Saturday 12 February 2011


Okay. That was annoying. I just spoke to this friend from school, who though can be really epic, is just so irritating sometimes. Lets call him... X.
Basically, X was once mega mega depressed, and i helped him out with it. we've become friends and he's friends with all of my lot. :D
Thing is, X has apparently 'fallen in love with me'. FFS. I don't believe in proper love at our age. I just don't. But i don't have a problem with really liking someone and wanting to be with them. Its just... you can't call it 'true love' or whatever yet. Its not right! Anyway, even if i liked him back, I would never get together with him because 1. I can't trust X, and 2. He'd honestly (sorry) be too much of a burden for me.
The reason I can't trust him is because he has his own motives... and thats all he really thinks of. He doesn't respect my decisions and thinks its cool to get involved with anything he wants. Last year I went out with this guy for a while, and i honestly did really like him. Lets call him T. We'd been together for only 3 weeks when I started to feel like it wasn't working, and that I needed to talk to T about how we were doing and if we were really right for each other. I confided in a few of my friends before I said anything, and X was one of them. They all agreed that I should talk with him, and so I decided I definitely would. Only I wanted to do it when it felt like a good time. So I decided to wait a couple of days. X didn't like this and took things into his own hands. X told T that i was going to break up with him or something. So, I never got a chance to do it the better way. In the end, T and I broke up because X had made it too difficult for us to sort things out. X claimed he was only doing it because he thought T deserved to know. We argued for weeks later because he had been unable to respect my decision to wait for a better time, as he had been convinced that I was just going to dump T without talking to him about it. I don't think X realises that I can never truly trust him again because he failed to respect my decision, and the fact that I had spoken to him in confidence, and went behind my back.
I just argued with him again now because he was getting on my nerves. He was being encouraging, so that should be fine, but the way he went about it wasn't. I just found X really patronising and got so frustrated when he wouldnt listen to my point of view.

I'm going to have to come back and edit this in a bit cos I have to go to dinner now.

Much frustrated love
Hatter xx

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