Monday 30 April 2012

Drunken shenanigans and mornings after.

Went to the sixth form party on Thursday night, which was rather fun :D Went with Gloves, Smurf, CB, Cleughy, Ninja and a couple of other people. Gloves, Smurf and I got dropped off at the club, but Cleughy and the others went out drinking first. We sat around, danced, chatted and messed around until CB and Smurf disappeared for alcohol. I wanted some, so when they came back I made them take me to get some. So the four of us went out and everyone except Gloves had a couple of drinks. Gloves did, however agree to drink a sip of WKD in exchange for the viewing of a certain kiss. I have to say, seeing the 'happy couple' do that totally made my night. CB freaked out when the police rolled past, and that's when the fighting kind of started. Anywho we went back in and had a fun night (especially when the others actually arrived). Saw Harry, whom I may begin to refer to as DirtyWhiteShoes <3 Good times and drunken shenanigans XD Lots of fun grinding with Gloves to make the boys freak out XD Lovely moment when I think we finally completely made up again <3 <3
CB managed to get himself kicked out, and while Gloves called him to get to find Cleughy/spoke to Ninja, Smurf and I talked properly for the first time. That was good. We all chatted a bit, and then Smurf just gave up on calling and walked out the club to find Cleugh and Ninja. Unfortunately that meant he couldn't come back inside. We ended up all leaving, met up with the others and found Smurf was pissed off with CB. They argued while we walked Ninja home, though the rest of us tried to help them sort it out. I ended up calming Smurf down for the last bit when he walked away from Gloves. We dropped Ninja off, Smurf and CB argued again. Gloves needed some love, so we had a sisterly moment, when CB hung around we sent him to go and sort things out with Smurf, because that would make things better again. In the end I had to use my epic philosophy arguing skills to put him back in his place and sober him up a little. I think they made up in the end. Got more lovely time with Gloves, and I think Smurf and I have finally kind of... reconciled after everything thats happened.  So yeah more chatting, and we eventually went back to Cleughy's. Fell asleep next to my lovely Gloves.

Woke up next to her, with a rather large headache, but luckily Gloves had made me drink lots of water before I slept so my head wasn't too bad. When the boys awoke they trooped in in just their boxers and we ended up in a pajama pile on. Well, Cleugh was more dressed.
Tea and toast for breakfast <3
Got dressed and Gloves did my hair cause she is cool like that. We all skipped first and then they dropped me off at Tresham. Tresham was boring. Did some modelling but it was all still just boring. Left early, Gloves and Ninja drove round to pick me up. We chatted in the car until lunch time :)
Went to music and had a fairly alright lunch time with people. Ladybird told me he had a small gig tomorrow, which I said I might attend.
The afternoon was okay, if a little head-achy.
Went to Beth's party (friend I met through Ladybird/soul/church) and had a lot of fun. I felt really awkward and kind of on my lonesome at first because no one I knew very well was there other than Beth. Made friends with a girl called Claudia though, and after that everything took a turn for the positive. Bought myself two Smirnoff Ices at the bar XD Managed to get Beth's younger brother to dance with me and Claudia, which had entertaining results. Cleughy, Ninja and some other people I knew arrived and the rest of the night consisted of mad, tipsy raving. Epic moments dancing to Grease Lightning and other 'legendary' songs with the guys :D All in all, a good night, and I remembered to deliver Ladybird's present to Beth along with my own :D

Woke up at 12 and took paracetamol for my head... 
Rushed to get ready and arrived just in time for Ladybird's band at the charity event gig. Took some pictures then gave up and just filmed most of it on mum's crappy camera. Have to say, I'm proud that I caught some of the faces that Ladybird made at me on camera. He made me chuckle throughout, which was nice as I didn't know anyone not in the band there! The band were really great, and I was very proud of Ladybird :) Although when he came off he did hug me and didn't bother to let go while he texted his mother. Awkward, given we were surrounded by people I barely knew and I was stuck hugging him -.- I had a good time really though, and it was good to meet and chat to Ladybird's friends. One of them later made a comment about Ladybird and I... which kind of startled me, but I clarified everything and all is good.
I look forward to the next gig :D
Came home, revised, and then chatted to Beardy well into the night <3

Woke up late again. Played Irene while chatting to Beardy and Fairy (who is TOTALLY in a relationship with a terrific girl, and I am very proud of him ;) especially since I was the first person he told XD). Ate, and revised while watching crappy TV. Missed people a lot today, which meant that I ate a lot of comfort food -.- But ah well. 
It's now almost 1am, and so I am off to bed.

Love to the peoples.

A little gift from Saturday afternoon, because I'm awesome at pausing videos in hilarious places:

My lovely Ladybird <3 cause this is just awesome ;)

I might post a video of the band up later.

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