Monday 20 June 2011


My story:
Those of you who know me will know that I FAIL at cooking. Guess what I ruined today? Omelette and beans. Yeah. Still tasted good though...
What are the easiest foods to cook/make?
Baked beans
I have ruined them all...

So yeah, never ask the Hatter to cook for you :P

25. 10 ways to win your heart
Gosh that's hard!
I don't know really!
I'll have a go though...
1. Don't be afraid to be yourself! 
2. Smile :)
3. HAVE FUN. I cannae work with too serious people. I'd kinda prefer it if you were able to have fun/a laugh :P
I seriously can't think of anything.
I'll update this as and when I think of stuff :P

Sunday 19 June 2011


I was going to tell you about the dream I had last night, but I forgot.
It was MAD.
It was like prom, but not prom. We were at school, and went in all dressed up and prommy and whatnot.
There was a big hall (which reminded me of an enlarged version of the shape of my bathroom O.o) where all the prom stuff was happening.
So I danced with people, and then went to check on my friend who seemed meh.
She wanted to get this guy (Harry, for those who know him. Yes, he was in my dream O.o) to dance with her, because she'd liked him before or something.
Because Harry and I get on well and talk a lot, I said I'd get him to dance with her. So, I went over and spoke to him and I don't remember much about that part... except that I was suddenly dancing with HARRY. Wtf?! As in like... slow dancing. *Runs away in fear*
So yeah. We stopped dancing when the song ended, and my friend was like "What the hell? you were supposed to get him to dance with me?" and I was just like "kbeorgboaebguoerbh ... I did try!"
Then we were in somewhere like the foyer (for those who know my school) and M was mad at me because I danced with Harry. Even though I'd been dancing with M FOREVER as well as a couple of my best guy friends (though not slow dancing) and M himself had been slow dancing with his best girl friends too... Hypocrite -.-
Suddenly my best friend since I was like this high (couple of months old) was suddenly there, and I was like YAY. Because he's awesome.
So then M went to the Octagon, and I started walking up towards the Sports Hall, where suddenly a mixture of mine and... Simba's friends were there. So we randomly started to dance (kind of seperate but meeting in the middle type dance - he kept flipping and things and I kept forgetting the steps because I hadn't danced it with him since we were young. Or something). There was a yellow thing that was a kind of bed-type-thing near the sports hall steps, and Simba and I both sort of collapsed on it. There was a MASSIVELY awkward moment when our faces were suddenly really close together and we ALMOST kissed (which reminds me of when Simba and i were young... we used to play families, and I remember one particular time I was 'putting him to bed' and he made me kiss him on the cheek or something. We were like, 5 or something. lol. yeah...). So then it was MASSIVELY awkward and stuff happened including stuff with everyone and prom but I can't remember it so...
Then I was walking round the corner and for those of you who know my school, it was where the stairs at the octagon end of the corridors were. There was an extra bit beside the stairs, with a white door. I opened it, and there were these weird hard-to-climb stair things that I just remember being really difficult to get up... and then the door at the top was awkward to open without falling down the stairs too. Everything was painted very white in this part by the way. So I finally managed to get through the door and was faced with a farm-type place. It was definitely indoors. And cramped. But there were horses in stables and sheep in... a thing.
I decided to feed the sheep, I found the food for the lambs and gave it to them, but when I tried to give the sheep theirs, one of them just looked at me and said "Not that. We don't eat that." For some reason it was normal for a sheep to tell me what to do, so I went back to looking for sheep food.
I kept finding copper things like copper earrings for some reason...
So yeah, by the time I woke up I was still trying to find sheep food in the weird white farm place thing.
I didn't even get to talk to the horses :(
Stupid demanding sheep -.-

So yeah. That was my messed up dream

Hatter xx

Saturday 18 June 2011

Click the owls...

Hatter xx

When The Hat Tumbles

So... I have set up a tumblr account, not sure why...
So yeah.
Enjoy that.
 Still reading Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, and officially doing chapter art.

Not much to report.
Well. It suddenly started hailing a minute ago O.o and now it is sunny.

Hatter xx

P.s. Zilla, any chance you'll help me draw a flying motorcycle?

24. Things you want to say to 5 different people.
I have no idea... I shall fill it in when I think of something!

Friday 17 June 2011


So I just had a late night bath because I spoke to C earlier, and I really needed to relax because I was getting worked up.
So, at 10.30pm I ran myself a strawberry-smelling bath (Courtesy of a bath bomb that Chicken Fingers got me :P ... for Christmas...) and locked myself in the bathroom with my copy of Harry Potter and The Philosopher's Stone. Yes, I am having a HP book marathon.
I'd forgotten how adorable HP: PS is!!!! Plus it's nice to read the actual beginning that the film missed out -.-
I am officially on Chapter 2, and I adore it. I realised my copy is 10 years old! I must have got it when I was about 6 :D
I will never understand those that dislike the HPs. I respect that it might not be their thing, but I still don't understand it. Rowling is a fantastic author, and I had forgotten how awesome her descriptions and whatnot are. Plus The Philosopher's Stone is such a lovely story! <3
Anyway. Enough of that. I think you get the picture.
So yeah.
Now I must go to bed (though I will probably be up for hours reading) so that I am up early and can get on with finishing Chapter 4 of my story Forbidden.
I'll put another link to my story up when it is updated :D

Good night!
Hatter xx



Ahem. Yeah. So I adore Harry Potter. I always have. The HPs have always been my favourite books and films. I swear I must have read the books over 10 times each!
So yeah.


