Friday 29 July 2011

That Acoustic Sound.

It's 12:32pm, and I just got back from town. We were just getting euros, a tiny bit of shopping and some headphones for my zen player.
Just as we came out of New Look, I saw a guy busking opposite... He was admittedly cute, with blond hair and blue eyes that watched the world go by as he sat playing acoustic guitar... It was stunning. Makes me want to actually learn the guitar I have gathering dust at home. I couldn't take my eyes off the guy playing the guitar as we walked towards the bank, and he kept looking back at me too. GAH I LOVE ACOUSTIC GUITARS. It's just such a beautiful sound! So we went on about our business, and I am now broke... After paying mum back and getting money out for euros, I am running low... :/
Anywho, we headed back up to the Newlands centre and the guy was still there.A couple of little kids ran and gave him change and he smiled and thanked them really sweetly. T'was adorable. I had billions of pennies in my purse, so I went and dropped a handful in the pot thing whatsit. Our eyes met and he thanked me, and I said good welcome. I have to say he was rather cute... I hope he has a nice girlfriend, if he does she is very lucky. As cute as he was, I love M, so I deliberately tore myself away from the music and walked away. I glanced back as I reached the doors, and discovered that he had watched me go... I smiled at him, and with M in my mind I walked away.
The whole point of telling you all that was as evidence for my next point.
In one of the blog challenges I was asked what attracts you to a person. I confess I was a bit wishy washy then. I felt shallow thinking about physical things or whatever that I am attracted to... But hey. I'm human, and if I'm honest there are things that I find particularly attractive.
Blue eyes are one, and the ability to play an acoustic guitar well is another. Hence the story...
So yeah. I am naturally attracted to blue eyed guitar players O.o
So, if you are a decent guy with blue eyes and can play the guitar, I would probably find you kind of attractive. Weird, isn't it. But hey. We all have little things that we are naturally attracted to - as much as we might want to deny it!

So yeah. Now you know a couple of things I find attractive in a guy... Very boring post I know, but hey.
Hatter xx

p.s. It's about 9pm now... I'm feeling kind of empty :/ Not sure why. I was talking to L and he is at C, so I guess I miss them both too. Since L disappeared (well, stopped texting back) I've started to feel even emptier than before. I'm not sure what's wrong with me. I think I was fine this morning, even better when I saw the guitar player, but since I left town it's been getting steadily worse. I just feel so empty ... :/

Thursday 28 July 2011

28th July

Haven't done very much today except kindle shopping and actual shopping.
Paid my mum back for something, and we went to the bank to discuss Euros for our trip to Venice.
Looked for ideas for Gloves's birthday present as one of the things I was going to get her is no longer available D:
Looked for headphones, a memories box, and a cover for my kindle. I got the case and that was it :/ 

I'm really enjoying my kindle. I adore everything about normal books, but at least this way I save the small amount of bookshelf space I have left!!!! Plus, a lot of the classics are free to download, so I will finally read them! :D

My presents from Em came today, so thank you!!! :P
I'm going to start writing my thank you notes tonight.

Anywho, I'm off to Amazon shop for the twin.... Laters!
Hatter xx

Wednesday 27 July 2011

A Sweet Sixteenth.

So. My Birthday <3
Woke up at about 9ish and made a thank you card for Zilla while she continued to sleep. Finished just as Zilla woke up at about 9.45pm. Went downstairs to find lots of decorations, and several more presents than I had last night... Including a MASSIVE box...
Showered and dressed then ate breakfast while commencing the present opening XD
I got... (It's listed/grouped by the person it's from...)
A Kindle + Cover. (Brother)
A trip to Italy and a bead for my charm bracelet (mum).
£20 worth of Odeon vouchers (The Giant One)
CD and an awesome customised helium ballon :D <3 (M)
£10 voucher + £100 cheque. (Dad)
£100 Amazon voucher XD (Brother's dad)
£40 cheque (My 'aunt')
Perfume and an Edward Monkton mug XD (Gloves)
Harry Potter Film Wizardry, Harry Potter Ravenclaw house scarf, owl bag (Zilla.)
£10 Itunes voucher, doodle book. (my neice and nephew)
'16' dog softie, contact juggling ball + book (X)

So yeah. Opened all those. We then rushed to Northampton and ate at Aroma (... I had no idea that a japanese young adult in an apron and cute hat could be SO FREAKING ADORABLE), before heading to the cinema to watch Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2 again :D
Headed home and set up the table with cakes and whatnot, then The Giant One and X arrived, so I made them stay for AAAAGES and eat cake with Zilla, mum and I. That was truly awesome :)
The gang left, and my 'aunt' arrived. She's so sweet! She stayed and chatted for a while and then left not long ago. I am now sitting around downloading free books to my Kindle, reading dracula on my kindle, and putting my birthday photos on facebook...
OMG. Helena Bonham Carter is following me on twitter... *Passes out* ...WOW. I love Helena as an actress!!!! She is awesome!

Even though I missed the people that couldn't be there, and I didn't really do anything big, this may have been the best birthday ever :) I have had a brilliant time with Zilla (Thank you!!! <3) and The Giant One and X later <3 i can't thank my mum enough for everything she's done today and always. Love her forever <3

Hatter xx

Tuesday 26 July 2011

Final day...

