Monday 18 July 2011

Catch up part 2

Thursday continued...
We all decided to go on the pirate ship ride, so we went and bought tickets. We got to the ride but even though we had paid for tickets and had been there BEFORE 4pm, the operator wouldn't let us on. So we went on a kind of rampage. We ended up speaking to the manager O.o All hope seemed lost until Nerd said "Well can my friend have a complaint form then please?" and she said we could go on the ride! WIN!!!! Nerd's epic powers win again :D So yeah, we went on the ride which turned out to be quite lame, but hey, we enjoyed it because we'd fought for it.
When the ride ended I stole M, Em and Gloves to an art exhibition with me, as I had to put my work up =P We ended up helping set everything up and looking at other people's work while we did it. Started listening to M's iPod (I was feeling wanted at this point as we were being very close), but then the song that I hate because Gloves sings/plays it ALL THE TIME and it gets on my nerves came on, and Gloves stole my earphone. M and Gloves started going round together, which made me feel excluded, crap and unwanted. Luckily, JT arrived and I spent all of it with him. He made me feel good :D I knew it was probably making M jealous, but I didn't care because I was pissed and frankly feeling jealous of the connection that M and Gloves had.
Unfortunately we had to ditch JT and go back to Nerd's for pizza, so I hugged him goodbye and was sad :( In the car I stayed very close to the car door and away from M because I was unhappy. I know he noticed but hey. I was pissed about the easy connection between M and Gloves, the feeling of unwanted-ness, and the induction course thing with H. We got to Nerd's and Ninja was there and I started to go to him excitedly, but Gloves went mad when she saw him and slammed me into a door as she ran to him -.- Not a happy Hatter. We nommed pizza and M asked me if I was okay so I lied and said I was because I didn't want an argument there and then. We all went upstairs to watch a movie, but came down for the bigger tv, when that didn't work we went upstairs and crammed into Nerd's room to watch Scott Pilgrim. That was interesting. M and I were on Nerd's bed with Ninja and Gloves, but we were VERY close together and did have moments during the movie <3 Gloves was meh at one point but Ninja looked after her. Movie ended and people steadily headed home. Nerd and I arranged to meet up to make Zilla's corsage for prom. Got home and slept. End of :P

Friday 1st July
I think I just spent the day procrastinating... Although I think I went into town and met up with people. I believe I met up with M <3 We spent the day being all lovey dovey in town. AND I FOUND ONE OF HIS HOT SPOTS XD That was when we were standing in the middle of Waterstones O.o I think that beats Harry finding one of my hot spots in the middle of my electronics lesson O.o
We also went to visit Harry the rabbit XD 
Nerd was meant to meet up with me to do Zilla's corsage, but he didn't answer his phone or turn up, so I was left missing M...

Saturday 2nd July
T'was my 'brother' Timmy's 16th birthday party, and I was only the girl invited (other than his sisters) O.o I met Martin whose greeting was 'I do cocaine', Peter the nerd, and some bearded guy :P
We xboxed halo for a while, then ate and went bowling XD Tim and I did synchronised bowling tricks XD T'was hilarious :D
I bought him a HMV voucher and a neon glowstick sword :D He loved it :D
went back to his and played dungeons and dragons until we had to leave,
T'was a fun day :D

Sunday 3rd July
ANOTHER day of procrastination. Walked my dog though. 
M won a trophy for something at cadets today :) *Proud girlfriend moment* <3