Derek the Pony.

Oui. There is a Shetland pony called Derek down my street <3
So yeah.
The twin and I just got back from walking Baileys in the rain, which was fun :D Now she's reading my journal O.o Very strange experience looking back over old thoughts and feelings... also very awkward.
She also rubbed my journal against her face. Apparently it feels nice. Personally, I think she's mad.
Remind me to buy Gloves some juggling balls for her birthday :D
Not doing much today except reading stuff on Wattpad and writing chapter 4 of my new story.
Blog challenge:
23. Something you always think “what if…” about
Since I was young and my Dad was an arse, I have always thought what if I had been born to my brother's' Dad instead. And there have always been a lot of what ifs about me being born and stuff so...
I also think 'what if' about last year's pool party. What if I had said yes to L and not gone out with C? Everything would be so strange and different! But as much as I have often thought what if, and as crap as some of the times since have been, I wouldn't change any of it for the world.

Hatter xx


I know it's really late, early, but I'm very awake and happy right now.
I've just been doing some research, and have found out that this certain thing that I'm not happy about is completely normal :D Zilla knows about it, but no one else, so I'm sorry that this means nothing to you!
So yeah Zilla. It's completely normal and I'm officially majorly happy! I almost cried I was so happy! That may seem weird though O.o lol :P
Anyway. Sorry that post is messed up and meaningless to most of you... but hey. I'm too happy to care :D

Hatter xx

Thursday 16 June 2011


Yeah. Take that.


I suddenly feel like I really want to tell you something that's been on my mind for a while now. We all wonder what the point of our lives is, right? Like what our purpose is or whatever. Have you ever felt like you are here to be there for other people?
I sometimes wonder if guardian angels are actually like human beings, who have been brought to life to look after those they come to love in whatever way they can. 
I know it may seem stupid, but sometimes I feel like that's the only reason I'm here. I always try to accept people for who they are, and I have a massive desire to help them. This ridiculous idea of mine isn't helped by the frequent dreams supporting it.
I feel this especially with Gloves. I don't believe in accidents, I think everything happens for a reason. I definitely believe Gloves and I were supposed to meet. Plus we have the same name, ridiculously similar personalities and our mothers share the same name too. 
When Gloves is upset, I feel like I've failed. Like it's my fault even if no-one could see a way that I could have prevented it from happening. When she's in pain or crying, I want to take it all away, and into me if I have to. It makes more sense for me to be in pain than her. Before you start thinking that I'm in love with her or something - I say this because sometimes people feel like that last bit when they're in love - I'm really not. I love her as a friend, but I am certainly not in love with her. I'm not gay or bi - yes I do know for sure. Plus I think I'm falling in love with someone else.
Gloves often says that I'm like the glue holding our friend groups together, or something like that. I've never felt like that myself. I've often felt the furthest away from them all, certainly not the thing holding them all together.
So yeah. You officially think I'm insane. No, I don't believe I'm an angel or something - I just think my purpose is something similar to that of a guardian angel - I'm just here to help.

This is one of my favourite pictures of Gloves and I. Naturally I am the stupidly shiny blond on the left. It was taken at a time when I didn't feel like I was failing her... Without realising, I guess I felt like I was doing my job.
Except I like the 'job'. I love it.

Anyway. That's the end of my insanity post. No, I'm not going to therapy. I don't think like this all the time, and it's probably just because Gloves and I are really good friends, and I always want to help people.

Hatter xx

P.s. Plus, feeling like that is my purpose makes me feel better about the shit that makes me feel crap, because it doesn't really matter if the 'angel' or helper gets hurt.

Oh for crying out loud.

Yesterday was fine. M came round at 12.30 which was good. We watched the film 'Superbad', which was very funny. We made out a lot... :/ and for those of you who know what that is, we got to number 8 on the SS. To be honest, I'm feeling iffy about us lately. I don't know what to do.
Blog challenge: 21. Something you can’t seem to get over.
The way my Dad acts about my mum. He's a complete ass. I try to forgive him and see him as my father, but I can't.

Today has been boring. Just sitting around doing nothing. Though I should walk my dog in a sec. Nothing really happening.
Blog challenge: 22. 10 things about you people don’t really expect
1. That I love to sing.
2. That I'm a writer.
3. I had counselling a couple of years ago.
4. I'm technically an only child. I have three older half-brothers (mum's) and 1 younger half sister (dad's).
5. I'm not the happy smiley hyper person that I try to pretend to be. 
6. I'm not a Christian any more. I don't have my faith.
7. I'm quite a spiritual(/holistic I suppose) person. I use crystals and things, and I pray to the Universe now. I believe in angels, spirit guides, gaia, and stuff like that.
8. I have self-harmed.
9. I would love to sing and whatnot on Broadway, but I've never really told anyone because it's a stupid dream.
10. I'm terrified of being alone.

