Saturday 26 February 2011

Contact Juggler

So... I know I haven't posted much this week, but ho-hum-pig's-bum.
It's half term, and I've been attempting to revise for the maths exam we have on Tuesday D: I am so worried that I'm going to fail! I feel severely unprepared!!
It doesn't help that Tuesday also happens to be SOMEONE'S Birthday, and I have yet to decide what to get her D:
We've also got the Graphics coursework deadline next week, which I am also not ready for D: I am soooo dead.
But never mind.

Despite being aware that I am incredibly unprepared for my exams and deadlines, I went to London on Thursday. I went with 7 of my school friends (inc J and H) and we had an epic time :D
We arrived in London at about 10ish, and headed straight to Camden. We spent a major amount of time in there, and I bought myself another tatty little notebook XD After getting lunch there too, we headed down to the loos, and O.M.G.  There was majorly epical graffiti down there!

Jah. Told you so ;) Its so weird because the walk down to the loos was dark and creepy, and then you walked through some doors and BAM. Colour....
There were also lots of horsey statues everywhere :D

We left Camden and made our way to the Science Museum. We went on the Tube, and in one of the winding hallways, we found this guy!:


I can't say I was humongously interested in the museum... I've been there before so got kinda bored :/ We found a man with an epic boomerang thing though!!! That was fun. We also found this clever weird thingamabob.

Yes, that's right. It IS a statue made of penises, the shadow of which forms a double head. I know, MESSED UP.
So we left the science museum and headed down to Leicester Square, then Covent Garden. In Leicester Square, we ate at Bella Italia, which was rather good :D Very yummy Spaghetti Carbonara :D After that we got a Ben & Jerry's ice cream each from the cinema ;) Shneakyyyy as we never watched a film ;)
So yeah. We left for Covent Garden :D Of course, J checked the map and had figured the route, but some of the guys wanted to follow the signpost. In the end we asked a TOURIST who pointed us in the direction J had suggested. POWNAGE against the guys ;)

So.. Jah. Just before we reached Covent Garden, we saw this guy:

And OMG he was amazing :D He's a contact juggler, who performed a piece he'd been preparing for TWO YEARS. Dedication people :D Anyway, our little group watched transfixed with a hundred others as this dude messed with our minds using a little glass ball. He was absolutely fantastic :D i'd put the video up, but H hasn't sent it to me yet D:
He finished up and we chucked some money for him :D The others dragged me away (I wanted to talk to him) and we went into Covent Garden. The others had fun, but I was restless and couldn't get interested in anything since the contact juggler. I decided to go back to him, but he wasn't there anymore!!! :( 
I wish I'd found out his name :'(
We finished at Covent garden and went to get the tube to get the train home XD I shall never forget that trip - especially the contact juggler. I may have to write a story about him :D I might have also discovered a strange ambition to become a contact juggler :D OH!  And I am very proud to say, I have the same trousers as him in black!!!! XD His hair was in Dreadlocks and looked AWESOME. I've always kinda considered getting dreads myself... Mayhap I will one day O.o

Anyway. That was my Thursday :D

Thanks to my friends for an EPICAL trip to London.

Hatter xxx

P.s. Zilla, jekyll and hyde is MAJORLY confuzzling O.o but I'm working my way through it :D
P.P.S. I desperately want to read and watch Inkheart again <3 no idea why O.o
P.P.P.S One of my bezzies split up with her girlfriend last night, so J and I are taking Ice cream and rom coms over tonight.


Half-term = officially wasted :/

Tuesday 22 February 2011


I didn't call him again. I'm kinda iffy about it now. I don't want to make the wrong decision...

SO. I may be obsessed with Harry Potter once again. Am having a Harry Potter marathon at the moment.. (THEY'RE SO ADORABLE IN PHILOSOPHER'S STONE)... And I have decided to create some chapter art for all the books. You can blame Ellygator's fabulous harry potter work on deviantART :D Check it out, its awesome XD
Anywho, jah.
Reading Stravaganza, City of Ships at the mo :P Good book :D
Half-term at the moment, maths exam first day back as well as Graphics deadline. :/
OUCH. So, obviously, I'm spending my life revising :/ lol.

