Saturday 19 February 2011

Purple Pjs are genius XD

Basically, I posted a question on an advice site called, and got this reply.

Daniel says...

I think you need to think about this objectively. While the two of you are technically "boyfriend and girlfriend" by labels, you are certainly not dating by any measure of the word. He avoids you, he doesn't hang out with you, he makes up lame excuses for why he can't hang out with you, and he shows no interest in changing any of this. Given the regularity of his behavior and the extents to which he has gone to avoid you previously, I put the odds of his stepmom being the reason the two of you can't hang out somewhere between "zero" and "none at all."

When a couple is truly committed to one another, they make time for one another. It's a two-way street...each person wants to be involved with the other and one of the people isn't doing all the work. In this case, you're the only one doing any work and there are no signs of effort or desire from him whatsoever. I'm not sure what he's getting out of "dating" you, but he must like the "in a relationship" status on Facebook because that's honestly the only benefit he could possibly be deriving from your so-called relationship. Dump him before you lose any more sleep over him.
I think 'Daniel' may be a genius. I won't go into details about my bf's fail tonight, but i ended up going cinema with 3 of my bezzies (2 of them are together <3, the other is probably my best guy bezzie ever). Basically, as much as I honestly love/like my boyfriend, I can't keep not seeing him. I don't see how we can make it work, and I think it's just best that I end it sometime soon. As much as I love him, can we really stay together without seeing each other? I don't think so. i've tried, and I'm filled with doubts. So... yeah. I guess Daniel's got it right.

Hatter xx
P.s I had an excellent time with my bezzies tonight :D I heart them forever <3


  1. As much as I know you love/like him, I have to agree with Daniel.
    But then again, it's YOUR decision, not mine, or Daniel's. Go with your heart~

    Good to know you had fun :3 I would've filled in your replacement, but I had to be rushed to hospital XD <3

  2. YOU WERE IN HOSPITAL???? WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY ANYTHING BEFORE??? D: D: are you okay???? xxx

  3. Oh I was only there to put my shoulder and elbow back in place :P But, at the time of your status, I hadn't fallen down the stairs and cocked up my left side XD :P <3