...of my 15 year old life.
Zilla is at the House of Hatter being odd with moi. We just nommed strawberry flavoured angel delight O.o Nostalgia much...
So now we're sitting around watching Tron: Legacy XD Actually having an awesome time with my Zilla even though we aren't doing much :P
We may decide to go on Sims 3 and possibly make Harry Potter in a bit XD



are blurring into one another to be honest.
Sunday: Tidying, went to see TRANSFORMERS 3: DARK OF THE MOON!!!!! LOVE IT XD So yeah. That was good :) There was a song in it that I absolutely adored - Linkin Park - Iridescent. That is becoming the background to my days now. Got home and did some more mundane stuff. Oh, JT got fb and we had a good chat before I went to the movie. Also spoke to M briefly.

Spent most of the day tidying ready for Zilla tomorrow XD I am stealing over her Tuesday/Wednesday(my birthday) which should be good fun :D
It's now 00:47am on Tuesday early morning, and I am off to bed so I can finish tidying and cleaning before Zilla gets here at 3pm...

Hatter xx

Sunday 24 July 2011

Guitar Hero. (Saturday 23rd).

I woke up at 1pm today. Seriously. Mum woke me at 11am when she left, but I fell straight back to sleep and continued the weird dream I was having...
VERY weird dream. Simba was in it again. I guess it means I should see him soon, as we haven't met up for about a year! D:
Talked to people, arranged to go to X's later on, and then ate food and got dressed and such. Spoke to M VERY briefly :/ Before walking my dog, arguing with mother and heading over to X's. On the walk up the park I noticed a group of male twats.... I got half way up the park when one whistled - twice - and another started following me. Luckily, X's is straight opposite the park so I hit sanctuary before the idiot could catch up with me. Relieved, I arrived at X's door and was let inside...
At X's.
As I arrived they were all just finishing dinner, so I sat watching 10 minutes of Cars before X came into the living room. We started discussing the game he would be creating, but were distracted when his brothers came in and began playing guitar hero.... LOL. That is all I have to say. X and I discussed how scarily well I fit into their family... like the sister they never had XD lol :P Anywho. When his older brother started playing the singing bit too, naturally X and I joined in the background, adding some strange swaying and whatnot. So yeah. That went on for a while, and we sat back down - occasionally joining in the guitar hero fest (Though I refused to sing or play the guitar... NOT HAPPENING X! :P) Eventually the fest ended as it hit 7pm and we scoffed popcorn as we began watching Pirates of the Caribbean 3: At World's End. I stayed til about 8.30pm, when I had to go home and actually eat my dinner :D
X walked me home in case the dick-twats were still waiting around hoping to give me a reason to slap them... -.-
So after an enjoyable evening with X and his family, I spent the rest of the night eating and watching Camelot, Kingdom of Heaven, and then about 3 episodes of Mock The Week (TOO FUNNY XD T'was excellent today, for once I honestly couldn't stop laughing. Especially when the showed the 2010 best bits one ... LOL XD). It is now 3.30am on Sunday morning... ouch.

In the News today...
Amy Winehouse was found dead.
A massacre in Norway which left more than 90 dead...
Obviously a lot more has happened, but these are the most highlighted stories on the News today... My thoughts and prayers to Amy Winehouse and the 90+ victims of the Norway attack :'( May the Universe watch over all and bring peace to their souls.

Hatter xx

P.s. C has been on my mind a lot... the knowledge that it was his birthday yesterday is the cause I think. 

Saturday 23 July 2011

Feeling sad...

...and missing my twin. And my fictional twin.

If you haven't read or seen Harry Potter and the deathly Hallows part 2, don't read the rest of this post!!!! Contains spoilers!!!!
I'm so sad about Fred's death now :'( It was heart wrenching in the books, and even though they didn't do it properly, I still sobbed my way through the part of the film. Gloves and I are officially Fred and George... I could not bear to lose her!!!!
When they were filming Fred's death, Oliver (George) said: "The day we filmed I knew it was gonna happen so every time I saw James I would get really sad. When we went to film it they had James lay down on the stretcher and just wait until the rest of the cast got there. I took one look at James on the stretcher and burst into tears. I can’t even imagine how it would feel to lose him.We have done everything together since birth and to see my brother laying down on a stretcher pretending to be dead just killed me inside. After James got up and I gave him a huge hug. David said you did great, it was very believable. Then I told him I just thought of it as me and James not Fred and George"
I can't imagine being strong enough to make it through that scene if Gloves was Fred... :'(

It is interesting to note that the only times Fred or George have been injured were when they were apart. They were split up at the time of Fred’s death and when George lost his ear.

Oh gosh... my Queen is crying... can' *Sobs* oh Fred :'(

So yeah...Harry Potter moment over... sorry. I just really miss Gloves :'(
Hatter/George xx 

Friday 22 July 2011


'Tis my interview for Tresham... 
I officially decided what I'm doing as A Levels:
English (lang/lit I think...)
Photography at Tresham. Unless I can't do it. Even if I'm allowed I might not be able to do the going back and forth everyday thing... Technically I can, but I'm lazy, and I get tired and stressed easily. This might turn out to be too much. If it is, I'll probably end up taking art... D: Or something else enjoyable.

My Marley and Me book arrived today :D An early birthday present for myself :D
So on a good note, it's my birthday in 5 days.
On an... awkward... note, that means it is C's birthday today :/ Ah well... I wish him well, and I shall try not to remember this time last year.

Anywho. I shall update you after the interview, though you may have a bit of a wait because mum and I are intending to go and see a movie afterwards.

Interview was fine. Didn't go for the movie :/ Hopefully going after designing stuff with X :D 

Ugh.... The durex condom advert was on before watershed tonight... *Fears for small children* ...

Big love

Hatter xx

My stomach was making the rumblies...