Much love

Until my next scribble
Hatter xx

Sunday 20 February 2011


So, the bf called me today. He apologised for not being able to meet up yesterday, and basically just talked to me. I can't remember if I said this in my last blog or not, but he's now grounded for a month, and we both have exams.... i.e. I probably won't see him til April.
When he said that, I just said: "And how long has it been since I last saw you?" He said 'I don't want to answer that.... too long.'
"Yes, too long... April..." Was my muttered response. So yeah. What d'ya think of that?
I got SO CLOSE to ending it, I even started to say it, but he had to go, so I couldn't. -.-
I started to say how I can't do this any more, as, although I love him, I can't keep not seeing him for months on end.

I have decided to call him and do it tomorrow. I obviously can't do it face to face - he's grounded, remember? -.- - and so a phone call is the next best thing. It has to be tomorrow because we have a week left til the end of half-term, and then its exams. So at least that way we have a week to sort ourselves out before we face people/do exams. I know I will probably need a massive tub of Ben & Jerrys and a really awesomely huggable best friend. But i should be fine. Give me a day of moping and ice cream eating, then I'm done and can focus on everything else.

I really hope that this is the right thing to do... Once its done, I know there will be no turning back.

Hatter xx

Saturday 19 February 2011

Purple Pjs are genius XD

Basically, I posted a question on an advice site called, and got this reply.

Daniel says...

I think you need to think about this objectively. While the two of you are technically "boyfriend and girlfriend" by labels, you are certainly not dating by any measure of the word. He avoids you, he doesn't hang out with you, he makes up lame excuses for why he can't hang out with you, and he shows no interest in changing any of this. Given the regularity of his behavior and the extents to which he has gone to avoid you previously, I put the odds of his stepmom being the reason the two of you can't hang out somewhere between "zero" and "none at all."

When a couple is truly committed to one another, they make time for one another. It's a two-way street...each person wants to be involved with the other and one of the people isn't doing all the work. In this case, you're the only one doing any work and there are no signs of effort or desire from him whatsoever. I'm not sure what he's getting out of "dating" you, but he must like the "in a relationship" status on Facebook because that's honestly the only benefit he could possibly be deriving from your so-called relationship. Dump him before you lose any more sleep over him.
I think 'Daniel' may be a genius. I won't go into details about my bf's fail tonight, but i ended up going cinema with 3 of my bezzies (2 of them are together <3, the other is probably my best guy bezzie ever). Basically, as much as I honestly love/like my boyfriend, I can't keep not seeing him. I don't see how we can make it work, and I think it's just best that I end it sometime soon. As much as I love him, can we really stay together without seeing each other? I don't think so. i've tried, and I'm filled with doubts. So... yeah. I guess Daniel's got it right.

Hatter xx
P.s I had an excellent time with my bezzies tonight :D I heart them forever <3

Friday 18 February 2011

Surprise Surprise...

Hah. Turns out the bf is grounded and can't make tonight. Joy. And its his own fault. And I can't find a replacement.

Wednesday 16 February 2011

Plague dogs

I've started watching the uncut version of plague dogs, and am finding it quite inspiring... and heart-wrenching actually. Just thinking about the kinds of things the 'white coats' do to animals just for our benefit disgusts me. I know this is a controversial topic, but just imagine living your life as a plague dog, every day for the rest of your life, until you die or are killed. Imagine them injecting you with/feeding you drugs of all kinds, just for the sake of a beauty-obsessed race. Its harder to think about my views about the medical side, not the cosmetic. The cosmetic stuff is obviously ridiculously unnecessary, but I'm not sure what I think about them testing medical treatments on animals. I know it can be necessary, but its hard... Its not like the animals get a choice. They can't volunteer to help us out. They're either strays or 'bad' animals, or just simply bred to die. I don't know. I can't stand the thought of the animals suffering for our sakes. We can't truly know what they feel, and it makes me sick to think of the suffering we could be causing them.
My cat is asleep beside me right now, and my dog is snoring away on the sofa. I can't even think of them being used for animal testing without wanting to cry or fight or scream.... I actually feel physically sick now from thinking about that.

