Saturday 4 June 2011

Well that failed.

As the more diligent - or perhaps more sad - of you followers of this blog may have noticed, I failed title-wise last week. It was only after I had posted 'Baaa' that I realised I had in fact already made a post with a 'B' title - The 'Big Red Update' no less. So yeah. As the stalkers/more aware among you may have noticed, I failed. I do apologise.
I actually have no news for you today. *Gasps* Oh the horror!
I'm just sitting around 'revising' for my Maths exam on Monday -.- I'll be off to the twin's later so she can teach me the higher work we were never taught, but is still in the exam -.-
That reminds me.
Gloves and I may be beginning a series of Vlogs soon. I would tell you the details, but even we don't know them yet O.o
Erm. That's it!
Today's blog challenge:

10. Your views on drugs and alcohol.
Well that IS deep isn't it?!
Erm. I think I disagree with the use of drugs and alcohol. Well. As long as you drink safely within a limit, and stay aware of the dangers, I don't mind people drinking. That may seem OTT but someone at school died because they were drunk and fell of a wall. So we may have had safe drinking messages drilled into us from an early age...(i.e. 11).
Drugs. Well. I myself hope I will never try them, as I am aware of the dangers. If you want to, I think you are crazy, but I can't tell you what to do with your lives :P I disagree with the use of dangerous drugs. This is another topic that we have been made forcibly aware of by school, and I am kind of grateful. It is my understanding that the first time you try a drug, it can kill you. Also, even if you've been taking a drug for a long time, one hit can suddenly be worse than the others and result in killing you or you doing something you'll regret. A lot. Like peeling your hand like an orange. Or attacking your best friend. After everything I've heard, true or not, drugs hold no appeal for me.
On the bright side, I'm safe. I don't NEED drugs and alcohol to get high. Just being with my insane friends is enough :D Insert dreaded twilight quote: "You're like my own personal brand of heroin". Yes, Zilla, Gloves, L and all the others, what he said ;)

If that was too messed up and confuzzling for y'all (as I'm pretty sure my English skills went completely out of the window), my friends are like my drugs, but - mostly - much safer :D

Hatter xx

As usual, comment your answer! In fact, can you just do that for each question/topic I do for this challenge? Writing 'Comment your answer' on every one is getting tiring!!! lol. Yeah. I'm lazy.

1 comment:

  1. Drugs are rightfully illegal in this country, you can never be too hateful of drug users. There's nothing more stupid. Luckily I've avoided drugs aswell. However medicinal drugs are doing wonders in science, so I say well done to the research and experiment people working in that green and grassy field :)
    They say that if alcohol was discovered now, it would be made illegal. That's perfectly true that society has alcohol etched into it's good books, so there's nothing the government can do to stop it, because there would be a huge rebellion. Again I've avoided alcohol aswell, it's just as dangerous as drugs. (no, alcohol isn't used for medicinal purposes...well I know some people do, but they work in chocolate teapot factories and butter their bread with murcury :P) why can't pubs sell water and orange juice by the bucket, what a lovely world that would create:) you can't get drunk on water, but when I ask for water in a pub they look at me as if I was osama bin laden....(warning: you can get high on water...well at least I think I was hyper, or I just really badly needed the loo :P )