Hatter xx 

P.s. I know the title probably doesn't make sense... I called it that because that's how I was feeling when I started writing this. I'm feeling crap about stuff again, and I'm really getting tired of it. I can't remember the last time/thing that made me truly and completely happy.

Tuesday 14 June 2011

Blog catch up

Monday was okay, nothing overly exciting happened, just revision. Gloves came over part way through to walk my dog with me and then we went to 'revise' at hers. (i.e. watch the first EVER Doctor Who episodes).
Blog Challenge: 19. Something that never fails to make you feel better.
People playing with my hair; Om; The Giant One; music... M.

Tuesday: Today was fine. Had the Philosophy & Ethics: Religion peace and justice; religion and equality exam today. It was okay, but I've probably failed. I went round to Gloves's after to watch Paul, which was hilarious.
Blog Challenge: 20. The last argument you had.
With my mum about M coming round tomorrow.

Hatter xx

Sunday 12 June 2011

Oh wow!

WOW. Just noticed I have several new followers.... HULLO NEW PEOPLE!!!! WELCOME TO MY BLOG XD
Especially Chicken fingers :P <3 HI!!!!!!
Yeah. So sorry about the last couple of posts... I just needed to let it out. I promise I'll do much more awesome posts for now :D

Hatter xx


So here's what happened as far as I can remember yesterday.
I got ready for the pool party, feeling worried about seeing C again. I had decided to stick to M like glue, as that would be better for everyone.
I headed up to X's as his parents were giving he, Gloves and I a lift to L's. The car journey was fine, pleasant in fact. Arrival made me feel weird. (Do bear in mind that C lives right next to L, and that L's house is where C and I first saw each other and got together). We went inside, ditched our stuff and the party began. H randomly went bottle-bobbing in a bucket of ice O.o That was random and hilarious. C arrived a bit later, and I just died a little bit inside :/ When he came to the gazebo I could feel all my friends watching for my reaction, so I tried to act normal and everything. Basically I talked as if this was fine with me, and as if I wasn't like I;BERGQBGUOEWBGOWBGIO inside.
So the party continued, and we FINALLY actually got into the pool :D That was hilarious, and luckily M arrived quite soon. C and I kept sharing glances. I'd look up and he would be watching me, so I smiled so he'd think I was okay. Apparently he was doing the same...
We had a strange kind of waterfight, and H and I became obsessed with LE BOTTLE. Basically, there was a bottle of shloer-like stuff, and we ended up appearing drunk or addicts as we wandered round drinking from these massive green bottles :D T'was hilarious :D
Party continued, with several meh moments - not just my own, others too.
Seeing C was making me feel really weird. All the emotions I'd try to suppress sort of welled up and I had to fight to smile a lot. M noticed I was iffy and came and hugged me and stuff which was lovely <3
So yeah. Once again the party continued, but I stayed out of the pool, lounging around in my bikini instead. Again, there was muchos awkwardness with C, but hey. Another couple of meh moments, a gazillion of awkward moments, and L and I looked for DVDs we could watch later.
Stuff happened, and I honestly can't remember details. I think we hung around in our swimming stuff for a while, including a moment when C accidentally poured his coke down himself (to which I laughed manically :D). After a moment of grinning and watching me laugh at him, C decided to deliberately pour the rest of the can down himself, and H decided to add to the hilarity by pouring a bit of her Tango down him too. That was a good moment. A couple of times, it felt nice to be around C, almost like that very first day. But the rest of the time, I just felt really messed up and wanting M a lot.
We all decided to get changed and watched the movie, so the girls kicked the guys downstairs and we changed in L's bedroom ;) It took.... a while :P Mostly because H randomly decided to moisturise O.o
So yeah. We headed down and started to watch the movie (Johnny English). C was still upstairs, and H and Gloves randomly decided they didn't want to watch the movie and went upstairs, and I followed. So we sat around chatting, and it felt like there was a little tension between C and I. L came to remind us that we'd probably get kicked out if we all stayed up there, so we all headed back down to watch the movie. I curled into M, but C sat in my eyeline and so, naturally, awkward glances once more. It was so freaking hard to see him there!!!!! I thought I'd be fine, but I wasn't. I just wasn't.
At one point L and M headed out to get more food from the shop, so I used the Ninja as a radiator when I got cold XD. They came back, and everything was fun with muchos munching of food and film watching... ish :P I was once again curled up against M, which was VERY NICE ;) He is stupidly comfortable and warm and such. And an awesome boyfriend. So yeah. He wins. Later on L disappeared again, and Gloves said she thought he was at the shop again, but we discovered that he was in fact upstairs... and apparently meh. Gloves went up to see him (as did the giant one), and we continued the watching of the movie without them. The door opened, and I turned to see C walking in. (My brain: "Ah shit."). Yeah. He was back. He went upstairs, but came back down almost immediately with a worried look on his face. I noticed immediately and we shuffled into the dining room. He was saying that stuff was VERY meh upstairs, but I shouldn't go up there. I was extraordinarily torn. I wanted to go and help and be there for them both, but I knew C was right - I couldn't go. Eventually l came downstairs, and let's just say he wasn't overly happy. I comforted him, then made a signal to C to take over with L while I went to check on Gloves. She was in the same state, if slightly better. Obviously I can't share the details as its not my thing. We talked for a while, and I tried to make her feel better and stuffles. We moved into the library room, and I stood in the doorway while Gloves continued to splurge. I saw C trying to catch my attention from the stairs, so I slipped out of the library and headed down to have a whispered conversation with him. Apparently C had comforted L, who was now back in the tv room, and C was wondering if he should come up and talk to Gloves. I didn't see why not, so I led the way up there. We sat down and comforted Gloves some more, until I offered to get her some galaxy (cause I knew it would help). I spoke to L, Ninja and M for a moment before realising there was no galaxy and settling for shortbread and bourbons. I ran upstairs and gave them to Gloves before being kicked out of the library by C as they were having a talk.
