Sunday 20 February 2011


So, the bf called me today. He apologised for not being able to meet up yesterday, and basically just talked to me. I can't remember if I said this in my last blog or not, but he's now grounded for a month, and we both have exams.... i.e. I probably won't see him til April.
When he said that, I just said: "And how long has it been since I last saw you?" He said 'I don't want to answer that.... too long.'
"Yes, too long... April..." Was my muttered response. So yeah. What d'ya think of that?
I got SO CLOSE to ending it, I even started to say it, but he had to go, so I couldn't. -.-
I started to say how I can't do this any more, as, although I love him, I can't keep not seeing him for months on end.

I have decided to call him and do it tomorrow. I obviously can't do it face to face - he's grounded, remember? -.- - and so a phone call is the next best thing. It has to be tomorrow because we have a week left til the end of half-term, and then its exams. So at least that way we have a week to sort ourselves out before we face people/do exams. I know I will probably need a massive tub of Ben & Jerrys and a really awesomely huggable best friend. But i should be fine. Give me a day of moping and ice cream eating, then I'm done and can focus on everything else.

I really hope that this is the right thing to do... Once its done, I know there will be no turning back.

Hatter xx


  1. :(

    I'll be your huggable best friend? :) I can supply the Ben and Jerry's :D What's your favourite flavour? ^^ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Half-baked is my fave :D then Choc fudge brownie, Cookie dough and phish food :P
    I didn't get around to phoning today :/ Spent my day on mymaths O.o lol. I hate maths exams.
    If I'm deffo guna end it, i'll probably do so tomorrow instead. I've given myself until tuesday :/
    Lol ^^
    Lurve you in a very non-lesbian and sisterly way my Zilla :P

  3. i shall also be a huggable best friend! im afraid i would have to go out to buy the ben and jerrys but that wont take long. :) just give me a call. :P i heart you!!!! :D xxxxxxx
