Friday 17 June 2011


So I just had a late night bath because I spoke to C earlier, and I really needed to relax because I was getting worked up.
So, at 10.30pm I ran myself a strawberry-smelling bath (Courtesy of a bath bomb that Chicken Fingers got me :P ... for Christmas...) and locked myself in the bathroom with my copy of Harry Potter and The Philosopher's Stone. Yes, I am having a HP book marathon.
I'd forgotten how adorable HP: PS is!!!! Plus it's nice to read the actual beginning that the film missed out -.-
I am officially on Chapter 2, and I adore it. I realised my copy is 10 years old! I must have got it when I was about 6 :D
I will never understand those that dislike the HPs. I respect that it might not be their thing, but I still don't understand it. Rowling is a fantastic author, and I had forgotten how awesome her descriptions and whatnot are. Plus The Philosopher's Stone is such a lovely story! <3
Anyway. Enough of that. I think you get the picture.
So yeah.
Now I must go to bed (though I will probably be up for hours reading) so that I am up early and can get on with finishing Chapter 4 of my story Forbidden.
I'll put another link to my story up when it is updated :D

Good night!
Hatter xx

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