So I just headed downstairs and went to L, Ninja and M. L immediately asked how she was and it was all MEH again. He started trying to blame himself, but we all convinced him it wasn't his fault. M started having a go about Gloves so I got annoyed and simply gave him a hard look and said 'Don't'. So that continued for a while, and eventually L asked if he could go up and talk to Gloves. I went up and checked, and Gloves said yes so I took L up. C and I decided they would probably want some space so we headed outside. I went downstairs while C headed into L's room. Ninja wanted to talk to me, so we went into the dining room again for a chat. He basically wanted to know if it was his fault. I told him I didn't think it was, and thats that. M tried to walk in at one point, but we said we were having a talk. M got all huffy and said "You're always having talks." and mumbled about how they end badly and everything, so I had a mini go at him as he left and I went back to talking to Ninja. The Giant One and his gf had to leave, so I was like SHIT SHIT SHIT cause I always feel better and stuff when either he or Om is around, and suddenly neither of them was there and I just died. When I hugged the Giant One goodbye I didn't want to let go. Our friend Em left not too long after, and I said goodbye and went upstairs.
...brb... I may have just broken down to Adele - someone like you. Shit. I really need Om right now...
Okay. I'm kind of back. Right where were we?
Ah. Okay. This bit is only vague...
I think this is when this part happened.
I went upstairs to L's bedroom and C was still gaming, so I just said hi and left him to it. L came up twice, really meh, but kept having to wipe away the tears and drag himself downstairs to say goodbye to people. The second time he got dragged down, I went and sat on the wall kind of facing C, but mostly the mirror behind him to the left. He offered me the seat, but I muttered something about the floor being comfy. A few seconds later, I looked up at him and simply said "And to think I thought it would be me falling apart today". There was a moment of silence, and I got up and stood just outside the door with my head in my hands. Truth was, I was falling apart, but I couldn't because I had to be strong for everyone else - namely L and Gloves. I went back inside L's room, but didn't look at C til I was sat down on the bed. I took my head out of my hands and looked across at him... He had pulled his hood up and was hiding his face as if he was crying. I had no idea what to do. I just froze. I didn't know whether to go to him, leave him, or what. In the end I felt like I was breaking again but I heard footsteps coming up the stairs so I wiped away the stupid tear that escaped the barrier of my eyelashes. It was M. He came over and sat next to me. He asked what was wrong with C, and I just muttered "I don't know". I felt iffy so I got up and stood outside the room again and M just held me which was really nice and comforting, but a part of me felt empty. L came upstairs and saw me falling apart in my boyfriend's arms, and I just pointed in the bedroom and mouthed C's name and that I thought he was crying.
M and I moved to the library. We talked, and he kept asking if I was okay, so I told him I was. We talked for a bit, including a moment when he told me that he and C had spoken, and M kind of mockingly told me that C had said he doesn't feel "the magic" with anyone else. I got kind of annoyed at him for saying that kind of mockingly, but L saved me by walking in right then. He sat down on the sofa and ended up lying down shaking. We tried comforting him, which I hope helped. At one point I think L noticed me looking seriously meh, and stroked the back of my head for a second cause he knew it would make me feel a bit better. (For some reason someone playing with or stroking my hair makes me feel better. I know, it's weird. But hey.)
I can't remember much of what happened after that - I think I was feeling numb - except that Gloves came upstairs to say that her mum had arrived earlier than planned to pick us up, and was waiting outside. We said goodbye to people, and I went back upstairs to say goodbye to C. Which was horrible. I didn't know what to do...
As I walked out (after kissing M goodbye <3) I asked L to look after C... I know I should've told him to take care of himself, but I couldn't help it. I felt so bad about C.
The journey home was fine. Awkward when Gloves's mum asked if C was there... When they dropped me off Gloves asked her mum if she could stay and talk to me, so Gloves and I headed up to the hill in the churchyard opposite my house. We talked about everything that had happened and everything, but then she headed home and so did I. I blogged, slept, and here we are.
A very good song that kind of fits with how the twin (and sort of I) was feeling...

This song is apparently about a girl who is there physically, but everything else seems to be disappearing. Or something. I seem to be connecting with it, so here you go: (Yes, it's the Glee version. I'm sorry, but I prefer this to the original - the original is by The Zombies).