I suppose a good thing about it all stirring up my emotions is it means I've actually written a poem about it, from the point of view of the 'plague dog'. I hope my poems will be published one day, even though they'll be incredibly controversial. Maybe then somebody will listen.

Hatter xxx

Tuesday 15 February 2011


So, bf got his presents today, and he loves them! Especially the watch <3
I was so worried he wouldn't like them, but he texted me as soon as he opened them to say how much he loved them <3
Oh I do love him :D
I know I got quite unsure recently, but I think the main reason we can't meet up is because of something to do with his mum, so I'm going to really try to make it work with the bf.
Hearing his voice yesterday really helped as well <3

Hatter xx

Monday 14 February 2011

Valentines Day...

Valentines Day today... I think the first one in ages (if not ever) when I actually have a boyfriend! O.o

So, I got him a mug with 'love' written all over it, and I filled it with little hearts saying 'i love you', the day we started going out, memories of our dates and such... :P Only like 1 word things, but still.
Also finally giving him his Christmas present - a watch which I have engraved 'forever' onto the back of. :D
Unfortunately, we can't meet up, so I'm sending them via his best friend.
I got a very mrow-ish card ;) and a little jar of jelly beans which i have SCOFFED.
I know they're only little presents, but they are perfect as far as I'm concerned. Plus, I do love jelly beans.
<3 also called me at lunch, so that made my day :) I do love the sound of his voice ;)

OH. Speaking of valentines day presents and such, I know for a fact that SOMEONE got 45 roses on her doorstep ;)

Much love
Hatter xxx

Sunday 13 February 2011


Omg. Last night i hit the realisation that I haven't read: Strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde; Dracula; The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen; etc.
That is not good enough in my opinion, and so I am borrowing Strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde from Zilla, and as many of the rest as I can from my local library. :D
I finished City of Stars, by the way, and have now skipped City of Flowers (as i don't own it) and am now reading City of Secrets. I hope to get the next book - City of Ships - from the lib asap too.

I am very much looking forward to a new reading marathon :D


So jah.


Saturday 12 February 2011


Okay. That was annoying. I just spoke to this friend from school, who though can be really epic, is just so irritating sometimes. Lets call him... X.
Basically, X was once mega mega depressed, and i helped him out with it. we've become friends and he's friends with all of my lot. :D
Thing is, X has apparently 'fallen in love with me'. FFS. I don't believe in proper love at our age. I just don't. But i don't have a problem with really liking someone and wanting to be with them. Its just... you can't call it 'true love' or whatever yet. Its not right! Anyway, even if i liked him back, I would never get together with him because 1. I can't trust X, and 2. He'd honestly (sorry) be too much of a burden for me.
The reason I can't trust him is because he has his own motives... and thats all he really thinks of. He doesn't respect my decisions and thinks its cool to get involved with anything he wants. Last year I went out with this guy for a while, and i honestly did really like him. Lets call him T. We'd been together for only 3 weeks when I started to feel like it wasn't working, and that I needed to talk to T about how we were doing and if we were really right for each other. I confided in a few of my friends before I said anything, and X was one of them. They all agreed that I should talk with him, and so I decided I definitely would. Only I wanted to do it when it felt like a good time. So I decided to wait a couple of days. X didn't like this and took things into his own hands. X told T that i was going to break up with him or something. So, I never got a chance to do it the better way. In the end, T and I broke up because X had made it too difficult for us to sort things out. X claimed he was only doing it because he thought T deserved to know. We argued for weeks later because he had been unable to respect my decision to wait for a better time, as he had been convinced that I was just going to dump T without talking to him about it. I don't think X realises that I can never truly trust him again because he failed to respect my decision, and the fact that I had spoken to him in confidence, and went behind my back.
I just argued with him again now because he was getting on my nerves. He was being encouraging, so that should be fine, but the way he went about it wasn't. I just found X really patronising and got so frustrated when he wouldnt listen to my point of view.

I'm going to have to come back and edit this in a bit cos I have to go to dinner now.