... that only hands TOAST would satisfy XD

ah.... llamas in hats quote for the ignorant people out there... Youtube it :P

Hatter xx

P.s. Seriously though, I want toast!

P.p.s. M, hope you can get on fb or skype quite quickly or we won't be able to talk. I have to leave at 1.20 to get the bus in for my interview. Love you <3

Thursday 21 July 2011

21st July 2011

Got up early to check for an email about an interview.... no email -.-
Think I'm going to give it until 10am until I phone to find out...

6 days to my birthday!!!! O.o wooot!

Unless I do have my interview, this should be a day of tidying, eating, watching tv, reading, and walking my dog. So the usual.
I'll update this post later if anything interesting happens.

Interview at 2pm tomorrow!!! :S Hope it goes okay!

Okay... My blog sucks. So. The News...
The famine...
What really gets to me about this, is that someone countries have loads of food and others have none! The planet's resources should be shared evenly amongst everyone who lives on it! Humans are just too greedy and power-hungry to let that happen. It breaks my heart that I get to choose from a supermarket or a fridge-full, and these people literally have NOTHING.
It's unbelievably frustrating.
*Rants on for ages*
Yeah, I know. There is a lot of bullshit and reasons why nothing can be shared equally. Still... It's all bullshit. Everyone deserves the chance at a good life, and the necessities needed to live it. No child deserves to die before it has a chance to live.
"Food" for thought... Oh the irony.

Hatter xx

P.s. Welcome to the new followers!!!! :D

Catch up part 3

Thursday 7th July
Gloves and I woke up quite early but stayed in bed pretending to be asleep so her mum didn't make us get up or something. Even that part was funny because we felt like little kids again :D Anywho, when her family left Gloves and I got up and she made us an awesome breakfast *noms*. We showered and got dressed and brushed each other's hair again <3 Doing that really made us feel like proper sisters <3 We went out and met up with M, L and The Giant One at the park. Spent an hour and a bit together, then Gloves and I walked my dog and did vlog number whatever the hell it is. Finished our vlog stumbling in to David's and sat around with M and The Giant One (as L had left). We mostly just watched top gear and M and I snuggled a bit. Gloves left to go back to hers but I stayed until Jordan left cause I wasn't sure when I'd see him again. Turns out it would be tomorrow, but hey :P Got back to Jenni's and chatted and stuff for a while, but then I had to go home. Can't remember much else happening after that other than uploading my prom photos to the computer and facebook and just talking to my mum about prom.

Friday 8th July
Gloves organised a big (admittedly rained on) get together today. Most of our gang came plus the newbie that some of them have known for ages - *Immediately feels left out* - and my newbie JT - *Immediately feels better*. So we hung round the park and M and I stayed together for most of it. We waited at the top of the hill for JT to arrive so he didn't get lost. It was good to see him :) So we all chatted and stuff and got VERY rained on. H was wearing a ridiculously cleavagey top, so I was kind of pissed off. Tried not to feel jealous when M, Newbie and Gloves went off up to a tree together, so talked to JT for a while until we all went over to the tree because the rain got heavier. Gloves ran into the middle of the field and just laid down, so Newbie suggested a pile on. Naturally, we complied. ... and then wandered back soaked to the skin like naughty children... Yeah. So we hung around and chatted and stuffles. It started raining madly so we went to X's house and hung around. We were throwing some juggling balls around and the gang made me chug the appletiser so that we could play spin the bottle. That was eventful.... There was leg licking, crotch kissing, crotch groping, general kissing... stuff, oh and marriage proposals between M and JT O.o So yeah. Then people had to leave, and we headed to The House Of Gloves. I curled into M because this was the last day I was going to see him before he left for Australia... I wouldn't be seeing him until September :/ When he left I felt kinda crap so I left for home quite quickly. Nothing else really happened that day...

Saturday 9th July
Not much done today. Well. I have no idea what happened. I can't remember! Think I spent most of the day packing for Zilla's.

Sunday 10th July
Went to the cinema with A, JT, T and other newbie (Not the aforementioned newbie) to watch Pirates Of The Caribbean, which was very enjoyable. Afterwards I went to Zilla's for our double sleepover Harry Potterathon. T'was awesome. On the first night we got through the first two and then stayed up until about 4 on Amazon. Facebooked M a little.

Monday 11th July
We woke up at about lunchtime, and carried on with the marathon. We also made some AWESOME muffins :D That was fun :D We nommed dinner later on and went swimming a while later. It was crowded but still fun for us :) I do love spending time with Zilla <3 She is a truly awesome bezzie. Facebooked M a bit in the early morning before he went to sleep and then later on while he was at the airport.

Tuesday 12th July
Continued moving watching and stuffles, and M video-called me from Australia on Skype :D Zilla and I had an excellent time with movie watching and general awesome us-ness :D
Went home at about 5. Can't remember anything else. Felt a bit ill, possibly from swimming on monday. The ill feeling got a lot worse throughout the night.... :/ Also managed to slice the top of my finger quite deeply on a knife... ow. It bled most of the night. I think I also went to Gloves's briefly, but my memory is crap.

Wednesday 13th July
Spent the day practising for ballet and feeling really ill and crappy. Spoke to M again <3 I miss him, but it's good because we can talk to each other over facebook and skype - including video chat :D <3 Went to dance even though I felt like utter crap, and failed miserably. Had minor fun with Stuart and Gloves, but it was hard to enjoy myself whilst feeling like crap. Also really missed people... My brothers and M really. I just felt incredibly alone that day. Talking to M helped obviously <3

Thursday 14th July
Not much really happened. Looked forward to seeing HP.