Hatter xx

P.s. I have just found out that Gloves spoke to C more about me than I thought. Gloves said that she didnt think it was right that M is going out with me, it didnt seem right to her.
I'm not mad at her or anything though. I'm just really really confused. And kinda wondering who else isn't telling me what they really think... :/

P.p.s. Let's have a song fest shall we?

Adele - Take it all.
I chose this one because It's really connecting with me. Sometimes I feel I'm letting everyone take it all, but hey. I come out stronger every time. Also with C, I gave it everything I could, but it ended feeling like 8 months of wasted love, because he took it all. Turns out I was his world, and he wishes he could take me back...

I think you can guess why this song (Adele - Hiding my heart) is connecting with me. Especially the beginning.

Someone wrote a comment at the bottom of the lyrics and I'd like to share it with you:
"I can relate to this song and Someone Like You, as I once had a whirlwind romance; the kind that makes your soul dance, and just the memories can make your heart flutter. Those relationships rarely last; if they do the magic fades. I am certian that like a professional athlete; it is best to leave it on top of your game so to speak."

Blog challenges:

18. Disrespecting parents.
Er. You should naturally have a general respect for everyone. I try to respect my parents, but with my Dad it's hard. I think everyone has to earn respect too. Or just not give people a reason not to respect you. So yeah. That's a crap answer, but tough, I cannae be asked.

Saturday 11 June 2011

A Pool Party and a Predicament

Sooo... Sorry I haven't been on - mum confiscated the computer while I have exams.

Today was L's pool party, which was... eventful.
I shan't tell you all the shiz that went on, because a lot of it isn't my business. However, C was there. Yup. *AWKWARD MUFFIN* much?!?!?!
It was... weird.
I felt incredibly restless, and I didn't know what to do or think or feel or ANYTHING.
Apparently... erm... well. Apparently though C has a gf, he doesn't feel anything real for her, but with me, he felt indestructible, because I was the world to him. So, naturally, I feel shit.

Hatter xx

P.s. There's a lot more, but I really don't feel like it now.

Blog challenges:

14. Something disgusting you do.
Erm. I honestly can't think of anything. Seriously. Zilla? Gloves? L? What do I do?

15. The best things to happen to you this week.
Not much really. I did a maths exam, which didn't go well. so yeah, not sure that anything overly good actually happened...

16. 3 things you are proud of about your personality.
THREE?!?!?! There aren't that many!! Okay, I've asked my mum so I now have three.
1. Kindness to others/being there for others
2. Empathy
3. Standing up for what I believe in.

17. Things that make you scared.
Losing people. It terrifies me. My mum, brothers and friends are my world. If I lost them, I would fall to pieces.
Also, I'm scared of hurting people.

Burning inside.

Do you ever feel
Like you're burning inside
Nothing feels real
No such thing as pride.

Does your body ever
Burn from within
Broken forever
The pain begins.

Never ending
Always burning
Heart breaking
Body yearning.

Tuesday 7 June 2011

Challenge 13.

13. A date you would love to go on.

oooh that's a toughy. I don't know. I suck (NO, Zilla/Gloves! How could you be so disgustingly minded?!). Oooo! How about you post ideas as well as your own answer, and I'll see which one I like best, and that shall be my answer. Or we could do a vote as to which date we think is best. Well that's interesting isn't it? No, not really. Humph. I suppose I'd like to go for a really nice meal. Or something. Well that's boring isn't it?!
OOOOOOOO. I know (still boring). Spend the day doing random things like I don't know... really fun, unusual, random things. Then in the early evening go to a fair (near a beach would be nice. But that's optional ;) x), and play arcade games and stuff. Finish the evening with a scrumptious meal, then head down to the beach and just sit and stuff. And then. Well. We'd have to see how it went. But yeah. I think that would be an awesome day/date thing to do. Although I have a feeling that that's basically a montage of the most enjoyable dates I've ever been on. Huh.
ANYWAY. Comment yours you shmexy people, and yeah. Bye!

Until my next scribble
Hatter xx

P.s. My day was fine, with a healthy dose of Zilla booknerd-ness after a piano lesson, and a healthy dose of twin hilarity (involving a TARDIS and David Tennant. Well. A doll of him. but shush. A girl can dream)

Monday 6 June 2011

I don't know what to title this post so... Hi. Aw man I've already used that -.- Oooo I know! I shall name it...

Pixar. Yes. Well. I suppose that didn't actually work though, as the title of this post is now "I don't know what to title this post so... Hi. Aw man I've already used that -.- Oooo I know! I shall name it..." So yeah.
Pixar. Why Pixar? Because this dude on youtube (friend of Charlieissocoollike), went to pixar studios. In true nerd fashion: JEALOUS. Yeah, I know right?

Maths exam went terribly. It's the Graphics exam on Friday, so I shall be doing some hardcore revision over these last few days... Probably.

And... as I've already done a blog post for today, and nothing else interesting happened, I am off! Bye!

Hatter xx

P.s. Also pixar because I've been reliving the Disney days and watching the Toy Story films. All 3 <3

P.p.s. Attempting to find a way of watching the first EVER Doctor Who episodes. So yeah. please help!

Well I'll be damned.

