Wednesday 2 May 2012

Happy Birthday Ladybird!

So it's the Ladybird's birthday today! Aww my young one is all grown up! Well grown up to the big ol' age of 15. Despite him specifically telling me not to, and because I'm such an awesome friend, I bought him three presents and made him a cake :D Lynx, the physical embodiment of an inside joke, and a HMV voucher were his presents, and this, my friends, was his cake:

I know right.
Totally awesome.
Or in his words, "Cute, like [me]". 
I'm so proud :D

Had a lovely lunch time with him, which was very entertaining. 
Then I taught him in RE, which was also entertaining.
I'm making him see the new Avengers movie with me at some point soon, so that should be good.

Had a pretty good day :D

I was going to get all philosophical, but I can't be bothered so I'm off to eat pizza.


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