Thursday 10 February 2011

Ach, hello once more.

So... Long time no see :P

Rushden Fair was great fun. Since then, in a nutshell, i basically got confirmed; saw my bf several more times - including for the fireworks and at my 'twin's'-; did a ton of other stuff including mocks and an art exam; hosted a crimbo party with the twin (EPIC); had a good Christmas; went to one of my bezzie's (Hannah) for New Years - which was full of utter hilarity; decided i needed to see more of the bf otherwise there would be no point; talked to him about it and now we're cool; i cant remember much else...
OO! I did go to two utterly epic parties last weekend :D The first was on Friday night, and was my Godmother's leaving/40th party :P another was on Saturday and it was my friend's 17th and a costume party.

Really interested? Okay. details...
The art exam was okay.. i got a C :/ not entirely happy with the result but ho-hum-pig's-bum. We just started a new exam title project, which i will probably fail cos its so meh.
Erm... Crimbo was good. Me and the 'twin' hosted an epic party which entailed a lot of mistletoe and watching Love Actually ;) T'was great fun :P
New Years was absolutely HILARIOUS. My friend Hannah had a party, and it was just mental, even though there weren't many of us! We did loads of random games, drank shloer and did twister at about 1am in our pjs; we watched sex and the city 2 (after her parents went to bed) and managed to finally get to sleep a about 6am :P
So that was good :D
Went to My godmothers 40ish/leaving party and had an utterly brilliant time raving around with my twin, godsister, godbrother, godsister's gf and bezzie, our uni-cycling friend and others :P Honestly one of my best nights ever - too much fun!!! Although its also sad cos my god-family is moving away :'( I do love them. T'will be incredibly hard to face the world now that they are 20 mins away rather than 2 :(

Anywho. Jah. The costume party XD
So... Went round to Hannah's beforehand with Jenni so we could get ready and arrive together and such. I went as the batman villain-ess Harley Quinn. Jenni was Catwoman and Hannah was poison ivy. Our costumes were epic XD though Hannah's shredded her arm O.o We arrived fashionably late, part the way into Fruit Salad:P (had to fetch my guns), and luckily missed the bra unfastening attempts made. I realised we hadn't done my 'joker' smile yet, so I dragged H and J out so they could apply the ton of lipstick. Charlotte (Birthday girl!) Wasn't impressed at their rushed attempt, and redid it herself, making it utterly epic XD So I returned to Fruit Salad and EVERYONE was freaked out by my smile :D T'was excellent. So yeah... I formed a mini friendship with her (fairly hot) brother quite quickly, as he had meant to go as the joker, but hadn't been able to. For those who don't know, Harley Quinn is OBSESSED with the joker, and that would therefore have been rather awkward (or mrow-ish) for me and Chris (the brother). Anywho. The night proceeded with the usual party games and madness and such, and i attempted to eat food without ruining my face. I can't remember what happened next, other than much eating of food and Charlotte blew her candles out. Since me, J and H didn't really have anyone else to talk to, and I'd already formed a friendship with him, we spent a lot of time chatting to Chris. We also managed to get locked in a cupboard with him and another girl, but we shan't go there. after the blowing out of the candles, we all marched into the main hall room and did the whole "I'm such and such, dressed as such and such, i know Charlotte from such and such and something funny". that was quite eventful, with many exchanges of hats (the hat swapping game had been going on throughout the party), the breaking of a sword, and lots of excellent whatnot :P One part of that which i shall mention is that a trio of guys wore customised t-shirts and jeans... All i will say was that one guy's t-shirt simply said "I'm naked" on the front, and "LIES" on the back. i can confirm that several people certainly did imagine his 'costume', including H. his... brother?... was easily impressed apparently, particularly when i told him that me and Jenni had the same name. I think his well chosen and repeated phrase was 'OMG THAT'S AWESOME!!!' I didn't tell him about how our mother's share the same name too and that we were born only 4 days apart... i decided that might be too overwhelming and send him into one of his (fake) 'seizure moments'. After the name telling and such, the inevitable Macarena did commence, along with YMCA and other well known rave songs XD Tshirt guys did do the pelvic thrust throughout the macarena and such. There was then some general raving and an awesome catwalk thing XD two at least very camp guys did make it very hilarious. After that, I can't remember much other than some seriously epic raving and chatting to Chris XD T'was a very good evening.
Deadlines are being thrown at us from all sorts of subjects, and it is making life very difficult. But ah well. My friends are helping me cope. Couple of the guys are depressed though, which is very 'Ach that is nae good, laddie'-ish. :/ I hope me and the others can help them return to mad raving lunatic land soon.
So. You are basically up to date! Although, just realised I haven't talked about my boyfriend/love life much this post, so maybe next time ;)

Speak soon, darlings ;)

Until my next scribble,
Hatter xxx

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