Friday 15th July
Spent the day being excited about Harry Potter. Mum brought my early birthday present from Zilla home - my Ravenclaw scarf :D THANK YOU ZILLA

I cried from Snape's death until Neville stood up for everyone in his adorable cardigan.
There were a few places in which I was disappointed/frustrated with the films interpretation... For instance I thought Fred's death should have been as it was described in the book, as it was so heart-wrenching and important to the story... But hey. Whilst being quite different from the book, the film still managed to be amazing, and truly the best of the lot.
**End of spoilers**

Saturday 16th July
Spent most of the day practising for my ballet exam the next day... SO SCARED!!!!

Sunday 17th July
BALLET EXAM. GAH. I went in terrified, and came out relieved. I'm so glad it's over!!! Went in at about 9am, and got ready - including tying the shoe ribbons - FUDGE THAT'S TIGHT. So yeah. We went downstairs, and the actual exam wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I made a few mistakes, but no terrible ones. Hopefully it should be fine. With my hair still up in my ballet bun, we headed to McD's for lunch cause I deserved a treat. Or rather I wanted to nom fatty, salted, and really bad for me food.
Went home, skyped M, showered and got ready for Em's BBQ later that day. Went, naturally wearing my Ravenclaw scarf, and had an enjoyable time with the usual gang. Well, minus H and Gloves, and M of course, who were all on holiday :/ It was fun until it started raining and we huddled under blankets... I felt so alone because the couples all went together, and The Giant One and Clements were just enjoying themselves by themselves. I sort of just curled up on my own in a blanket and really missed M... :/ It really hasn't been long, but I miss him as if it's been weeks. No idea how I'm going to manage another month and a bit. So anyway. We then decided to go to the park (in the rain and stupid wind) and it was actually quite entertaining - mainly because they had that zip wire thing XD I got the Giant One to push me, and ended up screaming cause I was practically horizontal at one point!!! After a while, a couple of policemen turned up, and we were like - Are we gunna die, or are they gunna walk past.... They came right up to us. ...For a chat... And to PLAY IN THE PARK. These proper muscly and uniformed officers had come to try out the park... one of them, Tom, went ON THE ZIP WIRE. It was a brilliant sight to see :D *Never forgets* Apparently, policemen can be fun :D So they left and we went back to Em's and people were picked up. I was taken to Zilla's where my mum was waiting to take me home. We chatted about the HP movie as Zilla and her 'rentals had seen it earlier that day, and then mum and I just went home. 

Monday 18th July
Video called M on Skype not long after I woke up <3 So nice to see him while we talk :) The call lasted 3 HOURS!!! It meant Baileys got walked late, but it was just too nice talking to M. We talked for ages, including about a weird dream he had... although at one point it went a bit meh :/ I let him read this blog, and he started getting all meh because he read about when I was upset and feeling iffy about stuff sometimes... I hope he realises that that is truthfully how I felt then, but not necessarily now. In the end, I think he realised it and also saw how much I do love him and anything bad has been outweighed by the good <3 so it basically ended with neither of us wanting to leave. I don't know if he is still going to read this, but if he is I LOVE YOU, M :) Thank you for an awesome talk <3 
So then I walked my dog and NOTHING else happened. My days are so boring now that everyone is busy or on holiday.

Tuesday 19th July
Skyped M when I woke up again, but not video-calling. It was nice to talk to him again. <3 Even though it hasn't been very long, it is getting quite hard, and we miss each other a lot. Same as Monday basically. Just talked to M, walked my dog and watched TV.

Wednesday 20th July
Similar day to yesterday really... tried on some clothes for sixth form and my brother called, but not much else. Again, it was nice to message M in the morning, though we couldn't talk for very long :/ 40 something days left till I see him... Ouch. I think it's only going to get harder until we get a lot closer to seeing each other - like 20 or 15 days or something. 
No dance, as we've stopped for the holidays.... So I'm going to start practising dance and doing exercises and things to keep in shape. Also writing my CV and  stuff in the hopes of getting a weekend job soon. Have been thinking about my proper future a lot lately. Still not sure what I want to do for a living or anything... possibly something to do with Psychology because I found the taster session of the A-Level course fascinating, and it's something I could be very good at...
Been having a lot of dreams and visions lately... Strange.
7 days til my birthday... not MASSIVELY excited, but hey. I'm stealing Zilla, so it should be fun.
Not much else to report really.
Apologies for how boring my life is becoming. I'll try to make it more interesting soon!!!!

