Friday 29 July 2011

That Acoustic Sound.

It's 12:32pm, and I just got back from town. We were just getting euros, a tiny bit of shopping and some headphones for my zen player.
Just as we came out of New Look, I saw a guy busking opposite... He was admittedly cute, with blond hair and blue eyes that watched the world go by as he sat playing acoustic guitar... It was stunning. Makes me want to actually learn the guitar I have gathering dust at home. I couldn't take my eyes off the guy playing the guitar as we walked towards the bank, and he kept looking back at me too. GAH I LOVE ACOUSTIC GUITARS. It's just such a beautiful sound! So we went on about our business, and I am now broke... After paying mum back and getting money out for euros, I am running low... :/
Anywho, we headed back up to the Newlands centre and the guy was still there.A couple of little kids ran and gave him change and he smiled and thanked them really sweetly. T'was adorable. I had billions of pennies in my purse, so I went and dropped a handful in the pot thing whatsit. Our eyes met and he thanked me, and I said good welcome. I have to say he was rather cute... I hope he has a nice girlfriend, if he does she is very lucky. As cute as he was, I love M, so I deliberately tore myself away from the music and walked away. I glanced back as I reached the doors, and discovered that he had watched me go... I smiled at him, and with M in my mind I walked away.
The whole point of telling you all that was as evidence for my next point.
In one of the blog challenges I was asked what attracts you to a person. I confess I was a bit wishy washy then. I felt shallow thinking about physical things or whatever that I am attracted to... But hey. I'm human, and if I'm honest there are things that I find particularly attractive.
Blue eyes are one, and the ability to play an acoustic guitar well is another. Hence the story...
So yeah. I am naturally attracted to blue eyed guitar players O.o
So, if you are a decent guy with blue eyes and can play the guitar, I would probably find you kind of attractive. Weird, isn't it. But hey. We all have little things that we are naturally attracted to - as much as we might want to deny it!

So yeah. Now you know a couple of things I find attractive in a guy... Very boring post I know, but hey.
Hatter xx

p.s. It's about 9pm now... I'm feeling kind of empty :/ Not sure why. I was talking to L and he is at C, so I guess I miss them both too. Since L disappeared (well, stopped texting back) I've started to feel even emptier than before. I'm not sure what's wrong with me. I think I was fine this morning, even better when I saw the guitar player, but since I left town it's been getting steadily worse. I just feel so empty ... :/

1 comment:

  1. sorry jenny my phone died :(. and chin up you got a amazing time ahed, id write more but i cant feel my left shoulder or my right foot, so i better sort them out :)
    toodles L
