Saturday 23 July 2011

Feeling sad...

...and missing my twin. And my fictional twin.

If you haven't read or seen Harry Potter and the deathly Hallows part 2, don't read the rest of this post!!!! Contains spoilers!!!!
I'm so sad about Fred's death now :'( It was heart wrenching in the books, and even though they didn't do it properly, I still sobbed my way through the part of the film. Gloves and I are officially Fred and George... I could not bear to lose her!!!!
When they were filming Fred's death, Oliver (George) said: "The day we filmed I knew it was gonna happen so every time I saw James I would get really sad. When we went to film it they had James lay down on the stretcher and just wait until the rest of the cast got there. I took one look at James on the stretcher and burst into tears. I can’t even imagine how it would feel to lose him.We have done everything together since birth and to see my brother laying down on a stretcher pretending to be dead just killed me inside. After James got up and I gave him a huge hug. David said you did great, it was very believable. Then I told him I just thought of it as me and James not Fred and George"
I can't imagine being strong enough to make it through that scene if Gloves was Fred... :'(

It is interesting to note that the only times Fred or George have been injured were when they were apart. They were split up at the time of Fred’s death and when George lost his ear.

Oh gosh... my Queen is crying... can' *Sobs* oh Fred :'(

So yeah...Harry Potter moment over... sorry. I just really miss Gloves :'(
Hatter/George xx