Wednesday 16 May 2012

Comfy shoulders.

Wicked was amazing!!!!
So much love.

Went to church on Sunday and saw some lovely people. Also spoke to Ladybird's dad, which made me ridiculously nervous. Seriously. Scary dude. He has bush-baby eyes like Ladybird, but they seem bigger and whatnot because he has shorter hair. Anyway. Yeah. Church was fun. Organised Ladybird's life/Saturday evening for him. Went home, revised, slept.

Spent most of the day watching Friends Series One instead of revising. Then revised a bit in the evening.

Revised a little in the morning, went to school with Ninja and chatted to people/got rained on with people instead of working. Revised more in the afternoon. Came home and revised with mum until about 1am. Slept.

Wednesday 16th.
Woke up and panicked. 4 and a half hours of exams about 3 hours away. Was I ready? No. Arrived at school ridiculously early and just sat with Lachs until exam time. Aced the philosophy paper, failed the ethics paper. 3 hours of exams done. 2 out 6 exams done. Lunch time. Om is back from doing archery for Team GB in Croatia!!!!!! Love for t'other bezzie. <3 Chatted to people, hung with my gang. Sat on Om's lap for aaaaaages. He's warm. And his heart was like... ba-boom ba-boom ba-boom ba-boom ba-boom ba-boom. (That was a heart beating quickly, just so you know). 
ENGLISH EXAM TIME. That was.... okay. I think. Argh. I don't know! It was alright. Returned to Om's comfy shoulder at the end of the day. Went to remind Ladybird of something, forgot what it was and ended up just chatting and hugging him. Waited with Lion till 4ish, which was funny, saw my 'son' and 'grandson' (I should probably tell Om that 'we have a grandson'... :/), got picked up by mum and went home. Have done nothing productive since except listen to Placebo.
I forgot to pick up the ballet CD from my dance teacher -.-

In case I forget to blog again, enjoy my week plan:
Full day of revision tomorrow! Yay! >.<
Then ELLA2 exam on Friday.
Then Incidents gig with the usuals, Ladybird, Mum and possibly Peter Pan XD on Saturday.
Church on sunday?
Monday: revision!
Tuesday: Tresham! Photoshoot! Revision!
Wednesday: Psychology exam!
Friday: Photography exam!
Saturday: Cambridge or Northampton and hair cut.
Sunday: Cambridge if I didn't go on Saturday. I really need to speak to Beardy about this actually.
Monday/Tuesday: Modelling for the Lion's sister.
Wednesday: Go into school for year 10 RE lesson, because I love them and I seriously missed them today!!! <3
And that's as far as my plans for life go....

Hatter <3

P.s. Mum, Fairy and Om have the comfiest shoulders I know. Physically and metaphorically. I know I can trust them with anything, and always lean on them for support if I have to. Plus they have physically comfy shoulders. I could sleep on them. Literally. Anywho. Enough shoulder-love.

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