Well I probably won't. There's no reason for me to be. Actually... yeah, I probably am damned :D
Because I love YOU - yeah YOU. (But not in that way. That would be weird... and... eurgh!) - I am updating my blog now. Stupidly late/early. YAY.
So this counts as the blog of Monday 6th June. Hi, welcome to Monday :D
I have a maths exam later (1pm), so I shall blog as to how I think it went and any important news. If I fail to do so, this counts as Monday's full blog, rather than Monday part 1. 
So, Monday blog part 1, what is happening in the world of The Hatter at approximately 12:23am? 
Well my strange whatsit (oo-er), I don't know because you haven't written it yet. What IS going on in the world of The Hatter?
That's it?
Well that was a waste of time.
And we've wasted the valuable time of our followers now haven't we?
Aye. Shame about that.
Exactly. But-
Shouldn't really have followed us in the first place really should they? I mean it's not exactly interesting over here. We don't talk about interesting things such as the Hatter's true mind any more. We just do blog challenges, day updates and random thoughts.
That's exactly what I was thinking.
Can you think? You're a blog.
Well I appear to be. What are you? In fact, WHO. ARE. YOU??? (*Cheers for Alice in Wonderland quote*)
(*Cheers*). Right. I'm not sure. We should probably take that up with the Hatter, as well as the GIVE US MORE INTERESTING STUFF TO WAFFLE ABOUT thing.
Yeah, we should.
*Stares at the Hatter*
I don't think its working.
Huh. She might actually be working.
At this late hour?
True. Poke her.

Okay. Sorry about that. I'm here! 'Tis me! How are you my dears? Yes, that is a question. No, it isn't rhetorical. Yes, that does mean you have to answer it.
ANYWAY. Ooo I do get excited when I suddenly arrive back from la-la land. Especially when my blog starts talking to itself. Or me. Or... whatever.
I was actually blogging to say:

Why is a raven like a writing desk?

No, I don't know either.
Shall we move on?

Do you want to read the conversation the twin and I had on the bus ride to school on the 26th of  January?
Of course you do!
Moi: "Say Billy... I think that's a Geordie accent. Say Billy!"
Gloves: "No!"
"Say Billy!"
"Why? Wtf is it? Is it Geordie?"
"Yeah cause his Dad says BILLY and you sounded like his dad. Shout Billy. Shout it!"
"Why? It could be an innuendo. Plus, Jack will turn around."
"No he won't. Just shout Billy. Shout fuckin' Billy!"
..."Well that was just a little unnecessary."

Do you want to hear about another of our bus moments?


oo look a plastic bag.
You'd think that if they were cleaning up, the would see the plastic bag?
OO. He's wearing orange trousers.
Let's wave.
=( They didn't wave.
Wave at him.
*waves manically*

Then it was the society of Bicycling Fish. Though that was in Philosophy. So yeah.

Now we have finished that random quote fest that you won't have understood a word of, but Gloves will be ROFL-ing at the memories, shall we move on to the challenge topic for today?
I agree.

12. Things you want to say to an ex.
Well that IS an awkward post to do at 12:42am on a monday morning. Hmmm. I think I shall say one thing to each ex:
Om (Jono): I'm sorry!!! *Hugs* I did love you <3 And you were an awesome first boyfriend <3
The Giant One (David): Sorry to you too, but hey. I'm glad we're awesome now. Oh, and thank you :)
Chris (CD): Sorry about all the ljavrw rvwbbrg when we were together, and sorry that I was a bitch when we broke up. Oh, and can I have that bit of my heart that you stole for approximately 4 years? Thanks.
Steven (Twat): You, sir, are an arsehole.
(If I missed anyone I'm really sorry! Zilla, Gloves, please remind me!)
Cleughy: You are awesome. I'm sorry it never worked out. I'm sorry we weren't given the chance for it to work out.
Callum (C): Well... what to say? Hi maybe? Yeah. Hello, Callum. It's nice to meet you.

I know it's not the challenge, but I shall sat something to the boyfriend too:

Well that was awkward. Comment yours if you have EXs! (Sorry Rory! :/ maybe... comment what you'd like to say to whoever you like?)

Hatter xxx

Sunday 5 June 2011


... should stop eating people. It's mean.

Not much to report today. Maybe cause I've only been up for a few hours O.o but hey! I'll post later/edit this if something interesting happens.
Went round to the twin's yesterday to revise. Yeah. We didn't. At all.
Instead, we had a youtube fest, funny fb moments, intriguing phone calls and a movie moment :D
Basically, we watched some awesome literal trailers, which are really quite hilarious. In fact, here you go:

There are better ones, but hey, I'm a Harry Potter nerd, so naturally you get to watch the Harry Potter Literal Trailer. Yay-ness!
So the twin and I MAY have learnt that almost off by heart... ahem.
We also watched some other stuff. Some of which was also by Tobuscus. For the twin:

