Thursday 21 July 2011

Catch up part 3

Thursday 7th July
Gloves and I woke up quite early but stayed in bed pretending to be asleep so her mum didn't make us get up or something. Even that part was funny because we felt like little kids again :D Anywho, when her family left Gloves and I got up and she made us an awesome breakfast *noms*. We showered and got dressed and brushed each other's hair again <3 Doing that really made us feel like proper sisters <3 We went out and met up with M, L and The Giant One at the park. Spent an hour and a bit together, then Gloves and I walked my dog and did vlog number whatever the hell it is. Finished our vlog stumbling in to David's and sat around with M and The Giant One (as L had left). We mostly just watched top gear and M and I snuggled a bit. Gloves left to go back to hers but I stayed until Jordan left cause I wasn't sure when I'd see him again. Turns out it would be tomorrow, but hey :P Got back to Jenni's and chatted and stuff for a while, but then I had to go home. Can't remember much else happening after that other than uploading my prom photos to the computer and facebook and just talking to my mum about prom.

Friday 8th July
Gloves organised a big (admittedly rained on) get together today. Most of our gang came plus the newbie that some of them have known for ages - *Immediately feels left out* - and my newbie JT - *Immediately feels better*. So we hung round the park and M and I stayed together for most of it. We waited at the top of the hill for JT to arrive so he didn't get lost. It was good to see him :) So we all chatted and stuff and got VERY rained on. H was wearing a ridiculously cleavagey top, so I was kind of pissed off. Tried not to feel jealous when M, Newbie and Gloves went off up to a tree together, so talked to JT for a while until we all went over to the tree because the rain got heavier. Gloves ran into the middle of the field and just laid down, so Newbie suggested a pile on. Naturally, we complied. ... and then wandered back soaked to the skin like naughty children... Yeah. So we hung around and chatted and stuffles. It started raining madly so we went to X's house and hung around. We were throwing some juggling balls around and the gang made me chug the appletiser so that we could play spin the bottle. That was eventful.... There was leg licking, crotch kissing, crotch groping, general kissing... stuff, oh and marriage proposals between M and JT O.o So yeah. Then people had to leave, and we headed to The House Of Gloves. I curled into M because this was the last day I was going to see him before he left for Australia... I wouldn't be seeing him until September :/ When he left I felt kinda crap so I left for home quite quickly. Nothing else really happened that day...

Saturday 9th July
Not much done today. Well. I have no idea what happened. I can't remember! Think I spent most of the day packing for Zilla's.

Sunday 10th July
Went to the cinema with A, JT, T and other newbie (Not the aforementioned newbie) to watch Pirates Of The Caribbean, which was very enjoyable. Afterwards I went to Zilla's for our double sleepover Harry Potterathon. T'was awesome. On the first night we got through the first two and then stayed up until about 4 on Amazon. Facebooked M a little.

Monday 11th July
We woke up at about lunchtime, and carried on with the marathon. We also made some AWESOME muffins :D That was fun :D We nommed dinner later on and went swimming a while later. It was crowded but still fun for us :) I do love spending time with Zilla <3 She is a truly awesome bezzie. Facebooked M a bit in the early morning before he went to sleep and then later on while he was at the airport.

Tuesday 12th July
Continued moving watching and stuffles, and M video-called me from Australia on Skype :D Zilla and I had an excellent time with movie watching and general awesome us-ness :D
Went home at about 5. Can't remember anything else. Felt a bit ill, possibly from swimming on monday. The ill feeling got a lot worse throughout the night.... :/ Also managed to slice the top of my finger quite deeply on a knife... ow. It bled most of the night. I think I also went to Gloves's briefly, but my memory is crap.

Wednesday 13th July
Spent the day practising for ballet and feeling really ill and crappy. Spoke to M again <3 I miss him, but it's good because we can talk to each other over facebook and skype - including video chat :D <3 Went to dance even though I felt like utter crap, and failed miserably. Had minor fun with Stuart and Gloves, but it was hard to enjoy myself whilst feeling like crap. Also really missed people... My brothers and M really. I just felt incredibly alone that day. Talking to M helped obviously <3

Thursday 14th July
Not much really happened. Looked forward to seeing HP.