Until next time,
Hatter xx

Monday 18 July 2011

Catch up part 2

Thursday continued...
We all decided to go on the pirate ship ride, so we went and bought tickets. We got to the ride but even though we had paid for tickets and had been there BEFORE 4pm, the operator wouldn't let us on. So we went on a kind of rampage. We ended up speaking to the manager O.o All hope seemed lost until Nerd said "Well can my friend have a complaint form then please?" and she said we could go on the ride! WIN!!!! Nerd's epic powers win again :D So yeah, we went on the ride which turned out to be quite lame, but hey, we enjoyed it because we'd fought for it.
When the ride ended I stole M, Em and Gloves to an art exhibition with me, as I had to put my work up =P We ended up helping set everything up and looking at other people's work while we did it. Started listening to M's iPod (I was feeling wanted at this point as we were being very close), but then the song that I hate because Gloves sings/plays it ALL THE TIME and it gets on my nerves came on, and Gloves stole my earphone. M and Gloves started going round together, which made me feel excluded, crap and unwanted. Luckily, JT arrived and I spent all of it with him. He made me feel good :D I knew it was probably making M jealous, but I didn't care because I was pissed and frankly feeling jealous of the connection that M and Gloves had.
Unfortunately we had to ditch JT and go back to Nerd's for pizza, so I hugged him goodbye and was sad :( In the car I stayed very close to the car door and away from M because I was unhappy. I know he noticed but hey. I was pissed about the easy connection between M and Gloves, the feeling of unwanted-ness, and the induction course thing with H. We got to Nerd's and Ninja was there and I started to go to him excitedly, but Gloves went mad when she saw him and slammed me into a door as she ran to him -.- Not a happy Hatter. We nommed pizza and M asked me if I was okay so I lied and said I was because I didn't want an argument there and then. We all went upstairs to watch a movie, but came down for the bigger tv, when that didn't work we went upstairs and crammed into Nerd's room to watch Scott Pilgrim. That was interesting. M and I were on Nerd's bed with Ninja and Gloves, but we were VERY close together and did have moments during the movie <3 Gloves was meh at one point but Ninja looked after her. Movie ended and people steadily headed home. Nerd and I arranged to meet up to make Zilla's corsage for prom. Got home and slept. End of :P

Friday 1st July
I think I just spent the day procrastinating... Although I think I went into town and met up with people. I believe I met up with M <3 We spent the day being all lovey dovey in town. AND I FOUND ONE OF HIS HOT SPOTS XD That was when we were standing in the middle of Waterstones O.o I think that beats Harry finding one of my hot spots in the middle of my electronics lesson O.o
We also went to visit Harry the rabbit XD 
Nerd was meant to meet up with me to do Zilla's corsage, but he didn't answer his phone or turn up, so I was left missing M...

Saturday 2nd July
T'was my 'brother' Timmy's 16th birthday party, and I was only the girl invited (other than his sisters) O.o I met Martin whose greeting was 'I do cocaine', Peter the nerd, and some bearded guy :P
We xboxed halo for a while, then ate and went bowling XD Tim and I did synchronised bowling tricks XD T'was hilarious :D
I bought him a HMV voucher and a neon glowstick sword :D He loved it :D
went back to his and played dungeons and dragons until we had to leave,
T'was a fun day :D

Sunday 3rd July
ANOTHER day of procrastination. Walked my dog though. 
M won a trophy for something at cadets today :) *Proud girlfriend moment* <3

Monday 4th July
IT'S MY BROTHER'S BIRTHDAY TODAY!!!! XD XD XD And Independence Day. And he lives in America XD Epic win.
Off to M's for the day... <3 <3 <3 
My day with M was BRILLIANT. I love him very much :D
I arrived at his at 8.20 am O.o Irritating mother having work really early!!!!! But hey, it meant I got to spend more time with him :) <3
We went up to his bedroom (oo-er.. BAD PEOPLE. NOTHING DIRTY HAPPENED!!!!) and dumped our bags and sat on his bed for a while. We were whispering because his dad was still asleep!!!! To be fair, it was 8ish. That IS early for some people...
We kissed for a bit and then went downstairs to watch TV because they're wasn't really much else to do other than make out, and making out from 8am-4pm takes EFFORT PEOPLE D: lol. So yeah. We watched TV and made out  A LOT... XD <3 Gotta say I enjoyed it. Sorry people :P
We also watched Transformers :D Muchos making out commenced once more... and we 'leveled up' I suppose you could say. At first I thought that was kind of far for 3 and a bit months, but then it was just nice XD 
We stayed downstairs watching TV and making out for most of the day... It was honestly really nice and simple. We attempted to cook pizza and chips at one point too :) I had a meh moment, and when M asked why, I told him the truth... I'd had a horrible dream involving him and it was haunting me :'( No, I don't want to repeat it here.
At 4ish my mum picked us up and we headed into Corby town to shop. We looked at prom stuff and whatnot, and M got his glasses fixed because he'd somehow managed to break one of the 'arms'. Typical. lol :P It was surprisingly fun even though I hate shopping. Probably because M was there <3
We had planned to go to the Kettering fair, but it looked crap so we decided to just hang around at mine again. Yes, we did make out some more. We also ate FAB ice lollies and listened to music and such. At one point, we were talking about prom and we had a 'teaching each other to slow dance' moment. It was VERY CUTE XD We ate pasta for dinner, and then he had to go :( The next time I see him will be at prom ... O.o

Tuesday 5th July
Went into school for a piano lesson, then met up with Nerd to make Zilla's corsage XD
That was very fun :D I was very proud of our work :D Just hope Zilla likes it...
Went home and spent time with Gloves. Can't remember what else happened.

