Monday 30 May 2011

An Epic Friday.

So that was an epic day :D
Basically, as we all have a break from exams for a week, most of the gang headed round to the Twin's house (Gloves). We had an epic time, as would be expected from such an awesome group of people.
We had a Physics exam in the morning... GAH. But hey, Om and I have officially wiped all memory of Physics from our brain..s. Maybe we share a brain. That would be awesome!!! Actually... URGH no way am I sharing Om's brain. That's just GROSS. Yeah. *Shudders* Anyway....
So. I cannae remember any Physics or what I put in the exam. I have a feeling it went okay, but who knows what my brain is on.
After the exam, everyone discussed the exam, but Om and I just stared blankly at each other for a moment before discussing some WAY more interesting things.
When Om ditched us for town and we had gathered the majority of our troops, Gloves (Twin) and I led the way out of school and on the long walk that leads to our village. That was good, with a few funny moments :D
We got to the village, and M and I headed to mine to get changed (not like that ;) lol. We were in SEPARATE rooms you sick minded weirdos). Anywho. We headed over to The House Of Gloves - picking up The Giant One on the way - and sat around with the others for a bit. We then all headed over to the park and chatted, played football, stole the ball from each other and fought to keep it, flopped to the floor, had snogging fests, and romantic moment rape took place. 
After an hour or two we all headed back to The House Of Gloves for lunch/PIZZA :D :D :D Yeah... gotta love pizza ;) As we realised we were missing two of our gang, so we called them, which resulted in a few laughs at an answer phone message XD As if I had summoned them with Hatter magic, they appeared at the door and entered. OMFG. One of the two that had just arrived (Let's call him Ninja), was dressed impeccably. It's official. Ninja is a tiny flipping weirdo ninja with stylish trousers and scary muscles. 
Well. Now that we have that sorted... So we all finished our lunch and scrambled back over to the park again. And so once again the previously mentioned topics commenced, along with severe romantic moment raping and such. At one point Gloves decided to teach Ninja to unicycle (Cause she's awesome like that ;) :D) and so we headed down to the other park which has a basket ball court - idea for unicycling. Because he is a ninja, Ninja obviously managed to pick it up straight away (as in learn how to do it, not physically picking a unicycle up. That's easy! Even I can do that). M and I chatted and kissed and just lay on the grass together (Until Gloves romantic moment raped us). Unfortunately one of my friends - The Giant One - was really upset, but he said he couldn't tell me why :( I hope he's okay. As dinner was being served at 6, some of the others went off elsewhere, but came back and said they were going back to The House of Gloves early. I ended up going with them, leaving M to talk to The Giant One.
At The House Of Gloves, we went up to her bedroom (oo-er) and listened to EPIC music :D M and The Giant One arrived after a while, and M and I just sat together listening to the music with the others most of the time. I didn't see much of The Giant One though. Typically, Zilla and her space heater nerd lover were making out on Gloves' beanbag behind us... ;). At 6ish we ate pasta for dinner, and Gloves's little brother (-.-) told admittedly funny baby jokes. It was hilarious though - and we shall never think of cheese the same way again.
After dinner we headed back up to the bedroom and M and I stole the beanbag this time - yes, we snogged. A lot. ;) But then everyone had to go at 8 :( So we said farewell to friends and lovers ;) Well. Gloves said goodbye to friends. Her 'lover' as such is in Wales -.- So yeah. Gloves and I randomly decided that i would sleepover, and so I did. This resulted in many epical quotes such as:
"You are a challenge."
"I am now going to have nightmares. To give them their proper name, female horses of the night!"
"Why would I be self concious? My boobs are awesome!"
and the old sleepover moments such as
"Death by dick" once again arose. Literally ;)
so yeah.
funny sleepover :D
But it did mean I didn't post, so...

2. How have you changed in the past 2 years?
Well. I've matured a lot. I think I appreciate things much more. In the past two years, I have been doing GCSEs, so I've really come to know a lot about hard work!!!! There's been lots of stress, but I think in the end I'm a happier - and hopefully better - person. I'm a hell of a lot more confident now, and am starting to write much more. I lost my faith recently - mostly because of the suffering I could see all around me. When I really began to see it, I could no longer justify a faith in God. I don't think studying Philosophy and Ethics helped - it means I know too many theories and just too much about all kinds of faith. I just don't feel I can believe any more. I congratulate anyone who can keep faith in spite of everything we see. I think I might read less - which is a real shame, but mostly because of exams, so I should be able to start again soon) - but what I do read is more mature, interesting and often unusual. The Harry Potters will however, always have my heart, and I still read them. That hasn't changed :D I guess... Well. I guess I'm not so afraid any more. I'm learning to trust myself and my intuition, and to stand up for what I believe is right. Now, when I say I'm not afraid of my father I mean it. (Technically, he never gave me massive reasons to fear him - nothing horrifyingly bad ever happened don't worry! - but still, for most of my life I always feared him a little. In summary I guess I just understand a lot more now.

