Monday 21 May 2012

Ignoring you.

I'm not, I promise.
It's just that what with exams and all, I'm actually only talking to people I come across each day.
Chatted to people at school because they were there for exams like me. Haven't spoken to them since. Not because I'm ignoring them, but because we are all busy and need to avoid distraction.
Spoke to Ladybird because we went to a gig together. Not spoken since. Avoiding distraction.
Haven't texted Om back because I have low credit and will see him soon.
Haven't spoken to Suffolk people for a while, despite missing them a lot, simply because if I start talking to them I won't want to stop, and I'll never get anything done.
I've officially realised how important these exams are, and so am not going out of my way to talk to anyone in case I get distracted. Also only using the internet during revision breaks or to listen to music.
So I'm really sorry if anyone feels like I am ignoring them, and is feeling hurt or annoyed. It'll be over after Friday, and then I can talk to people again.
I'm not ignoring you.
I just can't afford to talk right now.
See you on the other side.

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