Friday 20 May 2011


So I guess I owe you all a post.
It's been forever since my last post, and loads has happened since. Unfortunately, I can't remember any of it, so you are doomed to never know :P
I do remember some things though...
We (The year 11s) officially left school on Friday. Yes, I cried. The day began with excitement, everyone denying any sense of sorrow. We crammed into the foyer, signing shirts where we could. I headed down to my almost-ex-but-really-forever-form room.  There were very few of us there. My friend A and I had organised the gathering of presents for our beloved form tutor Twiggy (World Champion Stick Fighter Matthew Twigg); and so we scampered slightly outside to organise them all and such. We went back in and began the signing of shirts, which had some hilarious results. When the form had been reunited, we shoved Twiggy into a chair and plonked down a table-full of presents for him. The delight on his face at the sight of a Buzz Lightyear Bubble Bath is something I will never forget :D Hilarious :D We continued to sign shirts and Mr Twigg put up a video of our first year at the school <3 :/ T'was adorable :D We've changed so much in five years. Ridiculously, we were forced to scamper off to first lesson, which was French -.- ikr?! It was okay. Signed some shirts, played robot wars, then went to break. Break was a manic fest of signing shirts, and then getting changed for our Leaver's Assembly. We gathered in the hall and were sorted into lines, form tutors affectionately watching over their almost-grown-up flocks. I got a pic with Twiggy and one of my mates (H, but a guy :P) who is ditching us for college. We were sorted into our forms, and forced to traipse into the Main Hall. The musicians were playing as we mournfully sat in our forms, at a safe distance from our parents. I saved a seat for Alice, but it ended up being filled with paperwork and 11D's only trophy - Sportsmanship award 2008 ;) So proud ;) Anyway, on a power point at the front, embarrassing photos were naturally displayed, causing littered outbursts of laughter among the students, and raised eyebrows from parents. There were several speeches, and A sang with a few others <3 Gorgeous :D Twiggy went up and said a few words about 'The Twigglets* as we are known, all the while being compared to this stupidly massive guy on the stage next to him who was supposed to give us our awards. Anyway, so we went up to collect our awards, and all sat back down to listen to more speeches. In one, the 11C form tutor talked about the many misadventures of the head of year and form tutors :D And one point Twiggy was mentioned, and our whole form whooped and cheered, making him grin (and I swear a tear formed). Representatives of each form went up to make a little speech, and ours was epic :D So many memories :') Gah, how I miss being a Twigglet already. :s <3 At the end of the assembly, we all sang our last ever hymn together (Yes we are a christian school.), and there were many tears as we all realised this was the last time we could ever call this place any kind of home. For many of us it had been a sanctuary, sometimes a hellish one at that, but fond memories outnumbered any bad ones. It was hard to think we would never be Twigglets again, and at the sight of one of my friends crying, I felt tears begin to run. As we left the hall, some sobbing, I got A HUG FROM MR TWIGG. Yup. The most unlikely thing ever actually happened :D Everyone was very teary as we filed back into the gymn, gathered our stuff and said goodbyes. The 'Hard'est looking guy I know saw me wiping tears away and pulled me into an emotional hug. Stupid emotional teddy bear :P I said goodbye to H, who I might not see for AGES cause of the college thing, and so we had like ten hugs, and he banned me from crying about it at least til prom :P One of my bezzies F was crying - and you would NOT expect HIM to cry :'( It made me start again, and we had a mad sobbing hug. I hugged my epic English teacher, and said goodbye to some truly epic people. Shuffling out of the hall mid-hung, some of our gang made our way to our local pool for a swim (my idea ;) lol), which was epic. It's silly really, but I honestly do feel really sad about leaving. I'm going to miss it all so much, and I am so grateful to everyone (inc the teachers) for making it a fantastic five years.

Exams began on Monday. HELL. But ah well. Being on study leave is cool. Me and A decided to go poke Twiggy today, which was hilarious :D We snuck in on his year 8 lesson, and started chatting. It was so epic to talk to him again. We may have caused a TEENSY bit of mischief, but SSSHHHH. Finding some post-it-notes, we left little messages for Twiggy littered around our old (beloved) form room, addressed as from his Twigglets :D <3

Had several exams already, but I think they're going okay.

Feeling a bit iffy. C is haunting me. I think I might need to see him and just talk stuff through. Trust me, it's for no other reason than to resolve weirdness and to try and get rid of this messed up restless feeling - Don't worry, I am very happy with my boyf M. <3 He's lovely.

Hatter xx

P.s. Found an epic song...

There's another version too...

Hearting them very muchly.

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