Tuesday 7 June 2011

Challenge 13.

13. A date you would love to go on.

oooh that's a toughy. I don't know. I suck (NO, Zilla/Gloves! How could you be so disgustingly minded?!). Oooo! How about you post ideas as well as your own answer, and I'll see which one I like best, and that shall be my answer. Or we could do a vote as to which date we think is best. Well that's interesting isn't it? No, not really. Humph. I suppose I'd like to go for a really nice meal. Or something. Well that's boring isn't it?!
OOOOOOOO. I know (still boring). Spend the day doing random things like I don't know... really fun, unusual, random things. Then in the early evening go to a fair (near a beach would be nice. But that's optional ;) x), and play arcade games and stuff. Finish the evening with a scrumptious meal, then head down to the beach and just sit and stuff. And then. Well. We'd have to see how it went. But yeah. I think that would be an awesome day/date thing to do. Although I have a feeling that that's basically a montage of the most enjoyable dates I've ever been on. Huh.
ANYWAY. Comment yours you shmexy people, and yeah. Bye!

Until my next scribble
Hatter xx

P.s. My day was fine, with a healthy dose of Zilla booknerd-ness after a piano lesson, and a healthy dose of twin hilarity (involving a TARDIS and David Tennant. Well. A doll of him. but shush. A girl can dream)


  1. the best date would be to just sit on your roof and enjoy the scenery of the hustling and bustling people as you see them go on with their daily lives and poke jokes at them, all the while sharing whismical finger foods and canoodling. Then to end it with a very calming walk down a cobblestone alley talking amongst yourselves and just enjoying the company of the other people. :)
    thats just my little thought but yours seem so much more fun.

  2. Hi Charlie!! :D
    I think yours sounds awesome actually :D Mine is too busy really :P
    Thank you so much for commenting!
    And for following my blog and such :D