Fb moments: Gloves left her facebook open, her boyfriend spoke, I stole it... Pretending to be her :D She was about to wax her legs, and L asked what she was using, so, naturally, I replied "Durex Condoms". Although she attacked me afterwards, she actually found it hilarious. Plus, what else are you supposed to reply to that comment? The answer is always durex condoms!!!
Anyway. I also spoke to MY boyfriend on HER user, though he knew it was me. However, the amount of kisses does look bad. But hey. I know it was me :D
Also spoke to Gloves's DofE friend Elliott Edwards, who I have names Edward Elliotts :D He got very confused and mind blown because he was talking to Jen with a Y on Jen Jen's user. Or something.
Phone calling: So L rang twice, and I answered both times, naturally pretending to be my twin :D With her permission of course. And she laughed. A lot. Especially when he said "Austwawia". Lol. It literally resulted into her doing that orgasmic-nonbreathing-silentlaughter thing that people do when dying of laughter. So yeah.
OOO. We also played Hangman on her side :D
Movie moment: We watched Toy Story 3. Yeah. That's it. Just that. Nothing else. How interesting.

Moving on.
When I came back from the Twin's I caught up on Doctor Who - OMFG. - and So You Think You Can Dance (Uk you twits. Not the American one.) And YAY for my favourite dancers Luke and Katie getting through to the final. And Matt of course. But mostly Luke and Katie.
Do you want a clip? Of COURSE you do you silly little lovable munchkins.
Well. There are officially no clips of Katie doing the gorgeous contemporary number, so here: That's the full programme, but just go to about 20 mins in :D Actually. Go to 18.30 in, and watch Luke's solo. <3 <3 <3 <3 Katie and Matt are amazing. She does a leap part way through, and it's stunning. AND HE ACTUALLY CATCHES HER!!! :D :D :D :D At 45:50 ish, the boys do an awesome pasa doble, and... wow. yeah. please watch the bits I have mentioned!!! Pwease?!

So I love dance if you hadn't already guessed :D

Blog challenge:

11. Your currently relationship, if single discuss how single life is.
Well. Obviously I am currently in a relationship with M, and I do love him. The relationship is good, but as previously mentioned we have argued a couple of times :/ I hated that. Sometimes I worry that somethings off, cause he gets jealous quite easily and I'm very close to Om and The Giant One and such, but tbh, I get jealous too. He doesn't seem to get that. Especially when he starts (apparently jokingly) talking about a threesome with us and Gloves. To be honest, that's not exactly the best way to make your girlfriend feel good about herself. But the meh moments are really rare, and the rest of the time it's amazing. We get on really well, and just kind of fit. He's a great boyfriend, and I do try to be a good girlfriend!!! In challenge 6 I told you some of why I like him, so you get the idea. Anyway. The relationship is good, and I'm really enjoying being part of it <3 A lot of the time, he says things that make me feel really special <3 I love him to bits, so I hope this relationship lasts. So there you go. HA. now you have to answer it ;)

Anyway. I'm off to actually revise, so Bye!
See you around you strange whatsits.

Hatter xxx

Saturday 4 June 2011

Well that failed.

As the more diligent - or perhaps more sad - of you followers of this blog may have noticed, I failed title-wise last week. It was only after I had posted 'Baaa' that I realised I had in fact already made a post with a 'B' title - The 'Big Red Update' no less. So yeah. As the stalkers/more aware among you may have noticed, I failed. I do apologise.
I actually have no news for you today. *Gasps* Oh the horror!
I'm just sitting around 'revising' for my Maths exam on Monday -.- I'll be off to the twin's later so she can teach me the higher work we were never taught, but is still in the exam -.-
That reminds me.
Gloves and I may be beginning a series of Vlogs soon. I would tell you the details, but even we don't know them yet O.o
Erm. That's it!
Today's blog challenge:

10. Your views on drugs and alcohol.
Well that IS deep isn't it?!
Erm. I think I disagree with the use of drugs and alcohol. Well. As long as you drink safely within a limit, and stay aware of the dangers, I don't mind people drinking. That may seem OTT but someone at school died because they were drunk and fell of a wall. So we may have had safe drinking messages drilled into us from an early age...(i.e. 11).
Drugs. Well. I myself hope I will never try them, as I am aware of the dangers. If you want to, I think you are crazy, but I can't tell you what to do with your lives :P I disagree with the use of dangerous drugs. This is another topic that we have been made forcibly aware of by school, and I am kind of grateful. It is my understanding that the first time you try a drug, it can kill you. Also, even if you've been taking a drug for a long time, one hit can suddenly be worse than the others and result in killing you or you doing something you'll regret. A lot. Like peeling your hand like an orange. Or attacking your best friend. After everything I've heard, true or not, drugs hold no appeal for me.
On the bright side, I'm safe. I don't NEED drugs and alcohol to get high. Just being with my insane friends is enough :D Insert dreaded twilight quote: "You're like my own personal brand of heroin". Yes, Zilla, Gloves, L and all the others, what he said ;)

If that was too messed up and confuzzling for y'all (as I'm pretty sure my English skills went completely out of the window), my friends are like my drugs, but - mostly - much safer :D

Hatter xx

As usual, comment your answer! In fact, can you just do that for each question/topic I do for this challenge? Writing 'Comment your answer' on every one is getting tiring!!! lol. Yeah. I'm lazy.

