Friday 20 April 2012

Because Kat did it.

1. Last Beverage→ Water.
2. Last phone call→ From mum.
3. Last text message→ From BeardyBen.
4. Last song→ Cigarettes and chocolate milk, Rufus Wainwright.
5. Last time you cried→ I don't know... Probably when my brother went back home to Cornwall on Tuesday.

6. Dated someone twice → Yep
7. Been cheated on? → Not as far as I know
8. Kissed someone & regretted it? → Try not to, but yes I have.
9. Lost someone special?→ Unfortunately
10. Been depressed?→ Yes
11. Been drunk?→ Huh. Yeah. About that...

12. Violet
13. Blue
14. Green

15. Made new friends → Yes <3 You know who you are. Love <3
16. Fallen out of love → Don't think so.
17. Laughed until you cried → A lot :D
18. Met someone who changed you→ I think so. And I think the change was a positive one.
19. Found out who your true friends were→ Yup.
20. Found out someone was talking about you→ Yeah, but as Kat said people always are, so there's no point getting in a strop. Life is too precious.
21. Kissed anyone on your friend's list→ This year... erm. Don't think so.
22. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life --> All of them...
23. How many kids do you want to have→ Erm. One? Or three? If three, two older boys and a girl. Because I had fun growing up with older brothers XD
24. Do you have any pets → I doooo. My Tigerlily the putty tat, and my brother's dog Baileys.
25. Do you want to change your name→ Nah.
26. What did you do for your last birthday→ Hung around with wonderful people.
27. What time did you wake up today → 6.15 -.-
28. What were you doing at midnight last night→ Listening to music and blogging, according to my internet history. A little worried as to why I couldn't remember that.
29. Name something you CANNOT wait for -> Exams to be over, and my birthday... expedition.
30. Last time you saw your father→ Erm. A couple of months ago? I think?
31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life→ My attitude to work. I just can't sit myself down and revise. Other than that, nothing. Life is good.
32. What are you listening to right now → Cigarettes and Chocolate Milk.
33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom → Yeah, several.
34. What's getting on your nerves right now? → Distances. And an odd feeling in my throat.
36. Whats your Zodiac sign?→ Leo.
39. Male or female→ That, I simply cannot answer. Female, you strange infuriating series of questions!
40. Elementary School→ Northampton High School for Girls, Barry Road Lower/Primary school.
41. Middle School → We don't have them here
42. High school → Bishop Stopford School (& Tresham)
43. Hair color → Blonde, with a small streak of purple <3
44. Height→ Short. As I am frequently told by my friends XD
46. Do you have a crush on someone? → Yup. We are not going to talk about it right now.
47. What do you like about yourself? → A lot more of late. My new outlook on life, my eyes and hair (in fact I'm pretty happy with my body in general), my music taste, and the majority of my personality. That and the fact that I'm not so scared any more, and I'm a little more experienced in ... lifeness... than I was a while ago.
48. Piercings?→ Two. More planned...
49. Tattoos → Not yet. 
50. Righty or lefty --> Righty.

51. First surgery → Nought.
52. First piercing → Earlobes.
53. First tattoo→ Not yet.
54. First best friend→ Simba or Alice Kilner <3
55. First sport you joined → Not exactly a sport, but ballet.
56. First pet → Bluebell the rabbit. Or perhaps the fish at my Dad's.
57. First vacation remembered → Probably Devon or Wales with ma famille.
58. First concert → Erm... Busted and McFly in Kent. So proud.
59. First crush--> Same as Kat, Orlando Bloom. Then this guy called Joe Rush. When I was like... miniscule.
60. First alcoholic drink→ Other than the occasional sip of mum's wine? Cider probably.

61. Eating → Nought
62. Drinking → Water
63. I'm about to → Go to bed
64. Listening to → Nothing
65. Waiting for → These questions to end
66. Want kids? → Yes.
67. Want to get married? → Yes
68. Careers in mind? → Several, each as impractical as the last.

69. Lips or eyes → I always notice eyes first so I'll go with them.
70. Hugs or kisses → Both. At the same time. It's fun.
71. Shorter or taller → Taller.
72. Older or Younger → Older probably. But not like old old. You know. Two-year radius ish.
73. Romantic or spontaneous → I like Kat's answer: "Spontaneity can totally be romantic"
74. Long hair or Short? Long-ish.
75. Tattoos or piercings→ Sure, just not... horrific amounts.
76. Sensitive or loud → I'd rather sensitive, but I don't want someone I have to tell to 'Man-up'.
77. Hook-up or relationship→ The latter.
78. Trouble maker or hesitant→ As long as they aren't a dickweed, a trouble maker can be a bit of fun. Too much hesitancy is... well... man up will you??

79. Kissed a stranger → Pretty much.
80. Skipped class?→ Stupidly frequently.
81. Lost glasses?→ In my house, or just on my face. Either way, yes.
83. Broken someone's heart → I wish I could definitely say no.
84. Had your own heart broken--> Possibly. If I have, I feel pretty mended right now.
85. Been arrested?→ Nope.
86. Turned someone down → Yes
87. Cried when someone died --> Yes
88. Liked a friend that is a girl? → Nope

89. Yourself → More now.
90. Miracles → Undecided
91. Love at first sight -> Undecided
92. Heaven → In a way
93. Santa Claus → No
94. Kissing on the first date? → Yes, because kissing is fun.
95. Angels → sometimes

96. Is there one person you want to be with right now? → Yes.
97. Had more than one boyfriend/girlfriend at one time? → No.
98. Do you believe its possible to remain faithful forever? → Some people can.
99. What's the one thing you cannot live without? → The combination of my imagination and good music.
100. Own question. I can't be bothered to think of one, so night!

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