Sunday 15 April 2012

Funny people

This guy is funny. I think he's adorable.
Watch it before it goes unavailable tomorrow night.

And a funny man that should remind Kat of some good memories...

Do you find that there are some people who just have to appear to make you smile? Who have an innate ability to make you laugh when nothing else can?
I know people like this, who can make me smile just by looking at me, or smiling, or appearing on my facebook chat with their own special version of hello.
While that should always be a good thing, I find that there is one major issue with knowing people like this. The problem for me is that these people are often the ones I become very attached to, and so when we have to part it pains me more than it should. What's worse lately, is that these people are out of my reach. One is on holiday, two live far away, and one is here but feels... different. And I am going to have to leave possibly all of them next summer, when I leave school and step into the big scary world that is 'adulthood'. Maybe, just maybe, I might get to spend part of my adult life with one of them, but given the way the world works I seriously doubt that.
So anyway.
This was meant to be a happy post.

I'm going to stop thinking of the past or the future, and live and enjoy the present instead, because that is where Simon Amstell says true joy exists. Maybe you should try it too :)

Quotes of the day:
"My type is me, but better, which I think is ok. I just have to find someone who wants himself, but much much worse."
"You might say 'He walked into the shop at the same time as you with his own legs'. No, I put him in the shop with my God mind."
"Here I'll give you my phone number. When you worry, call me and I'll make you happy."
"We stole countries with the cunning use of flags..."

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