS an awkward post to do at 12:42am on a monday morning. Hmmm. I think I shall say one thing to each ex:
Om (Jono): I'm sorry!!! *Hugs* I did love you <3 And you were an awesome first boyfriend <3
The Giant One (David): Sorry to you too, but hey. I'm glad we're awesome now. Oh, and thank you :)
Chris (CD): Sorry about all the ljavrw rvwbbrg when we were together, and sorry that I was a bitch when we broke up. Oh, and can I have that bit of my heart that you stole for approximately 4 years? Thanks.
Steven (Twat): You, sir, are an arsehole.
(If I missed anyone I'm really sorry! Zilla, Gloves, please remind me!)
Cleughy: You are awesome. I'm sorry it never worked out. I'm sorry we weren't given the chance for it to work out.
Callum (C): Well... what to say? Hi maybe? Yeah. Hello, Callum. It's nice to meet you.

I know it's not the challenge, but I shall sat something to the boyfriend too:

Well that was awkward. Comment yours if you have EXs! (Sorry Rory! :/ maybe... comment what you'd like to say to whoever you like?)

Hatter xxx


  1. ...errm. I honestly don't have anything to say on this one, sorry if that's dissapointing of me :/ let's say that silence is beautiful and I would much prefer to keep life like that :) not that I won't talk to this person, but sometimes life is better done in silence, probably because anything I would say would be foolish or awkward...

    :) sorry


    Ahem... I shall comment on the question some other time... when I, in fact, have MORE time because this might take a while ;) lol

    heart you :) xx