Wednesday 6th July
Spent the morning/early afternoon talking to people and getting ready for prom. IT TOOK ME 4 FREAKING HOURS. POSSIBLY 5. BUT HEY XD. Aw shit I think I've broken my caps lock button. It's all wibbly and dead O.o
So yeah. M was going straight to the pre-prom party where he would be with Gloves and L ... *jealousy moment* :/  Mum did my hair, which took it to about 5.15pm. We called M to get him to come and walk me over :) When we were alone he said I looked amazing <3 He looked GORGEOUS. Like, properly XD Here, have a picture.
There you go my nosy internet stalkers XD
So, PROM. Well, the pre-prom party. M and I walked up to X's house, and we waved at the old people in the old people's home window that I walk past, and got stopped and had to chat to some random dude from my village O.o he wished us fun times, and we moved on up the path. It was nice when it was just us :) <3
We arrived at X's and got photo-raped and such -.- I got a photo with Gloves which would have been nice if my eyes weren't closed D: Went inside and chatted til more people came. Then everyone's bus arrived and they were all excited. When everyone was all together there was a massive photo fest, and we finally moved to the road to get photos on the bus. I was going to prom in a Morgan rather than the open top bus, but they still made me have photos with it...
I escaped the bus and had a couple of photos with my lovely aunt and her Morgan <3 before receiving a prom bear and flowers and driving away to prom. On the motorway we overtook the bus, which made me laugh muchly XD
Arrival was good. I got lots of compliments which was nice <3 There were billions more arrivals and we eventually headed inside to get our photos taken. That was interesting. We went through the door that had blue light glowing behind it, and found ourselves in the main room of our prom. We typically picked the table at the back corner of the room, away from most people. Some photos were taken and then we went to get food. Gloves and I shared a 1/4 portion of nugget and chips. So yeah. We nommed food, I voted Nerd and Zilla for prom king and queen, and we eventually went up to the dance floor to rave.
Raving was fun :) There were barely any slow songs -.- I really wanted at least one!!!! (Other than Angels -.-) But hey. Dancing with M - especially for that one slow dance - was my highlight of the whole thing... Cheesy as that may be ;) So yeah, muchos raving, prom ended and Gloves and I decided I would sleep at hers that night. M surprised me right at the end of prom... He bought me the couple photo of us and wrote a little message on the back <3 TWAS ADORABLE. AND LOVELY. AND I LOVE HIM <3
It took about 2 hours to get the horrid hair spray stuff out of our hair O.o Though we may have prolonged it because we love brushing each others hair :D Anyway. Some awesome moments as usual, and we eventually slept.

Argh. I love M. A lot. Fudge. I'm kind of scared of feeling this much... it's never been like this before. But hey. I just hope I manage to keep him cause I love him more than the world right now.

Sunday 10 July 2011

Friend Of The Week... (catch up part 1) STUART!
Don't get offended or confused people, all will be explained.
So, since Monday not much has happened at all.
Monday 20th:
Went into school with Gloves as she had a German exam. I went in so that I could see all my band b friends and so that I could talk to my head teacher and my English teacher. When the others went in for their German exam I got Mrs H's email address so that I can email her about Tresham. I also went for a random wander round school for a bit. Saw my mini me and showed her the longest possible route to her Maths lesson :) Discovered my english teacher was teaching so I had to wait til break to talk to her. Wandered down to art and chatted to my art teacher while they started putting OUR WORK out for moderation *panics*. When I got bored of wandering I went to the bench and sat down in the sun reading Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone <3 As well as listening to P!nk - Nobody Knows. When the others came out of their German exam it was about break so I headed off to find my English teacher while they all ranted about the exam. I showed my English teacher a poem I wrote a while ago - she said it was awesome and very moving <3 YAYness :D - and then headed back to the bench so that we could be off to town. Gloves had to stay at school until 12.30 (several hours away) for no reason other than to be there when her mutti came to pick her up O.o We all thought she should have come with us to town and headed back in time to be picked up, but alas it was not to be. :/ So anyway... H, L, our sixth form friend Charlotte, M and I all headed into town. We first went to a shop called Reflections, where my dance teacher works :) We were looking for prom stuff and presents for a girl whose party we're going to :P I chatted to my dance teacher which was fun :D H bought a pair of earrings for the girl (Megan), and a bracelet (which I was going to buy for Megan) for herself -.- I didn't get anything, and we all moved on. Think we went to a couple of other shops before heading to Costa Coffee to get drinks and people watch :) That had hilarious results :) Including me stealing some of M's chocolate milkshake when he went to buy Charlotte a drink. He still doesn't know ;) <3 Ah how I love him. I still feel iffy about it all, but I do love him. Anyway. Costa was hilarious, but I can't be bothered to go into every detail. Charlotte left and we moved onto New Look where I bought earrings for Megan and dragged L through the bra section to make him uncomfortable :) It didn't work though... O.o
We went to Claire's, where the others helped me look for earrings for prom, and then Dorothy Perkins. Found some nice stuff in there but the boys sneaked off. H and I ninja-ed after them and found them in HMV. Typical. We looked at posters and stuff, before realising our buses home would be leaving in a second, and so we had to run through the Newlands Centre :D Much fun :D H and I got the same bus and people-watched all the way home. I can't remember much else happening on Monday...

I think I did my blog challenge on Monday...

Tuesday 21st. On Tuesday I went into school for a piano lesson at 12. I managed to miss both buses in, and only just managed to get a lift in with X at 10 to 12. THANK YOU X!!! (AND X'S MUM!). When I got to school I saw my 'brother' Timmy, and he was so funny. I also saw Cleughy and Ninja :D My piano lesson went well, and I am now learning to play a piece by Adele. When my lesson finished I saw Om, Timmy and a couple of others waiting to go into their Maths resit, so I went and chatted to them until they had to go. I headed back to the bench were Zilla was sat with Nerd :D We chatted for a while but Nerd had to go :/ Zilla and I chatted before going to HER piano lesson, where I sat and listened to her stunning playing while I read Harry Potter some more. When she finished we headed into town to do prom shopping and generally talk. On the way I made Zilla laugh by reading awesome HP quotes to her. Plus we were talking about awesome stuff :D Shopping went well and I found a lot of possibles. Zilla and I started talking about prom. A lot. In particular how we felt intimidated by H. We love her, it's just... both our bfs have liked her in the past. Plus, her dress is a lot more revealing than our dresses, and she is the tall sexy ginger. In our opinion, we're just the short less sexy blondes. (Personally, I think Zilla is much more stunning than H, but she won't listen to me -.-). It's just difficult knowing we're going to have to stand next to her, and plus Zilla knows Nerd looks at girl basoomas a lot... :/ ANYWAY. We feel kind of intimidated, but we are going to try and just enjoy the night :) A while later Zilla left and mum came into town so we could buy some prom stuff.