Much frustrated love
Hatter xx

The Society of Bicycling Fish

Indeed. In Philosophy and Ethics the other day, we were discussing Germaine Greer and other key people within the feminist movement, and we decided to discuss the quote 'Women need men like fish need bicycles. But men need women like fish need water.'
I then said: but perhaps fish do use bicycles. For all we know there could be a society of bicycling fish. This point is therefore not supported by proven facts." :D
C'mon. It had to be said ;)
Anyway, everyone loved my moment of pure genius, so that brightened up the lesson :D

So, jah.

The Society of Bicycling Fish indeed :D

Hatter xx

City Of Stars

Hello, blog. Well, mainly Zilla and J since you guys are the only ones who read this as far as I know :D

I have almost finished the book I've been reading - Stravaganza: City of Stars. I do love these books. They're old, but still good. I've obviously read the first four before, and i own 1,2 and 4, but I like reading books again. I read the first book again before this of course (City of Masks). That's set in a place similar to Venice, Italy - one of the places I most want to go to. I hope to go there for my birthday in the summer actually... ah well, we shall see :-P
So, yeah. Good books :D 

Turns out I definitely cannae meet up with the bf... :/ Still not sure how I feel. I definitely wont see him around monday. Shame. My first valentine's day with a boyfriend, and it sure doesn't feel like it.

At the moment, I have set down the City of Stars - though Georgia, Falco, Luciano and Arianna are begging for my attention - as I am attempting to find my Tresham application form. I want to do a photography a-level, and everything is pretty much sorted - I just have to apply!
Anyway, my search is failing so I decided to come and chat here for a bit.

So... yeah. Not sure what else to mumble about. I shall leave you in peace for a while... Tons to do anyway :P

Laters alligators

Until my next scribble,

Friday 11 February 2011

A lost marshmallow floats away in the sea that is my hot chocolate.

Really, it does!

Hatter xx

So... jah.

Hi O.o
Well. I have no idea what to say so I shall commence with the rant that is my day :P
Bad stuffles.
Actually not much bad stuffles today. Other than the major thing with the bf... Ok. So, it turns out we CAN'T meet up. -.- i asked him about details so he promised he'd ask that night. He did, and I got a text basically saying he has to cancel, because his mum suddenly said he's busy. Either, its always cos of him that we dont meet up (this happens all the time btw), or his mum has a massive vendetta towards me. Either is equally as likely. Thing is, his stepmum and dad had already said it was ok, so its just like... -.-
Jah. I dunnae know what to do :( I mean, its been 2 months since I SAW him last, its valentines day on monday and its not hard to guess that I will not see him before or around then. I don't know when I'll see him again. Maybe I shouldn't. Maybe I should break up with him. I don't know. I mean, I've recently tried talking to him about it, but then this has happened :/ I don't know. Its such a fail.
Anyway. Enough about that.

Good stuffles
Okies, well. TONS!!! I had an excellent time chatting to H, J and Zilla XD Particularly talking to the twin on the bus about guys and such. In fact, I shall quote:

"And so we enter the cakeshop of luuuuurve"

'O.o XD teehee.'

"Pancake... cake... cupcake... TRUFFLE."

'I vote truffle'

"Jah. Truffle."

'but... who is the truffle?'

"I don't know.... I don't even like truffles!"


So.... Yeah. That is so (C) to me and J.

Anyway. So today was good, and I had a particularly hilarious maths lesson with Zilla - which resulted in my hand now being copyrighted to her :P 


Can't think what else, so might update you later if i think of anything :D

Until my next scribble,
Hatter xx

Thursday 10 February 2011

Ach, hello once more.

So... Long time no see :P

Rushden Fair was great fun. Since then, in a nutshell, i basically got confirmed; saw my bf several more times - including for the fireworks and at my 'twin's'-; did a ton of other stuff including mocks and an art exam; hosted a crimbo party with the twin (EPIC); had a good Christmas; went to one of my bezzie's (Hannah) for New Years - which was full of utter hilarity; decided i needed to see more of the bf otherwise there would be no point; talked to him about it and now we're cool; i cant remember much else...
OO! I did go to two utterly epic parties last weekend :D The first was on Friday night, and was my Godmother's leaving/40th party :P another was on Saturday and it was my friend's 17th and a costume party.