Friday 15th July
Spent the day being excited about Harry Potter. Mum brought my early birthday present from Zilla home - my Ravenclaw scarf :D THANK YOU ZILLA

I cried from Snape's death until Neville stood up for everyone in his adorable cardigan.
There were a few places in which I was disappointed/frustrated with the films interpretation... For instance I thought Fred's death should have been as it was described in the book, as it was so heart-wrenching and important to the story... But hey. Whilst being quite different from the book, the film still managed to be amazing, and truly the best of the lot.
**End of spoilers**

Saturday 16th July
Spent most of the day practising for my ballet exam the next day... SO SCARED!!!!

Sunday 17th July
BALLET EXAM. GAH. I went in terrified, and came out relieved. I'm so glad it's over!!! Went in at about 9am, and got ready - including tying the shoe ribbons - FUDGE THAT'S TIGHT. So yeah. We went downstairs, and the actual exam wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I made a few mistakes, but no terrible ones. Hopefully it should be fine. With my hair still up in my ballet bun, we headed to McD's for lunch cause I deserved a treat. Or rather I wanted to nom fatty, salted, and really bad for me food.
Went home, skyped M, showered and got ready for Em's BBQ later that day. Went, naturally wearing my Ravenclaw scarf, and had an enjoyable time with the usual gang. Well, minus H and Gloves, and M of course, who were all on holiday :/ It was fun until it started raining and we huddled under blankets... I felt so alone because the couples all went together, and The Giant One and Clements were just enjoying themselves by themselves. I sort of just curled up on my own in a blanket and really missed M... :/ It really hasn't been long, but I miss him as if it's been weeks. No idea how I'm going to manage another month and a bit. So anyway. We then decided to go to the park (in the rain and stupid wind) and it was actually quite entertaining - mainly because they had that zip wire thing XD I got the Giant One to push me, and ended up screaming cause I was practically horizontal at one point!!! After a while, a couple of policemen turned up, and we were like - Are we gunna die, or are they gunna walk past.... They came right up to us. ...For a chat... And to PLAY IN THE PARK. These proper muscly and uniformed officers had come to try out the park... one of them, Tom, went ON THE ZIP WIRE. It was a brilliant sight to see :D *Never forgets* Apparently, policemen can be fun :D So they left and we went back to Em's and people were picked up. I was taken to Zilla's where my mum was waiting to take me home. We chatted about the HP movie as Zilla and her 'rentals had seen it earlier that day, and then mum and I just went home. 

Monday 18th July
Video called M on Skype not long after I woke up <3 So nice to see him while we talk :) The call lasted 3 HOURS!!! It meant Baileys got walked late, but it was just too nice talking to M. We talked for ages, including about a weird dream he had... although at one point it went a bit meh :/ I let him read this blog, and he started getting all meh because he read about when I was upset and feeling iffy about stuff sometimes... I hope he realises that that is truthfully how I felt then, but not necessarily now. In the end, I think he realised it and also saw how much I do love him and anything bad has been outweighed by the good <3 so it basically ended with neither of us wanting to leave. I don't know if he is still going to read this, but if he is I LOVE YOU, M :) Thank you for an awesome talk <3 
So then I walked my dog and NOTHING else happened. My days are so boring now that everyone is busy or on holiday.

Tuesday 19th July
Skyped M when I woke up again, but not video-calling. It was nice to talk to him again. <3 Even though it hasn't been very long, it is getting quite hard, and we miss each other a lot. Same as Monday basically. Just talked to M, walked my dog and watched TV.

Wednesday 20th July
Similar day to yesterday really... tried on some clothes for sixth form and my brother called, but not much else. Again, it was nice to message M in the morning, though we couldn't talk for very long :/ 40 something days left till I see him... Ouch. I think it's only going to get harder until we get a lot closer to seeing each other - like 20 or 15 days or something. 
No dance, as we've stopped for the holidays.... So I'm going to start practising dance and doing exercises and things to keep in shape. Also writing my CV and  stuff in the hopes of getting a weekend job soon. Have been thinking about my proper future a lot lately. Still not sure what I want to do for a living or anything... possibly something to do with Psychology because I found the taster session of the A-Level course fascinating, and it's something I could be very good at...
Been having a lot of dreams and visions lately... Strange.
7 days til my birthday... not MASSIVELY excited, but hey. I'm stealing Zilla, so it should be fun.
Not much else to report really.
Apologies for how boring my life is becoming. I'll try to make it more interesting soon!!!!

Until next time,
Hatter xx

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