Saturday 31 March 2012

Untitled days

Boring lessons. Lovely lunch time with my music boys.
Good time helping out the year 10s in English.
Spent my free sitting in the sun with Zilla, Toby and Nerd. T'was really lovely <3

Woke up feeling like I might throw up
Went into school for the afternoon, which was horrid. Shouldn't have gone in at all.

Same morning as Thursday
Went to music at lunch, which was ... comfy.
Nice time chatting to Ladybird and New Guy.
I bought them strawberry laces :D
I was feeling down, so Ladybird made me sit on him and be huggled. He was very cuddly. And warm. I needed that. Missing people. Feeling lonely :/
He managed to accidentally say something sweet, which was unexpected. They were discussing knowing females, and New Guy said "You can never know enough females" To which Ladybird said "You can. I have my cat, and Jenny. .... an-and Ellie" So that was adorable. Or it would be if he'd meant it. But oh well.
Got some cuddles, lullabies and chats. Went to my afternoon lessons, which were fine.
Got tons of chocolate in English, some of which I saved for the lovely Lion and Ladybird. 
RE was rather tame.
Had a doctors appointment. Apparently it's a virus, not hayfever, which is better in a way. Maybe this way it won't keep coming back.
Ladybird's gig was in the evening.Took New Guy :) We arrived before most other people and just spent time with Ladybird. Ladybird's younger friends arrived. Spent time with people. Talked to New Guy when he got sad. Listened to Ladybird's band when they went on, and they were excellent. New Guy and I left straight after, and had a nice chat in the car home. 

Sitting around working and watching movies while talking to m'lovely Sammykins.
Side note, I really want an old flight/aviator/bomber jacket. Seriously.

Extra note:

Hatter xx

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