Monday 6 June 2011

I don't know what to title this post so... Hi. Aw man I've already used that -.- Oooo I know! I shall name it...

Pixar. Yes. Well. I suppose that didn't actually work though, as the title of this post is now "I don't know what to title this post so... Hi. Aw man I've already used that -.- Oooo I know! I shall name it..." So yeah.
Pixar. Why Pixar? Because this dude on youtube (friend of Charlieissocoollike), went to pixar studios. In true nerd fashion: JEALOUS. Yeah, I know right?

Maths exam went terribly. It's the Graphics exam on Friday, so I shall be doing some hardcore revision over these last few days... Probably.

And... as I've already done a blog post for today, and nothing else interesting happened, I am off! Bye!

Hatter xx

P.s. Also pixar because I've been reliving the Disney days and watching the Toy Story films. All 3 <3

P.p.s. Attempting to find a way of watching the first EVER Doctor Who episodes. So yeah. please help!

1 comment:

  1. I can give you the DVD's it just might not be til Wednesday... :) xx
