Thursday 8 March 2012

Sweet Dreams...

"are made of this..."
Song stuck in my head.

If my days were dreams they would certainly be sweet ones. I have okay lessons and whatnot, but I have fantastic lunchtimes with Fairy and my music boys, plus some enjoyable frees, and then I get to go home and chat to Sammykins (Mr Brilliant)  and Fairy for hours.
These are good days <3

Resisted the urge to go to music today, so stayed with Fairy and t'others at the bench. Definitely going tomorrow though :)
T'was epic on Wednesday :D Filmed Ladybird and crazy Alex playing electric guitars amazingly behind their heads. 
Those two are fantastic to behold. All my boys are.
They make me so proud.

Congrats to m'lovely year 10s who got exam results today!!!! So proud of y'all :)
Also congrats to Fairy for getting THE BEST GEOLOGY AS RESULT IN THE SCHOOL XD <3 So proud of you bezzie <3 <3

Thank you for the lullaby-ish guitar playing earlier Sammykins!
There, you got a direct mention ;) <3

Looking forward to seeing Chicken Fingers on Saturday!!!!!

Good song for y'all:

Hatter xx

P.s. Got my Psychology exam result today. Not too bad. Not as good as I wanted it to be, but I can't really complain.

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