Sunday 24 July 2011

Guitar Hero. (Saturday 23rd).

I woke up at 1pm today. Seriously. Mum woke me at 11am when she left, but I fell straight back to sleep and continued the weird dream I was having...
VERY weird dream. Simba was in it again. I guess it means I should see him soon, as we haven't met up for about a year! D:
Talked to people, arranged to go to X's later on, and then ate food and got dressed and such. Spoke to M VERY briefly :/ Before walking my dog, arguing with mother and heading over to X's. On the walk up the park I noticed a group of male twats.... I got half way up the park when one whistled - twice - and another started following me. Luckily, X's is straight opposite the park so I hit sanctuary before the idiot could catch up with me. Relieved, I arrived at X's door and was let inside...
At X's.
As I arrived they were all just finishing dinner, so I sat watching 10 minutes of Cars before X came into the living room. We started discussing the game he would be creating, but were distracted when his brothers came in and began playing guitar hero.... LOL. That is all I have to say. X and I discussed how scarily well I fit into their family... like the sister they never had XD lol :P Anywho. When his older brother started playing the singing bit too, naturally X and I joined in the background, adding some strange swaying and whatnot. So yeah. That went on for a while, and we sat back down - occasionally joining in the guitar hero fest (Though I refused to sing or play the guitar... NOT HAPPENING X! :P) Eventually the fest ended as it hit 7pm and we scoffed popcorn as we began watching Pirates of the Caribbean 3: At World's End. I stayed til about 8.30pm, when I had to go home and actually eat my dinner :D
X walked me home in case the dick-twats were still waiting around hoping to give me a reason to slap them... -.-
So after an enjoyable evening with X and his family, I spent the rest of the night eating and watching Camelot, Kingdom of Heaven, and then about 3 episodes of Mock The Week (TOO FUNNY XD T'was excellent today, for once I honestly couldn't stop laughing. Especially when the showed the 2010 best bits one ... LOL XD). It is now 3.30am on Sunday morning... ouch.

In the News today...
Amy Winehouse was found dead.
A massacre in Norway which left more than 90 dead...
Obviously a lot more has happened, but these are the most highlighted stories on the News today... My thoughts and prayers to Amy Winehouse and the 90+ victims of the Norway attack :'( May the Universe watch over all and bring peace to their souls.

Hatter xx

P.s. C has been on my mind a lot... the knowledge that it was his birthday yesterday is the cause I think. 

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