Saturday 11 June 2011

A Pool Party and a Predicament

Sooo... Sorry I haven't been on - mum confiscated the computer while I have exams.

Today was L's pool party, which was... eventful.
I shan't tell you all the shiz that went on, because a lot of it isn't my business. However, C was there. Yup. *AWKWARD MUFFIN* much?!?!?!
It was... weird.
I felt incredibly restless, and I didn't know what to do or think or feel or ANYTHING.
Apparently... erm... well. Apparently though C has a gf, he doesn't feel anything real for her, but with me, he felt indestructible, because I was the world to him. So, naturally, I feel shit.

Hatter xx

P.s. There's a lot more, but I really don't feel like it now.

Blog challenges:

14. Something disgusting you do.
Erm. I honestly can't think of anything. Seriously. Zilla? Gloves? L? What do I do?

15. The best things to happen to you this week.
Not much really. I did a maths exam, which didn't go well. so yeah, not sure that anything overly good actually happened...

16. 3 things you are proud of about your personality.
THREE?!?!?! There aren't that many!! Okay, I've asked my mum so I now have three.
1. Kindness to others/being there for others
2. Empathy
3. Standing up for what I believe in.

17. Things that make you scared.
Losing people. It terrifies me. My mum, brothers and friends are my world. If I lost them, I would fall to pieces.
Also, I'm scared of hurting people.

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