Really interested? Okay. details...
The art exam was okay.. i got a C :/ not entirely happy with the result but ho-hum-pig's-bum. We just started a new exam title project, which i will probably fail cos its so meh.
Erm... Crimbo was good. Me and the 'twin' hosted an epic party which entailed a lot of mistletoe and watching Love Actually ;) T'was great fun :P
New Years was absolutely HILARIOUS. My friend Hannah had a party, and it was just mental, even though there weren't many of us! We did loads of random games, drank shloer and did twister at about 1am in our pjs; we watched sex and the city 2 (after her parents went to bed) and managed to finally get to sleep a about 6am :P
So that was good :D
Went to My godmothers 40ish/leaving party and had an utterly brilliant time raving around with my twin, godsister, godbrother, godsister's gf and bezzie, our uni-cycling friend and others :P Honestly one of my best nights ever - too much fun!!! Although its also sad cos my god-family is moving away :'( I do love them. T'will be incredibly hard to face the world now that they are 20 mins away rather than 2 :(

Anywho. Jah. The costume party XD
So... Went round to Hannah's beforehand with Jenni so we could get ready and arrive together and such. I went as the batman villain-ess Harley Quinn. Jenni was Catwoman and Hannah was poison ivy. Our costumes were epic XD though Hannah's shredded her arm O.o We arrived fashionably late, part the way into Fruit Salad:P (had to fetch my guns), and luckily missed the bra unfastening attempts made. I realised we hadn't done my 'joker' smile yet, so I dragged H and J out so they could apply the ton of lipstick. Charlotte (Birthday girl!) Wasn't impressed at their rushed attempt, and redid it herself, making it utterly epic XD So I returned to Fruit Salad and EVERYONE was freaked out by my smile :D T'was excellent. So yeah... I formed a mini friendship with her (fairly hot) brother quite quickly, as he had meant to go as the joker, but hadn't been able to. For those who don't know, Harley Quinn is OBSESSED with the joker, and that would therefore have been rather awkward (or mrow-ish) for me and Chris (the brother). Anywho. The night proceeded with the usual party games and madness and such, and i attempted to eat food without ruining my face. I can't remember what happened next, other than much eating of food and Charlotte blew her candles out. Since me, J and H didn't really have anyone else to talk to, and I'd already formed a friendship with him, we spent a lot of time chatting to Chris. We also managed to get locked in a cupboard with him and another girl, but we shan't go there. after the blowing out of the candles, we all marched into the main hall room and did the whole "I'm such and such, dressed as such and such, i know Charlotte from such and such and something funny". that was quite eventful, with many exchanges of hats (the hat swapping game had been going on throughout the party), the breaking of a sword, and lots of excellent whatnot :P One part of that which i shall mention is that a trio of guys wore customised t-shirts and jeans... All i will say was that one guy's t-shirt simply said "I'm naked" on the front, and "LIES" on the back. i can confirm that several people certainly did imagine his 'costume', including H. his... brother?... was easily impressed apparently, particularly when i told him that me and Jenni had the same name. I think his well chosen and repeated phrase was 'OMG THAT'S AWESOME!!!' I didn't tell him about how our mother's share the same name too and that we were born only 4 days apart... i decided that might be too overwhelming and send him into one of his (fake) 'seizure moments'. After the name telling and such, the inevitable Macarena did commence, along with YMCA and other well known rave songs XD Tshirt guys did do the pelvic thrust throughout the macarena and such. There was then some general raving and an awesome catwalk thing XD two at least very camp guys did make it very hilarious. After that, I can't remember much other than some seriously epic raving and chatting to Chris XD T'was a very good evening.
Deadlines are being thrown at us from all sorts of subjects, and it is making life very difficult. But ah well. My friends are helping me cope. Couple of the guys are depressed though, which is very 'Ach that is nae good, laddie'-ish. :/ I hope me and the others can help them return to mad raving lunatic land soon.
So. You are basically up to date! Although, just realised I haven't talked about my boyfriend/love life much this post, so maybe next time ;)

Speak soon, darlings ;)

Until my next scribble,
Hatter xxx