Friday 3 June 2011


No, this post has NOTHING to do with sheep :D
In fact, a better title would be 'One Ship Is Sailing' (thats a Tom Paxton song), but I have yet to have a blog title beginning with B, so there you go :D
It's officially June!!! Yay!!! 
1 month and 24 days till my birthday :D :D Not that I'm doing anything -.- We WERE planning on going to Italy, but we don't really have enough money and never booked it :/ So now I'm stuck on my lonesies (cause all my bezzies are off on holiday, the lovable gits :P) with nothing to do on my birthday O.o FAIL.

Anyway. Time to update y'all.
I went to Cornwall on Monday, and came back on Wednesday. It was EPIC. I finally got to see my awesome and random brother and his gf, and it was sooo nice to be with them again!! He's 12 years older than me, but we get on stupidly well and are really close, so it's quite hard when we don't see each other for ages :/ I also get on really well with his girlfriend. She's already like a sister to me <3
On Monday it took forever to get there, but it was worth it. We got settled into the lovely B&B we were staying at, and headed down to the beach to meet up with my brother and his gf (Let's call them A&G). I saw A and flung myself on him, and he picked me up in an awesome hug. As we had brought his dog Baileys with us, she went utterly mental when she saw him and literally charged at him. T'was hilarious. We went for a walk through a forest and then headed to the harbour to eat dinner. The meal was a bit :/ but it was enjoyable.
Tuesday was AWESOME. We had a very nommish breakfast, before heading over to Padstow, which is such a lovely place. When we arrived we looked around for ages for somewhere to have cream tea (some weird technically not tea thing that my mum is obsessed with whenever we go to Devon or Cornwall), until I finally found the perfect place. We nommed there for a while, before A&G took Baileys to the beach and mum and I went off to the shops. I got some rock for my friends and bought myself a lovely little model sail boat, which I adore. (And yes, I am officially obsessed with sailing. My desire to go sailing suddenly BOOMS whenever I go to the seaside). Bored of shopping, mum and I went to the beach and met up with A&G, and we ended up spending aaaaages there XD It was a gorgeous beach, and naturally A & I rolled up our jeans and raced into the sea, proving immediately that we had not rolled our jeans high enough. That was really fun :D After hilarious times at the beach, we headed to Rick Stein's fish and chips shop, and nommed awesome food XD As the day ended we headed back to Fowey and went to watch the sheep jumping over fences while we slept. (HA. I MANAGED TO PUT SHEEP IN A BAA-TITLED-NON-SHEEP-RELATED-POST.)
Our final day was a bit :S We met A&G at the harbour and talked for a while before saying some sad goodbyes :'( Mum and I headed to the shops and stuffles. She took the dog for a walk but I decided to go and sit at the beach for a while. T'was nice to just sit and listen to the sea. So then we headed off on the million year long journey home. As we got back quite late, I didn't really get anything done on wednesday.
Thursday was mostly cool. I had to get up early for a hair cut -.- which also resulted in a prom-hair practice, and mum sitting chatting to her friends for a million years. When we finally got back, I raced over to the park where Ninja was learning to unicycle with Gloves. T'was hilarious!! I do love those two. It's nice that Ninja and I are finally becoming closer friends :D He really is a secret Ninja O.o Anyway. Twas very hilarious with many awesome moments. One of which was listening to his heartbeat... It's all irregular cause he has a hole in his heart :-S :/ We had tons of fun being the strange people that we are, so my day ended well.
Today was fairly mundane. As it was funny I sat revising outside in my shorts and bikini, in the hopes of getting some form of tan. I revised a bit, watched Heroes a bit, watched BGT, and then began this blog. I know. Stupidly boring day -.-

So now you're up to date XD

30 day challenge answers:

5. 5 things that irritate you about the opposite sex/same sex.
People using stereotypes. Honestly, after at least 11 years of blonde jokes, I'm getting a little tired of it. 
Opposite sex: Men assuming women are useless and stuff (it's only because they are becoming useless and are slowly realising that we women are quietly taking over the world XD). I don't know really. 
Same sex: Bitching about people. And stuff. I'm really not good at this am I?

6. The person you like and why you like them.
M... Because he's a really good guy. He's funny, caring, and really lovely to me. Because he's him :D <3

7. Your opinion on cheating on people.
I think it's terrible. It might seem like a little thing, but it can cause the other person so much pain. You make them feel rejected and worthless and really unloved. If you do cheat on someone, I think it's better that you tell them. Because other wise if they find out you cheated AND then lied to them, it would be even worse.

8. Something you’re currently worrying about.
A lot.
My future mostly though. I have no idea what I want to do anymore. In truth, I want to move down to Cornwall, writing and sailing in my spare time. I know writing won't earn me much money until I get properly published and such, so I'd end up waitressing or something to earn money for food and such. However when I tell people that they say I should go to Uni and stuff like I thought I would before. To be honest, I don't know that I want to go to Uni and study Zoology any more. So yeah. I'm confuzzled about it all.

9. Your last kiss.
My last kiss was with M <3 duh. We were saying goodbye because we were both leaving for short holidays the next day, and aren't going to see each other until the maths exam on Monday.

So there you go.

Until my next scribble,

Hatter xx

 <----- WANT.

P.s. Comment your answers as usual :P