26. Your religious beliefs.
Well, for starters I am no longer a Christian. I do believe that there is a deity. I'm not overly sure what else I believe any more. I just know it's not what the churches say Christianity is, so I can no longer be called a Christian.

Wednesday 22nd was awesome. Gloves and I went to the cinema to see a film with her mum and X's mum. It turned out that the film hadn't arrived yet, so we decided to come back and see Bridesmaids after heading into town. Town was fun. We shopped for presents for L and a couple of other friends, which resulted in hilarious moments in T K Maxx including sitting on dog beds because we couldn't find chairs :D So that was awesome. Gloves and I then ditched her mum and headed off to random shops. We ended up in the Works, where we founded the perfect present for Nerd :D We bought it, and just as we came out of the shop we saw Clements, and just behind him were M and L. They didn't see us at first, but we saw them ;) MWUHAHAHA. We went to greet Clements before our boyfriends, and then dragged L and M into McDonalds with us so that we could all be fat together. We ate our food (and I stole a couple of sips of M's milkshake - NO OOERING YOU SICK PEOPLE! lol) but then had to head our seperate ways :( Gloves and I made it back to the car at the exact same time as her mum, and so we set off to the cinema. The movie was HILARIOUS. Especially when the characters reminded me of us :D We eventually headed home and I just got ready for Ballet. Gloves was nae going, so I would be on my lonesies :'( ... except for S and William... but hey :D
So, dance. Well... T'WAS HILARIOUS. Although Gloves couldn't be there, S and I had loads of fun (William didn't arrive). Our epicosity included a jumper with pandas holding guns, stupidly fast and awesome dancing, funny chats. I will now explain the friend of the week thing :P S did a very weird voice, so I said that he does weird voices. and... you know what? I am just going to write it as dialogue.
H(Hatter): You do weird voices
S: You've only known me for three weeks
H: And you've done weird voices for three weeks. Three weeks? Cool. Hello friend of three weeks.
S: That sounded like Friend Of The Week. Yay! I'm your friend of the week! *Cheers*
SO YEAH. That's it. Not that interesting in the end :P
We went into the dance lesson and had many hilarious moments of epicosity there, and after the lesson S invited me to watch him practice in the other room before we went home.T'was so funny! His dance is a commercial dance, so it naturally looks very camp XD So yeah. We realised we were late and went home.... And that's about it. :P

27. Talk about your siblings.
Wait, you mean my half-siblings right?
I have three half-brothers and 1 half-sister. Mark, Laurie, Alex and Imogen. I don't always count Mark because he was adopted out of the family so I don't really know him. No, I am not going to explain. Laurie and Alex are 14 and 12 years older than me, as they have a different father. Their dad is awesome! I wish he was my dad :/ My brothers are amazing. They have always been there to support me - even when they aren't here physically. When my mum got ill they both came home obviously for mum, but also to help look after me. Apparently they have both always been very protective of me, and Laurie used to read to me <3 I remember playing with them both - but mostly Alex. I think Laurie was always there watching and looking after me. I have one particular memory of each from when they were living with us. For Laurie, the child-like delight on his face when he received a giant kinder egg with a build-it-yourself pirate ship as the toy :) And for Alex, the time when he picked me up from school in his red car, with The Red Hot Chilli Peppers blasting out of the speaker system, as he gave ME a Burberry teddy bear on HIS birthday <3 When I was 7/8/9, my brothers moved even further away. Laurie went to New York with his girlfriend Mimi to work as a pastry chef in a restaurant... Alex moved to Rhodes, Greece to open a bar with his best friend Ray. I have a lot of memories of birthdays over there and Christmases with Alex here. <3 I only have a couple of recent memories of Laurie. Though he phones most weekends, I've only seen him a couple of times since he left for New York. Once, when I went over there for a week (T'was awesome. I loved spending the time with him and his girlfriend Sarah, and she took me to see the Lion King on Broadway!), and when he came here for my Baptism. Alex is now back home but living in Cornwall with his girlfriend Gesa, and Laurie remains in New York with Sarah, and is now head chef or something at Per Se. 
Imogen is my dad and stepmother's daughter. She's 7ish now. I love her to bits. But I never see her, because I never really visit my father. We went to Hungary, and she was lovely, but she did get on my nerves occasionally!

Thursday 23rd. Erm. I cannae remember anything that happened on Thursday... Oh yeah! The Pottermore thing was announced at 11... and i went walking my dog with Gloves, and we vlogged. I think that's about it. OH we also tried on our planned outfits for the party on Friday.
29. A picture of yourself.

