Friday 11 February 2011

So... jah.

Hi O.o
Well. I have no idea what to say so I shall commence with the rant that is my day :P
Bad stuffles.
Actually not much bad stuffles today. Other than the major thing with the bf... Ok. So, it turns out we CAN'T meet up. -.- i asked him about details so he promised he'd ask that night. He did, and I got a text basically saying he has to cancel, because his mum suddenly said he's busy. Either, its always cos of him that we dont meet up (this happens all the time btw), or his mum has a massive vendetta towards me. Either is equally as likely. Thing is, his stepmum and dad had already said it was ok, so its just like... -.-
Jah. I dunnae know what to do :( I mean, its been 2 months since I SAW him last, its valentines day on monday and its not hard to guess that I will not see him before or around then. I don't know when I'll see him again. Maybe I shouldn't. Maybe I should break up with him. I don't know. I mean, I've recently tried talking to him about it, but then this has happened :/ I don't know. Its such a fail.
Anyway. Enough about that.

Good stuffles
Okies, well. TONS!!! I had an excellent time chatting to H, J and Zilla XD Particularly talking to the twin on the bus about guys and such. In fact, I shall quote:

"And so we enter the cakeshop of luuuuurve"

'O.o XD teehee.'

"Pancake... cake... cupcake... TRUFFLE."

'I vote truffle'

"Jah. Truffle."

'but... who is the truffle?'

"I don't know.... I don't even like truffles!"


So.... Yeah. That is so (C) to me and J.

Anyway. So today was good, and I had a particularly hilarious maths lesson with Zilla - which resulted in my hand now being copyrighted to her :P 


Can't think what else, so might update you later if i think of anything :D

Until my next scribble,
Hatter xx


  1. 'Twas an epic day, yes~
    Reminded me of Christmas a little bit :P

    I do hope you work out what to do with Callum soon :( I don't like seeing my Hatter all '*stabs cake like Miss Havisham does'


  2. I have anonymously seeked the advice of some strange people in purple pyjamas, so that should help with it all.

  3. Oui. <3 <3