Monday 4th July
IT'S MY BROTHER'S BIRTHDAY TODAY!!!! XD XD XD And Independence Day. And he lives in America XD Epic win.
Off to M's for the day... <3 <3 <3 
My day with M was BRILLIANT. I love him very much :D
I arrived at his at 8.20 am O.o Irritating mother having work really early!!!!! But hey, it meant I got to spend more time with him :) <3
We went up to his bedroom (oo-er.. BAD PEOPLE. NOTHING DIRTY HAPPENED!!!!) and dumped our bags and sat on his bed for a while. We were whispering because his dad was still asleep!!!! To be fair, it was 8ish. That IS early for some people...
We kissed for a bit and then went downstairs to watch TV because they're wasn't really much else to do other than make out, and making out from 8am-4pm takes EFFORT PEOPLE D: lol. So yeah. We watched TV and made out  A LOT... XD <3 Gotta say I enjoyed it. Sorry people :P
We also watched Transformers :D Muchos making out commenced once more... and we 'leveled up' I suppose you could say. At first I thought that was kind of far for 3 and a bit months, but then it was just nice XD 
We stayed downstairs watching TV and making out for most of the day... It was honestly really nice and simple. We attempted to cook pizza and chips at one point too :) I had a meh moment, and when M asked why, I told him the truth... I'd had a horrible dream involving him and it was haunting me :'( No, I don't want to repeat it here.
At 4ish my mum picked us up and we headed into Corby town to shop. We looked at prom stuff and whatnot, and M got his glasses fixed because he'd somehow managed to break one of the 'arms'. Typical. lol :P It was surprisingly fun even though I hate shopping. Probably because M was there <3
We had planned to go to the Kettering fair, but it looked crap so we decided to just hang around at mine again. Yes, we did make out some more. We also ate FAB ice lollies and listened to music and such. At one point, we were talking about prom and we had a 'teaching each other to slow dance' moment. It was VERY CUTE XD We ate pasta for dinner, and then he had to go :( The next time I see him will be at prom ... O.o

Tuesday 5th July
Went into school for a piano lesson, then met up with Nerd to make Zilla's corsage XD
That was very fun :D I was very proud of our work :D Just hope Zilla likes it...
Went home and spent time with Gloves. Can't remember what else happened.

Wednesday 6th July
Spent the morning/early afternoon talking to people and getting ready for prom. IT TOOK ME 4 FREAKING HOURS. POSSIBLY 5. BUT HEY XD. Aw shit I think I've broken my caps lock button. It's all wibbly and dead O.o
So yeah. M was going straight to the pre-prom party where he would be with Gloves and L ... *jealousy moment* :/  Mum did my hair, which took it to about 5.15pm. We called M to get him to come and walk me over :) When we were alone he said I looked amazing <3 He looked GORGEOUS. Like, properly XD Here, have a picture.
There you go my nosy internet stalkers XD
So, PROM. Well, the pre-prom party. M and I walked up to X's house, and we waved at the old people in the old people's home window that I walk past, and got stopped and had to chat to some random dude from my village O.o he wished us fun times, and we moved on up the path. It was nice when it was just us :) <3
We arrived at X's and got photo-raped and such -.- I got a photo with Gloves which would have been nice if my eyes weren't closed D: Went inside and chatted til more people came. Then everyone's bus arrived and they were all excited. When everyone was all together there was a massive photo fest, and we finally moved to the road to get photos on the bus. I was going to prom in a Morgan rather than the open top bus, but they still made me have photos with it...
I escaped the bus and had a couple of photos with my lovely aunt and her Morgan <3 before receiving a prom bear and flowers and driving away to prom. On the motorway we overtook the bus, which made me laugh muchly XD
Arrival was good. I got lots of compliments which was nice <3 There were billions more arrivals and we eventually headed inside to get our photos taken. That was interesting. We went through the door that had blue light glowing behind it, and found ourselves in the main room of our prom. We typically picked the table at the back corner of the room, away from most people. Some photos were taken and then we went to get food. Gloves and I shared a 1/4 portion of nugget and chips. So yeah. We nommed food, I voted Nerd and Zilla for prom king and queen, and we eventually went up to the dance floor to rave.
Raving was fun :) There were barely any slow songs -.- I really wanted at least one!!!! (Other than Angels -.-) But hey. Dancing with M - especially for that one slow dance - was my highlight of the whole thing... Cheesy as that may be ;) So yeah, muchos raving, prom ended and Gloves and I decided I would sleep at hers that night. M surprised me right at the end of prom... He bought me the couple photo of us and wrote a little message on the back <3 TWAS ADORABLE. AND LOVELY. AND I LOVE HIM <3
It took about 2 hours to get the horrid hair spray stuff out of our hair O.o Though we may have prolonged it because we love brushing each others hair :D Anyway. Some awesome moments as usual, and we eventually slept.

Argh. I love M. A lot. Fudge. I'm kind of scared of feeling this much... it's never been like this before. But hey. I just hope I manage to keep him cause I love him more than the world right now.

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