Well that's a bit pervy isn't it.
Lol. Given there's one on my profile, look at that! :D

Friday 24th was the party. It was... interesting. I spent most of my day getting ready for it, and then it was.. it. :P
So... we arrived ON TIME O.o (which is rather unusual for me) in the rain :/ We headed indoors and found several groups of people clustered in corners, and so we went over to our group of friends. We hugged people and commenced nerdy dancing on the sidelines. Everyone kind of hung back until M and CB ran to the front and start having a rave. Naturally this encouraged our group to go forth (teehee :D 'forth' XD) and start dancing :P After several more arrivals, hugs, dances and songs, the party was in full swing.  Gloves, Zilla, H, CB, M, Nerd, Nerd...2, Cleughy, Cleughy's gf and I were all in one group of rave...ness and it was EPIC XD After a while we got tired and took a break. I went with Gloves to the loos to find a bin for my gum, sort our dresses and cool down a bit. We came back in and did a bit more dancing. WS (gloves' ginger 'gay' best friend) joined us and his dancing was rather nerdy and hilarious! :P It basically went on like that. Did a bit of mock sexy dancing with H and Gloves, and watched Gloves do ballroom dancing to a rap song O.o
M and I attempted to dance with each other on occasion, but we were always interrupted by Gloves or someone else :/ It's probably just me, but through the whole party (except right at the end) he seemed more interested in everyone else than he was me... Just doesn't make you feel good.
ANYWAY. Food was suddenly available so we went to stuff our faces until we were shooed out to sing Happy Birthday (the single most ridiculously out of tune version EVER.). I can't remember much after that. I think... Some of our group went and sat by the table in a circle and chatted which was nice. I turned around and saw Gloves and M close together, which didn't make me feel particularly fantastic, but hey. I get that he was helping her. 
I can't remember the rest of the party because it is now the 8th of July... I remember dancing with M. That was nice <3 And I remember worrying about the twin...

30. What changed this month and what you hope will happen next month.
What changed... Hmm... I changed. I think I've changed a lot this past month. Doing these blog challenges has actually helped me to get to know myself a bit better, and I've changed because of it. Over the course of the month my feelings have changed. I think my love for M is starting to deepen, whereas before I was worried that I loved C more deeply than I do M. M is catching up fast to that depth. Something I wasn't sure would happen with any guy ever again.
My confidence has grown, and I am no longer afraid to be who I am.
Erm. A lot has changed. Too much to detail right now, but still, a lot.

Saturday the 25th.
I think this was basically a day of procrastination...

Sunday 26th June
Another day of procrastination and walking my dog... Fun. Oh, and packing for the induction course.

Monday 27th June
Induction was good. Band A and some new people nervously gathered in the common room ready to be shipped off to an induction course. We then got on buses (I was separated from Zilla as she had to go on bus 1 due to a humongous alphabetical gap in our surnames so..) I sat with A. In front of us sat EK and Nerd. To the side were two new girls, F and Aly, and in front of them was JT. We befriended the new people quite quickly, and JT and F were adopted into the gang - Aly went elsewhere. We had many talks in ridiculously hot conference rooms (this was the hottest day of the year people -.-) We were also introduced to Jack's friend T. A, JT, T and I stayed together throughout the day. There were many awesome moments including squirrels, semaphore, clocks, etc :D I really feel a sense of belonging when it is just us four. The kind of belonging feeling that I now only ever feel in M's arms or with Zilla. A and I are thinking of moving away from our normal main group of friends and kind of starting over now that we have new people. We feel like the normal group is quite... "clicky"... Plus I'm finding it hard to be round H so much.

Tuesday 28th June
T'was mine and M's 3 month anniversary today <3
We finished our induction course with a day of lesson sessions so we'd get a feel for the subjects we might take. I spent most of my time with the new gang, and we went into town to eat together at lunchtime. That was hilarious <3 Snack packs XD lol. We exchanged numbers and began organising a get together for us. 

Wednesday 29th June
Dance today. Not much interesting stuff happened. Gloves was late because she had only just got back from induction. I went early to another grade 3 ballet downstairs before my usual grade 3 upstairs. That was crap. 
I went upstairs and the usual dance awesomeness commenced. At one point when Gloves and I had a breather, she told me about the induction course. Apparently H wore a very cleavagey top - this immediately pissed me off as M was on that course and I don't want to lose him to H because she acts like a slut. Apparently L and H sat together behing Gloves... wtf?! That definitely didn't make her feel good. Gloves said that at one point H was sitting on a chair showing muchos cleavage, and the boys were literally throwing themselves on her. Including M and L -.- That REALLY pissed me off to hear. Gloves said she talked to M about why the hell he was doing it, and apparently he said it was payback to me for ignoring him on tuesday. I DID NOT IGNORE HIM. AT ALL. If it seemed at all like I did, it was because I was making sure the newbies felt wanted, rather than like A and I had only befriended them for company at the induction course, instead of as permanent friends. I hope we made them feel wanted... ANYWAY. I was very angry and after dance I almost cried in the other room with Gloves (S had left straight away D:) So yeah. Dance was crap.  

Thursday 30th June
Had a get together with the gang today. We went to Nerd's, and then to Wicksteed and back. The beginning at Nerd's was good, but mostly uneventful. We then headed to Wicksteed Park. I finally got to see M, but I didn't feel at all wanted by him. I hadn't felt very wanted for a while, especially given what I had found out on wednesday :/ For a long time I didn't enjoy myself at wicksteed, but then I had a talk with Nerd which made me feel so much better :D I shall tell you the most influential thing he said to me:
Nerd: Have you met yourself?!
Moi: Er... no...
Nerd: You could have literally anyone you wanted.
So yeah. Nerd made me feel good about myself. He also told me that if M wasn't good to me or wasn't making me feel wanted, I should just dump him. Honestly, I don't want to. So I decided I should talk to him about it if it got any worse. I hugged and thanked Nerd before heading away from the tiny climbing frame we had been on and over to the swings where everyone else was. Including M and H -.- When I went over M came straight over to me and for the rest of wicksteed he stayed close to me and I did start to feel a tiny bit more wanted again.