Friday 18 May 2012

4 out of 6.

Done 4 of my 6 exams!!! Yay!!! :D
So painful though D:
Although, Section A of my ELLA2 paper contained an extract of an interview with Raymond Blanc, who my brother knows well and has worked for XD So that provided slight entertainment today.

I also hung out with weirdos a lot.
My day:
Arrived and chatted to people, walked Em to her form room and ended up staying for aaaaages. Got a hug from Ladybird and Ladybird's friend, and helped mop up spilled coffee. 
Spent 1st in the library with a variety of people including my son JT :D
Chatted to people at break.
Spent 2 hours working in the study room and swapping distraction notes with Gloves via paper aeroplane. Got quite a bit of work done too :D
Spent lunch panicking about my exam, and ended up walking round the whole school. Went to the field with Darts and my notes and ended up chatting to Ladybird, Lion, Em, Big Dave and Darts. It was muchos fun <3 Ladybird and Lion were sizing each other in a manly fashion, and then Ladybird gave Lion a rather comical shove, which seemed straight out of a cartoon :D I also tackled Ladybird at some point. And got freaked out by Lion's duck noises.
Jah. Anywho. Muchos fun.
Returned to the bench. Kinda pined for Om. Panicked about the exam.
Did the stupid thing and am just so damn glad it's over!!!!
Attached myself to Om for the rest of the afternoon.
Chatted to people, came home and watched even more Friends XD
Had some really good chats with people, especially mum today :D <3

Excited about the gig tomorrow!!! Ahhhh The Incidents could win the final!! I will let you know how it goes.

Night! xx

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