Sunday 5 June 2011


... should stop eating people. It's mean.

Not much to report today. Maybe cause I've only been up for a few hours O.o but hey! I'll post later/edit this if something interesting happens.
Went round to the twin's yesterday to revise. Yeah. We didn't. At all.
Instead, we had a youtube fest, funny fb moments, intriguing phone calls and a movie moment :D
Basically, we watched some awesome literal trailers, which are really quite hilarious. In fact, here you go:

There are better ones, but hey, I'm a Harry Potter nerd, so naturally you get to watch the Harry Potter Literal Trailer. Yay-ness!
So the twin and I MAY have learnt that almost off by heart... ahem.
We also watched some other stuff. Some of which was also by Tobuscus. For the twin:

Fb moments: Gloves left her facebook open, her boyfriend spoke, I stole it... Pretending to be her :D She was about to wax her legs, and L asked what she was using, so, naturally, I replied "Durex Condoms". Although she attacked me afterwards, she actually found it hilarious. Plus, what else are you supposed to reply to that comment? The answer is always durex condoms!!!
Anyway. I also spoke to MY boyfriend on HER user, though he knew it was me. However, the amount of kisses does look bad. But hey. I know it was me :D
Also spoke to Gloves's DofE friend Elliott Edwards, who I have names Edward Elliotts :D He got very confused and mind blown because he was talking to Jen with a Y on Jen Jen's user. Or something.
Phone calling: So L rang twice, and I answered both times, naturally pretending to be my twin :D With her permission of course. And she laughed. A lot. Especially when he said "Austwawia". Lol. It literally resulted into her doing that orgasmic-nonbreathing-silentlaughter thing that people do when dying of laughter. So yeah.
OOO. We also played Hangman on her side :D
Movie moment: We watched Toy Story 3. Yeah. That's it. Just that. Nothing else. How interesting.

Moving on.
When I came back from the Twin's I caught up on Doctor Who - OMFG. - and So You Think You Can Dance (Uk you twits. Not the American one.) And YAY for my favourite dancers Luke and Katie getting through to the final. And Matt of course. But mostly Luke and Katie.
Do you want a clip? Of COURSE you do you silly little lovable munchkins.
Well. There are officially no clips of Katie doing the gorgeous contemporary number, so here: That's the full programme, but just go to about 20 mins in :D Actually. Go to 18.30 in, and watch Luke's solo. <3 <3 <3 <3 Katie and Matt are amazing. She does a leap part way through, and it's stunning. AND HE ACTUALLY CATCHES HER!!! :D :D :D :D At 45:50 ish, the boys do an awesome pasa doble, and... wow. yeah. please watch the bits I have mentioned!!! Pwease?!

So I love dance if you hadn't already guessed :D

Blog challenge:

11. Your currently relationship, if single discuss how single life is.
Well. Obviously I am currently in a relationship with M, and I do love him. The relationship is good, but as previously mentioned we have argued a couple of times :/ I hated that. Sometimes I worry that somethings off, cause he gets jealous quite easily and I'm very close to Om and The Giant One and such, but tbh, I get jealous too. He doesn't seem to get that. Especially when he starts (apparently jokingly) talking about a threesome with us and Gloves. To be honest, that's not exactly the best way to make your girlfriend feel good about herself. But the meh moments are really rare, and the rest of the time it's amazing. We get on really well, and just kind of fit. He's a great boyfriend, and I do try to be a good girlfriend!!! In challenge 6 I told you some of why I like him, so you get the idea. Anyway. The relationship is good, and I'm really enjoying being part of it <3 A lot of the time, he says things that make me feel really special <3 I love him to bits, so I hope this relationship lasts. So there you go. HA. now you have to answer it ;)

Anyway. I'm off to actually revise, so Bye!
See you around you strange whatsits.

Hatter xxx

1 comment:

  1. Single- the way it is for most people (i think?) and I'm enjoying it as far as I don't go crazy getting to know myself too well. Endless weeks (now school has finished) sitting around reading up knowledge on science, going crazy with a canvas or following the latest social goings-on. I suppose it's not all bad, I'm still growing up I guess so there's plenty of time to panic in future. Of course I would like to know what a relationship is like (not that I have a choise on the matter), but by watching other people I can learn what a good relationship is made of and how much I'm missing out on:) I feel odd aswell, as if I've failed at something, that I'm just ignoring though:)
    Appart from the downsides, I have grown some personal qualities whilst being on my own, like being able to control temper (none of my friends have ever seen me angry or raise my voice), and being quiet (i'm
    told I was born that lady gaga :P), and of course I have alot of time to work on my art, which is coming along nicely:)
    So yeah, could be better, could be worse.