After getting back from the sleepover I had to rush to get ready for my date with M <3 We went to the cinema at noon to see The Hangover: Part II. It was HILARIOUS. I definitely recommend it to anyone who enjoys comedy! Naturally we did kiss and stuff in the cinema during the film, but for a change we did mostly watch the movie ;)
Anyway. We had a lovely time, and mum brought us lunch to eat whilst on the way to Market Harborough. M was meant to get the train there, but mum decided she'd take us, so M and I got to spend more time together <3 We just sat and chatted in Cafe Nero for most of the time, and he is officially awesome. I'm so lucky to have him. He was incredibly sweet, and he's very kind to me. (So yeah, I forgot to say, we did talk about the argument, and we are now going strong again :D Apparently he couldn't sleep that night, so it's nice to know it really affected him too...). So jah. Spent a lovely day with the boyfriend, got back in time for So You Think You Can Dance and Doctor Who :D SYTYCD was brilliant. My two favourite dancers are headed for the semi finals, along with some other brilliant dancers. The performances were stunning, my fave two even more brilliant than usual :D Doctor Who was, naturally, as confusing as ever. *Facepalm* I TOLD them she was pregnant! ;) I also wrote a poem yesterday. It seemed to be written by a soldier fighting in a war, who at first goes with excitement, but then his wife dies, and he is actually too afraid to live with his children without her, so he goes back to war and stores up all the anger at himself, eventually admitting he wishes he could shout it all out at those around him who just don't understand. So yeah. It doesn't sound good here, but it's apparently amazing (not my words) and incredibly emotional (admittedly it did almost make me cry when I read it out loud). 
I went to bed quite late, as I was having an ... interesting ... convo with my boyfriend ;) <3

3. What kind of person attracts you
Well now ;) I don't know really. I know blue eyes attract me, but other than that looks-wise I'm not too sure. I guess I'm attracted to guys that are like me, or can at least keep up with my weirdness! M is brilliant. We are both quite unique, but manage to be very similar and you could probably say perfect for each other in a way. I like someone who is willing to listen, but also isn't afraid to speak his mind. To be honest, I mostly need someone who will understand me, and take me for who I am. I don't ever want to be with someone who makes me uncomfortable with being myself - this is another reason I'm lucky to have M. With him, I can be completely myself.

Today (Sunday):
I mostly just lazed around in my pjs today. I was supposed to pack and revise, but I didn't really get anything done. I finally finished a powerpoint I made from photos with my friends <3 I added the leavers day photos to the end too... It's officially really funny and lovely. I am proud of it now :D I shall have to show Gloves and Zilla the finished product :D
Because I spent ages doing the powerpoint, I ended up taking my dog out quite late, but I obviously have impeccable timing. As I was walking up to the twin's house to return her hat, Ninja and his other moped-riding friend drove past, stopping when they saw me. We chatted for a sec, and they parked the mopeds at the top of Gloves' drive. As I returned the hat, Gloves' boyfriend L rang, and we (along with Ninja and TCan - the other moped rider) had some rather hilarious conversations :D
Eventually I came home, watched The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button - <3 The Irish Captain!! <3 which was quite excellent. I am now officially lying in bed at 2am writing my blog and attempting to pack for Cornwall. So now you are up to date :D

4. What you wear to bed.
Wouldn't you like to know ;)
Tonight - my nightie :D Lol ;)

Until my next scribble,

Hatter xx

P.s. Please comment your answers to the questions I'm doing!! For this post it was: 
2. How have you changed in the past 2 years?
3. What kind of person attracts you
4. What you wear to bed.


  1. 2. An awful lot. :P
    3. Short, Funny, Odd.... and looks wise I don't really care. :D
    4. Usually my nightie. :) (High-five for same-ness!)

  2. 2). Taller, longer hair, that's it for the physical side. I'm probably still as shy as I was before, even though people say I'm more sociable. I'm better at talking of course because literally a flea could sustain a longer conversation than I could two years ago:) more accepted, happier.
    3) anyone that accepts me for who I am. As long as they're not 30 foot tall and don't have a compulsion to eat me...
    4) shirt, and the usual necessities of course. I often take my brain out and put it in a glass of water beside the bed at night.

  3. Yay!!! Thankies for commenting :D Loving your answers Rory <3

  4. And I'm loving your fantastic blog Jenny :)
