Tuesday 8 May 2012

Double chin.

I have officially discovered why my chin looks double really fucking quickly. Instead of creasing as it naturally would, the skin under my chin (haha that rhymes! XD) creases at the scar I've had there since the beginning of primary school. So when I technically don't have a double chin, it still looks like I do because of my stupid scar.
YAY. -.-

Chin rant over.

I think the double chin issue may be half the reason I want to go on a diet. But most of it is the FLABBY BELLY that has slowly developed since my 'stick days' ended after prom.

Fat rant over.


School was... mundane. 
Went to Tresham. Worked constantly and was really bored.
Hung around with the smokers outside at break.
Walked to Bishop on my own.
Spent my free attempting to revise and talking to Sophie. Apparently, she, Cheryl and I are all considering Leicester Uni, so we should totally live together and shiz ;)
Spent lunch chatting to gingers. Literally. Chatted to Eliza, then went for several walk and talks with my bezzie the Fairy. SO MUCH GINGER. <3 <3 Em was upset though, so I ended up talking to her and walking her to her form room. Then saw Ladybird and was just like... "Eh. Pain." But I still hugged him.
Double English wasn't too bad :)
Manic end of school... Saw the Lion, Jenny E and Heather in ridiculously quick succession. Saw Ladybird and got a hug, then let his friends finish off my sweets. Ladybird ate his with the wrapper on. Seriously. He's a freak. 
Forgot to ask him if he needs a lift to the gig or not -.-
Went to the Bench and had muchos fun with Zilla and Gloves XD Zilla was stalking Beardy via my phone and managed to ring him and freak out. So I then rang him to tell him I wasn't actually ringing him. O.o
Got a lift home with the Hogg brothers :)
Pinned up Emma's excellent revision poster and attempted to work.
Went to ballet and got fed up because we've been moved to an irrelevant class. Seriously, Gloves and I are doing Grade 4, and the class is doing Grade 3 work for some medal thing. I dunnae care about the medal, I'm not doing that exam. I just want to practise Grade 4!!! ¬¬
Came home, ate food, worked since.
My exams are in just over 7 days and I am so not ready.


I know it doesn't sound like it, but other than exam stress I am really happy and had a pretty good day :)

Love your faces.

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